
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing 大型机 | all forms
大型压力机heavy-duty press
大型型钢轧机large section mill
大型型钢轧机heavy section mill
大型废头料卷取机heavy end reel
大型拉延【深】压力机heavy-duty drawing press
大型条钢轧机heavy merchant mill
大型板坯连铸机production-scale continuous slab caster
大型板坯连铸机large slab caster
大型板坯连铸机jumbo slab caster
大型热轧机large hot rolling mill
大型热轧机high-duty hot mill
大型热轧机high duty hot mill
大型电动机heavy-duty motor
大型电动机heavy duty motor
大型立轧机架heavy edging stand
大型轧机large rolling mill
大型轧机large section mill
大型轧机heavy mill
大型轧钢机heavy steel rolling mill
大型轧钢机heavy merchant mill
大型连铸机large continuous caster
大方坯圆坯兼用型连铸机multipurpose caster for producing bloom and round
大方坯圆坯兼用型连铸机combination bloom and round caster
大方坯圆坯兼用型连铸机bloom/round caster
大方坯/小方坯兼用型连铸机continuous bloom/billet caster (The Steel Company has completed installation of a continuous bloom/billet caster, a roll grinder, a roll former, two plate marker and a hot dip galvanizing line. 该钢铁公司现已完成了一台大方坯/小方坯兼用型连铸机、一台轧辊磨床、一台辊弯成形机、两台板材打印机和一条热浸镀锌生产线的建设。)
大方坯/工字梁坯兼用型连铸机combined bloom/beam blank caster
大方坯/工字梁坯兼用型连铸机combination bloom/ beam blank caster
大方坯/板坯兼用型连铸机。combination bloom/slab caster
小方坯/ 大方坯兼用型连铸机combination continuous billet/bloom caster
小方坯/大方坯兼用型连铸机billet/bloom machine
小方坯/大方坯兼用型连铸机multipurpose caster for producing billets and blooms
小方坯/大方坯兼用型连铸机combination billet/bloom caster
小方坯/大方坯兼用型连铸机billet/bloom caster
【连】 板坯/大方坯兼用型连铸机slab/bloom caster
板坯/大方坯兼用型连铸机continuous slab/bloom caster (The last section of structural steel framing for the more than $260 million continuous slab/bloom caster under construction at the Sparrows Point plant has been erected. 雀点厂在建的一台价值逾 2.6 亿美元的板坯/大方坯兼用型连铸机的最后一段结构钢框架已竖起。)
板坯/大方坯兼用型连铸机continuous slab/bloom casting machine
板坯/大方坯兼用型连铸机combination slab/bloom caster
移动式大型起重机goliath crane
超大型计算机super computer