
Terms containing 大修费 | all forms | in specified order only
tech.凿岩设备折旧摊销及大修费drill equipment depreciation apportion and overhaul charges
tech.动力设备折旧摊销及大修费power equipment depreciation apportion and overhaul charges
tech.压气设备折旧摊销及大修费compressor equipment depreciation apportion and overhaul charges
tech.大修年度费用annual cost of heavy repair
tech.大修总费用total cost of heavy repair
econ.大修折旧费major repair depreciation expense
tech.大修更新改造费major repair renewal and reconstruction expense
tech.大修理费overhaul charges
busin.大修理费用major repair expense
econ.大修理费用计划an overhaul expenses budget
tech.大修费cost of overhaul (用)
hydroel.st.大修费cost of overhaul
tech.大修费overhaul fees (用)
busin.大修费overhaul charge
tech.大修费cost of major repair (用)
auto.大修费overhaul charge
proj.manag.大修费cost of overhaul
busin.大修费overhaul expense
busin.大修费用预算overhaul expense budget
econ.按照本协议的条款,租赁者应承担大楼的修缮费The tenant shall bear the cost of repairs to the building pursuant to the provisions of this agreement
tech.排水设备折旧摊销及大修费pumping equipment depreciation apportion and overhaul charges
tech.提升设备拆旧摊销及大修费hoisting plant depreciation apportion and overhaul charges
tech.机车折旧摊销及大修费locomotive depreciation apportion and overhaul charges
tech.混凝土喷射设备折旧摊销及大修费concrete-spouting plant depreciation apportion and overhaul charges
tech.混凝土搅拌设备折旧摊销及大修费concrete mixer equipment depreciation apportion and overhaul charges
tech.照明设备折旧摊销及大修费lighting plant depreciation apportion and overhaul charges
interntl.trade.船舶大修费permanent repairs of ship
tech.装岩设备折旧摊销及大修费loader equipment depreciation apportion and overhaul charges
tech.设备折旧费摊销费及大修费equipment depreciation charge apportion and over haul charges
tech.通风设备折旧摊销及大修费ventilation equipment depreciation apportion and overhaul charges
UN, tech.重大损坏系指修理费用等于或超过该件装备通用公平市价的10%significant damage is defined as damage where the repairs amount to 10 per cent or more of the generic fair market value of the item of equipment
tech.钢轨折旧摊销及大修费steel rail depreciation apportion and overhaul charges