
Terms containing 大赛 | all forms | in specified order only
chess.term.三棋全能超级大赛three-board games all round big event
horse.rac.上海大赛Shanghai Derby
wrest.世界大学生运动会摔跤比赛Wrestling Contests of the World University Games
voll.世界女子排球大奖赛World Womens Volleyball Grand Prix
auto.世界摩托车大奖赛是摩托车赛中最重要的一项赛事,相当于汽车赛中F1方程式赛地位Grand Prix motorcycle racing
comp.games.世界电子竞技大赛World Cyber Games
sport.电子竞技 世界电子竞技大赛World Cyber Games
badm.世界羽毛球大奖赛World Grand Prix Badminton
badm.世界羽毛球大奖赛World Grand Prix Badminton
box.世界自由搏击大赛World Kickboxing Match
skydive.世界飞行大奖赛World Aviation Grand Prix
bridge.世纪桥牌大赛Bridge Battle of Century
bodybuild.中国健美先生小姐大赛Mr. and Ms. China Competition
sport, bask.中国大学生篮球协会联赛CUBA League
sport, bask.中国大学生篮球联赛Chinese University Basketball Association
racing乡村越野大师赛Master Cross-Country Rally
equest.sp.英国传统的大赛classic races
sport.他正在进行训练、准备参加重大赛跑比赛He is in training now for the big race
sport.他现在适合参加重大的赛跑比赛He is in training now for the big race
sport.传接棒技术好坏对大多数接力赛跑的成绩起到决定性作用The technique of baton passing decides the outcome of most relay races
pigeon.race.信鸽大奖赛Homing Pigeon Grand Prix
gen.голуб.гонк. 信鸽大奖赛Homing Pigeon Grand Prix
sport.光明正大地比赛play fair
chess.term.全国中国象棋业余大师赛All-China Xiangqi Amateur Master Tournament
bridge.全国大师公开队式锦标赛National Masters Open Team Championship
bridge.全国大师混合对式锦标赛National Masters Mixed Pair Championship
bridge.全国终身大师个人锦标赛National Life Masters Individual Championship
bridge.全国终身大师个人锦标赛National Life Masters Individual Championship
bridge.全国终身大师对式锦标赛National Life Masters Pair Championship
bridge.全国高级大师个人锦标赛senior masters individual championship
bridge.全国高级大师个人锦标赛National Senior Master Individual Championship
bridge.全国高级特级大师对式锦标赛National Senior and Advanced Senior Master Pair Championship
footb.决赛中爆岀的最大冷门biggest surprise of the finals
auto.加拿大赛车手协会Canadian Racing Drivers Association
bridge.加拿大全国桥牌锦标赛Canadian National Regional Championship
archer.加拿大式单轮循环Canadian Round
rugb.加拿大式橄榄球比赛阵形Canadian football playing formation
racingF1加拿大莫斯伯特公园赛道Mosport park
oil卡赛奇大理岩Carthage marble
tech.古罗马大理石马赛克装饰铺面opus tesselatum
sport.各大洲预选赛continental qualifying rounds
wrest.国际 A 级摔跤大奖赛International Class A Wrestling Grand Prix
pigeon.race.国际信鸽大赛International Homing Pigeon Competition
gen.голуб.гонк. 国际信鸽大赛International Homing Pigeon Competition
bodybuild.国际健身小姐大赛International Miss Fitness Competition
rugb.国际性大赛international test matches
multimed.Chianciano 国际数码艺术和摄影大奖赛Chianciano International award for digital art and photography
auto.国际汽车大奖赛重要的国际汽车比赛Grand Prix race
tenn.国际网球大师系列赛ATP Masters Series
sport.国际铁人三项联盟南京亚洲大陆杯铁人三项赛Nanjing ITU Asian Continental Cup Triathlon
sport.在分组赛中、 我们淘汰了大多数赛跑运动员、 只剩下最优秀的运动员参加决赛We eliminate most of the runners in the heats only the best run in the final
sport.在分组赛中淘汰大多数赛跑运动员to eliminate most of the runners in the heats
sport.在径赛中、需要有极大的力量推动人体快速前进并保持人体高速运动In running events great force is required to accelerate the body and to keep it in motion at top speed
sport.在较大规模的运动会中、决赛前有3次试掷跳等机会、以便决定哪些选手有参加决赛资格In a large athletic meet a prior set of 3 throws jumps is used in a preliminary trial to determine the finalists
sport.在重大的田径比赛中、例如奥运会、通常包括马拉松赛跑In major competition, such as the Olympics, the marathon is included in athletics competitions
sport.大众健康比赛common health games
大会竞赛委员会meet management committee
sport.大厅里有竞赛场地、热身区域和一些辅助房间以及运动员、技术官员、贵宾和媒体工作人员的入口通道The main hall has the competition court, the warm-up area and some auxiliary rooms as well as the entrances for athletes, technical officials, VIPs and media workers
skiing大回转比赛giant slalom
sport.大型比赛major tournament
sport.大型比赛big game
sport.大型比赛big event
bridge.大型队式比赛larger teams of pairs
sport.大城市锦标赛metropolitan championship
auto.车赛大奖赛Grand Prix
racingF1 大奖赛Formula One Grand Prix race
equest.sp.赛马大奖赛Grand Prix
racing大奖赛Grand Prix
auto.大奖赛冠军Grand-Prix winner
auto.一级方程式大奖赛冠军Grand-Prix winner
auto.大奖赛冠军GP winner
racing大奖赛车手协会Grand Prix Drivers'Association
auto.一级方程式大奖赛车手联合会Grand Prix Drivers Association
auto.大奖赛车手联合会Grand Prix Drivers Association
row.在英国牛津举行的大学 8 人赛艇比赛Torpids
sport.大学校际比赛intercollegiate match
sport.大学比赛collegiate games
bridge.大师级比赛master tournament
bridge.大师级男子对式比赛master men's pairs
bridge.大师级男子对式赛master men's pairs
sport.大师赛masters' tournament
footb.大洋洲足球锦标赛Oceanian Soccer Championship
footb.大洋洲青年足球锦标赛Oceanian Youth Championship
tenn.大满贯杯赛Grand Slam Cup
tech.大理石马赛克marble mosaic
baseb.大联盟赛棒球运动员校友会Major League Baseball Players Alumni Association
baseb.大联赛major league
baseb.大联赛选手big league player
auto.Fl 大赛formula one grand prix auto racing
bridge.大起大落的比赛pajama game
auto.大轮赛车monster racer
racing大陆拉力锦标赛continent rally championship
skiing大陆杯跳台滑雪比赛Continental Cup Ski Jumping Competition
sport.女子 400 米跨栏大爆冷门、跳出一匹黑马—摩洛哥选手莫塔华克尔夺得这项比赛冠军、她抢走了田径巨星刘易斯和汤普森不少镜头Moutawakel, a dark horse from Morocco, stole the limelight from super stars like Carl Lewis and Daley Thompson with a surprise winning in the women's 400 metres hurdles.
voll.妥排大奖赛Grand Prix
tech.帕萨尔加德的赛勒斯大帝宫Palace of Cyrus the Great at Pasargadae (伊朗)
sport.1999 年开始举办的国际田联世界青年田径锦标赛、 获得大力支持The IAAF World Youth Championships in Athletics started in 1999 and received great support
chess.term.应氏杯大学生围棋赛Ying's cup university weiqi tournament
horse.rac.康西大赛Kangxi Derby
tech.彩色大理石块镶嵌的玛赛克Alexandrian work
textile德奥赛大衣19世纪欧洲D,Orsay coat
textile德奥赛大衣D'Orsay coat
cycl.意大利式追逐赛Italian pursuit
tech.意大利式马赛克Italian mosaic
footb.意大利甲级联赛Italian Serie A League
sport.意大利联赛Italian League
tech.意大利马赛克Italian mosaic
racing摩纳哥F1大奖赛Monaco Formula One Grand Prix
sport.撞车大赛demolition derby
sport.最后一次训练课应在重大比赛 3 天前进行The final workout should take place three days before a big competition
textile服装设计大赛garment design competition
multimed.极光大奖赛aurora awards
shoot.标准大口径步枪300米三种姿势比赛standard rifle 300m three positions
pharm.格里赛大里glicetanile (降血糖药)
bridge.桥牌大师赛Bridge Master Tournament
tenn.梅塞德斯超级九大赛Mercedes Super 9 (Tournament)
sport.欧洲大陆锦标赛Continental Championship
racing比利时 F1 汽车大奖赛Belgium Formula One Grand Prix
sport.国际长途汽车大奖赛grand prix
cycl.澳大利亚式追逐赛Australian pursuit
tenn.澳大利亚网球公开赛Australian Open Tennis Championships
sport.澳大利亚网球公开赛Australian Open (Tennis Championships)
box.环球自由搏击大赛Universal Kickboxing Match
bridge.百慕大杯赛Bermuda Cup Competition
bridge.百慕大杯赛Bermuda Bowl
sport.3000 米障碍赛世界冠年基普坦努伊在最后三圈大大领先于其他选手、无人能与之匹敌Kiptanui, the 3000 metres steeplechase world champion, ran unchallenged for the last three laps, building up a huge lead
tenn.国际网球大师杯赛Tennis Masters Cup
tenn.网球大师杯赛Tennis Masters Cup
tenn.网球大师系列赛Tennis Masters Series
baseb.美国两大棒球队之间的比赛World Series
baseb.美国大联盟冠军赛World Series
rugb.美国橄榄球超级杯大赛Super Bowl
sport.美国职业棒球大联盟决赛World Series Championship of Major League Baseball
badm.羽毛球大奖赛Badminton Grand Prix
sport.职业壁球协会大师赛PSA Masters
baseb.美国职业球队大联赛big league
horse.rac.美国肯塔基大赛Kentucky Derby
polo.肯塔基州大赛Kentucky Derby
polo.英国大马赛Grand National
chess.term.象棋大师精英赛Xiangqi masters tournament
gen.赛勒国际大学Salem International University
textile赛美大会beauty contest
tech.赛马场大看台turf grand stand
polo.赛马大会horse race meeting
polo.赛马大会race meeting
rugb.超级碗大赛Super Bowl Match
auto.重大比赛major event
auto.重大比赛main run
auto.重大比赛main season
sport.重大比赛blue ribbon event
sport.重大比赛的前一周至 10 日内、必须逐渐减少训练量It is essential to taper off training during the final week to 10 days before a big competition
tech.霍赫斯待拉赛尔式大口径现浇混凝土桩施工法HW Hochstrasser-Weise method
tech.霍赫斯特拉赛尔式大口径现浇混凝土桩施工法Hochstrasser-Weise method
sport.飞镖大赛skill darts
horse.rac.香港赛马大会HongKong Derby
sport.马拉松赛跑主要是在举办城市的大街上公路上进行、但最后一圈总是在运动场跑道上进行The marathon race is mainly run on the streets roads of the host city. However, the final lap always takes place in the stadium
sport.马拉松赛跑需要有极大的耐力You need great stamina to run the marathon race
polo.马术跳跃表演大奖赛Grand Prix show-jumping