
Terms for subject Technology containing 大样 | all forms | in specified order only
交接大样junction detail
交货品质与样品大体相符quality to be considered being about equal to the sample
原尺寸大样full-size detail
取样与同步放大器sample-and-hold amplifier
同实物一样大小life size
同样品大致相同about equal to sample
垂裙大样details of apron
大块样品bulk sample
大型土样试块soil monolith
大子样large sample
大容量空气取样器high volume air sampler
大容量采样器high volume sampler
大样enlarged detail
大样sectional detail
大样detailed drawing (图)
大样分布large-sample distribution
大样sectional detail drawing
大样本研究study on large sample
大样large sample method
大样详图special detail drawing
大气取样atmospheric sampling
大气微粒取样器aerosol sampling device
大气采样air sampling
大气采样网air sampling network
大气采样网air network
大气采样装置air sampling rig
大气采样装置air sampling device
大流量取样器hi-volume sampler
大流量采样器large flow sampler
大流量飘尘采样器high volume air-borne dust sampler
大理石模样marbled pattern
大直径试样large-diameter sample
大规模放样large-scale setting out
建筑大样architectural detail
enlarged sample
扩大的样本expanded sample
大样场地full size drawing field
放大图样large hand sketch
放大图样enlarged sketch
施工大样construction details
最大允许试样量maximum allowable sample size
最大容许样本尺寸maximum allowable sample size
最大试样量maximum allowable sample size
构造大样sectional detail
标准大样standard details
标志大样mark detail
样品大小size of a sample
样本扩大法method of sample enlargement
检查井大样detail of manhole
檐口大样eaves detail
种植大样detail planting design
筛分浮沉大样size-float-and-sink sample
大样图用的图纸detail paper
足尺大样full-size detail
足尺大样full-scale detail
足尺大样special detail drawing
配筋大样reinforcement detail
间隔不大的取样close sampling