
Terms containing 大众 | all forms | in specified order only
auto.一汽大众First Auto Works-Volkswagen
auto.上海大众汽车有限公司Shanghai Volkswagen
commer.上海大众汽车有限公司Shanghai-Volkswagon Co
expl.众所周知、不同类型岩石的破碎特点差别很大、尤其在破碎曲线的细端变化大、因为岩石破碎受自身的内在属性控制、而不是受岩石自身的大缺陷和结构的控制The breakage characteristics of different rock types are known to vary over a wide range, especially at the fine end of the fragmentation curve where breakage is controlled by the inherent properties of the rock substance itself, rather than being controlled by its larger scale flaws and structure
expl.众所周知、所谓温室气体在大气中的浓度增加进而这种气体吸收反射的红外线、导致全球温度上升。据信、大气温室气体浓度的增加、正是近来测到全球气候变暖的原因之一Increased atmospheric concentrations of so-called greenhouse gases GHGs are known to increase global temperatures by absorption of reflected infrared radiation and are believed to be contributing to the recently measured global warming
interntl.trade.使式样适合大众口味suit the patterns to the popular taste
China, polit.关系广大人民群众的切身利益have a bearing on the immediate interests of the people
adv.加拿大广播电视受众测量局Bureau of Broadcast Measurement
busin.大众口味cater to the popular taste
econ.合乎大众口味cater to for the popular taste
busin.合乎大众口味cater to the popular taste
adv.四大传统媒体外的大众媒体sister media
adv.国际大众传播研究协会International Association for Mass Communication Research
bridge.国际大众桥牌月刊International Popular Bridge Monthly (芙国)
auto., tradem.大众Volkswagen
econ.the million大众million
busin.大众general public
textile大众价格市场popular-priced market
telecom.大众传媒mass media
busin.大众传媒工具如报纸、电视、广播等mass communication media
telecom.大众传播媒体mass communications
busin.大众传播mass communication
interntl.trade.大众传播媒介mass media
telecom.大众传播媒体mass media
environ.大众传播媒体mass media The means of communication that reach large numbers of people, such as television, newspapers, magazines and radio (可延伸至大量人群的通讯传播方式,如电视,报纸,杂志和无线电广播。)
agric.大众传播媒体指电视,广播等mass media
adv.大众传播学mass communication
econ.大众传播工具mass media
sport.大众体育mass sport
sport.大众体育sport for all
sport.大众体育sports for all
manag.大众体育委员会Sport for All Commission
interntl.trade.大众使用public use
sport.大众健康比赛common health games
sport.大众健身popular fitness
sport.大众健身fitness for the people
sport.大众健身fitness for the public
sport.大众健身fitness for the masses
auto.德语大众汽车公司Volkswagen AG
libr.大众共同撰写mass collaborative authoring
adv.大众出版mass publication
libr.大众出版社popular press
busin.大众利益general interest
manag.大众利益的保护者guardian of the common good
textile大众化亚麻织物staple linen
busin.大众化价格popular price
commer.大众化品质popular quality
econ.大众化商品popular item
fin.大众化存单all-savers certificate
adv.大众化定制mass customization
busin.大众化广告方法如利用电视,广播,报纸等admass or ad-mass
textile大众化时装major fashion
textile大众化时装mass fashion
textile大众化服装mass apparel
adv.大众化期刊mass publication
adv.大众化杂志general magazine
adv.大众化杂志general interest magazine
adv.大众化杂志general editorial magazine
textile大众化流行款式volume fashions
econ.大众化的价格popular price
tech.大众化的洗涤盆popular sink unit
econ.大众化的质量popular quality
auto.大众化轿车popular car
libr.大众参考书popular reference book
dentist.大众口腔健康学public dental health
textile大众popular woollen cloth
textile大众tropical suiting
textile大众union cloth
el.大众呼叫mass access
IT大众呼叫mass calling service
telecom.大众呼叫可处理因电视广告、评选、抽奖等引起的大量瞬时来话业务mass calling
el.大众呼叫业务mass calling service
el.大众呼叫业务mass access service
el.大众呼叫平台mass calling platform
proj.manag.大众商品折扣连锁店general merchandise discount chains
busin.大众商品质量quality of the general run
commer.大众商店有限公司Great Universal Stores PLC
busin.大众嗜好popular tastes
auto.车身型式大众介于旅行车和小型客车间的型式people carrier
tech.大众天文学popular astronomy
auto.大众奥迪集团公司Volkswagen Audi Group of companies
environ.大众娱乐mass recreation A pastime, diversion, exercise or other means of enjoyment and relaxation that is shared with or performed by a large number of people (被大量人群分享或从事的娱乐、消遣、健身活动。)
adv.大众媒介mass media
adv.大众媒介广告above-the-line advertising
sport.大众媒体mass media
oil大众安全public safety
busin.大众市场mass class market
avia.大众市场mass market
adv.大众市场战略mass-market strategy
adv.大众市场渗透战略mass-market penetration strategy
multimed.大众市场软件horizontal market software
busin.大众广告mass advertising
tech.大众快速交通mass rapid transit
tech.大众性百货店promotional department store
exhib.大众报纸penny press
econ.大众推销mass selling
auto.1552大众 15511552故障检测仪现已淘汰V.A.G 1551
gen.大众数学Mathematics for the Million
IT大众数据库everyman's database
adv.大众文化popular culture
avia.大众旋翼机协会popular rotorcraft association
auto.大众旗下双离合变速器的商品名direct shift gearbox
textile大众时装mass fashion
textile大众时装popular fashion
textile大众时装street fashion
securit.大众有限合伙制master limited partnership
busin.大众服务系统mass service system
textile大众服装mass fashion
gen.大众机械Popular Mechanics
libr.大众杂志popular magazine
libr.大众杂志general interest magazine
adv.大众杂志mass magazine
bridge.英国大众桥牌》Popular Bridge
bridge.大众桥牌》杂志美国Popular Bridge magazine
commer.大众汽车公司Volkswagen AG (1937)
econ.大众汽车公司Volkswagenwerk AG
gen.назв.комп. 大众汽车公司Volkswagenwerk
textile大众流行mass fashion
busin.大众消费mass consumption
busin.大众消费品large-scale goods
busin.大众消费品public goods
busin.大众消费社会mass consumption society
adv.大众甲壳虫汽车、"想想还是小的好"、恒美广告公司、1959Volkswagen, "Think small" (DDB)
busin.大众福利general welfare
agric.大众科学demotic science
gen.大众科学Popular Science
gen.大众科学popular science
textile大众纺织品bread-and-butter textiles
textile大众popular brocaded rayon poplin
textile大众dazhong brocaded poplin
auto.德语大众股份有限公司Volkswagen Aktiengesellchaft
textile大众slack length hoses
textile大众slack length hose
el.大众计算机公司中国台湾First International Computer Inc.
manag.大众认可mass consent
securit.大众认可的基金public authorized fund
adv.大众诉求mass appeal
agric.大众读物demotic readings
busin.大众购买力mass purchasing power
econ.大众资本主义universal capitalism
skiing大众越野滑雪popular cross country competition
textile大众common-sense heel
auto.大众廉价的小排量汽车people's car
multimed.大众软件horizontal software
comp.name.大众钢公司NatSteel Ltd.
fin.大众银行popular bank
tech.大众陶瓷popular ceramics
gen.大众非常喜爱much in request
gen.大众非常喜爱in great request
textile大众鞋跟common-sense heel
avia.大众飞行协会Popular Flying Association
food.ind., sec.sys.大众餐厅people's restaurant
org.name.大众餐饮业预烹调和烹调食品卫生操作规范Code of Hygienic Practice for Precooked and Cooked Foods in Mass Catering
commer.大受公众欢迎succeed with the public
lat.大叶贯众Cyrtomium macrophyllum
China, law大型群众性活动large-scale mass activity
gen.好莱坞星光大道上点缀着超过2 000个五角星,它们不仅代表着那些著名影人,同时也是好莱坞商会对众多做出贡献的电影人表示的感谢The Hollywood Walk of Fame is embedded with more than 2, 000 five-pointed stars featuring the names of not only human celebrities but also fictional characters honored by the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce for their contributions to the entertainment industry
interntl.trade.大众传播的工具mass media
securit.大众负责accountability to the public
gen.年,大众推出长轴距轿车模型。五、化妆品In 2013, the Volkswagen, a long wheelbase limousine model, was launched 2013
China, polit.全国广大干部群众cadres and the people across the country
China, polit.全国广大干部群众cadres and the general public
econ.广大群众the general public
China, polit.广大群众关心的问题an issue of common concern
China, law扰乱大型群众性活动秩序disturb the order of large-scale mass activity
fin.投资大众investing public
securit.损害投资大众证券交易中prejudice the investing public
commer.政府对大众强烈反对作岀让步,降低了汽油税As a concession to the public outcry, the Government reduced the tax on petrol
busin.早期大众early majority
textile服装大众costume popularization
gen.本店的自助餐,大众化的价格,让您得到高品位的享受The buffet, just at a popular price, is a high-grade enjoyment for you
busin.款式适合大众胃口suit the patterns to the popular taste
econ.此价是一般大众易于接受的The price is within easy reach of the general public
busin.消费大众consuming public
China, polit.牢固树立党的观念、大局观念、群众观念、民主观念、法制观念firmly establish the concept of giving high priority to the Party, the overall situation, the people, democracy and the legal system
China, polit.统筹兼顾最广大人民的根本利益、现阶段群众的共同利益和不同群体的特殊利益give due consideration to the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people, the current common interests of the people and the special interests of different groups in society
el.网间大众呼叫业务internetwork mass access service
adv.美国大众传媒局Mass Media Bureau
auto.美国大众汽车公司Volkswagen of America Inc.
adv.美国四大广播网的受众调查Radio's All-Dimension Audience Research
exhib.群众大会mass rally
securit.股权大众widespread public ownership
China, polit.常委会自觉地接受人大代表和人民群众的监督be conscientious in subjecting itself to oversight by deputies and the people
fin., span.西班牙大众银行Banco Popular Espanol (西班牙第四大银行集团,创立于1926年,其核心资本规模在2013年英国《银行家》杂志全球1000家大银行排行榜中名列第99位)
China, polit.解决广大人民群众最关心、最直接、最现实的利益问题promptly solve practical problems concerning public interests that the people are most concerned about and that effect them most directly
expl.诙谐的话语令听众哄然大笑Humors make the audience explode with laughter
busin.高度大众消费high mass consumption
econ.高度大众消费阶段high mass consumption stage