
Terms containing 大企业 | all forms | in specified order only
org.name., securit.上证大型企业指数中国SSE Conglomerates Index
securit.上证大型企业指数SSE conglomerates index
fin., amer.世界大型企业联合会Conference Board (美国的一家非牟利民间调查机构,创立于1916年,总部在纽约,因定期发布美国消费者信心指数及美国和其他几个国家的先行经济指数而享有盛名)
fin.世界大型企业联合会中国先行经济指数Conference Board LEI for China
fin.世界大型企业联合会中国先行经济指数Conference Board Leading Economic Index for China
fin.世界大型企业联合会先行经济指数Conference Board Leading Economic Index
fin.世界大型企业联合会美国先行经济指数Conference Board LEI for the U.S.
fin.世界大型企业联合会美国先行经济指数Conference Board Leading Economic index for the U.S.
busin.企业可获得的最大利益jack pot
gen.企业家将乘坐一部深蓝色的豪华大轿车到达The businessman will arrive in a dark blue limousine
econ.企业扩大plant expansion
busin.企业扩大expansion of the firm
el.企业级重大[关键]任务处理mission-critical enterprise processing
busin.企业职工代表大会congress of workers and staff in enterprise
busin.企业职工代表大会congress of workers and staff in business
manag.公营企业三大民主three democracies in public enterprise
securit.加大国有企业改革力度step up efforts to reform state-owned enterprises
shipb.加拿大造船企业加拿大造船和造机公司的科林伍德造船厂Collingwood Shipyards of Canadian Shipbuilding & Engineering Co. , Ltd
oil.proc.北澳大利亚天然气企业Northern Australia Gas Venture
shipb.台湾大舟企业股份有限公司Ta Chou Ship Building Co., Ltd, Taiwan
shipb.台湾大舟企业股份有限公司Taiwan Ta Chou Ship Building Co., Ltd
securit.国内大型企业domestic large-scale enterprise
met.国有大型企业state-owned large enterprise
met.国有大型企业state-owned big enterprise
securit.国有重点大型企业监事会State-owned Key Large Enterprise Regulatory Commission
interntl.trade.国际联合大企业的经营者international conglomerate
commer.在一企业中大量投资invest much capital in an enterprise
textile垄断性大企业monopoly power
econ.垄断性大企业a monopoly power
econ.垄断性大企业the biennialization business
securit.增强国有大中型企业活力invigorating state large and medium sized enterprise
expl.大中型企业large and medium-sized enterprise
securit.大中型企业large and medium enterprise
busin.大中型企业管理management of large-middle enterprises
econ., agric.大中型工商企业medium and large industrial and commercial enterprise
interntl.trade.大企业big business
manag.大企业undertaking of wide scope
manag.大企业enterprise on a large scale
econ.大企业the undertaking of wide scope
econ.大企业the big business
busin.大企业biennialization business
busin.大企业Great enterprise
busin.大企业business giant
interntl.trade.大企业big owners of private enterprises
econ.大企业big owner of private enterprises
busin.大企业产品large enterprise products
interntl.trade.大企业big businessman
busin.大企业管理management of large enterprises
securit.大企业索引million dollar directory
busin.大企业首脑captain of industry
econ.大出版企业a publishing empire
tech.大化学联合企业large chemical complex
securit.大垄断企业big business
interntl.trade.大垄断钢铁企业big steel
busin.大型商业企业substantial business
commer.大型企业sizable enterprise
shipb.大型企业large sized enterprise
tech.大型企业large-scale enterprise
busin.大型企业large-size enterprise
met.大型企业large enterprise
econ.大型企业sizeable enterprise
interntl.trade.大型企业large-sized enterprise
textile大型企业large size enterprise
chem.大型企业large-lot producer
shipb.大型企业enterprise on large scale
busin.大型企业模式large-size enterprise model
busin.大型企业模式model of great enterprise
busin.大型企业模式large-scale enterprise model
econ.大型企业界world of big business
busin.大型企业管理large enterprise management
textile大型企业集团large size enterprise group
busin.大型企业集团large-size enterprise group
ecol.大型化工联合企业large chemical complex
fin.大型国有企业large state-owned companies
fin.大型国有企业large state enterprises
busin.大型垄断钢铁企业Big Steel
fin.大型基建企业big infrastructure companies
busin.大型工业企业large-sized industrial enterprise
busin.大型工业企业large industrial enterprise
busin.大型联合企业large-scale merger
China, law大型联合企业large-scale associated enterprise
busin.大型联合企业large multiplant enterprise
busin.大型股份制企业集团large-shareholding conglomerates
econ.大桥工程完全由私人企业资助The project of the bridge is completely funded by private enterprises
tech.大联合企业business conglomerate
securit.大股份企业集团large shareholding conglomerates
archit.大规模企业large-scale corporation
econ.大规模企业中的管理问题management problem in large-scale enterprises
commer.大量投资于一个企业invest heavily in an enterprise
securit.大企业难以倒闭政策too-big-to-fail policy
proj.manag.如果负责这个项目的国有企业打算在如此巨大的投入下有所回报、那么消费者的支出不得不涨And if the new state-owned enterprise is to get a return on the huge investment required, broadband charges for consumers will have to rise
org.name., securit.富时/恒生亚洲大企业指数FTSE/Hang Seng Asiatop Index
econ.对某一企业进行大量投资invest heavily in an enterprise
econ.小企业兼并大企业leveraged buyout
econ.大企业business giant
textile大企业mammoth concern
econ.大企业a mammoth concern
tech.大企业giant business
cosmet.巴黎的一些大型企业禁止员工在上班时间使用味道浓烈的香水In Paris, some big enterprises have enforced bans on the use of heavy perfumes during work time
fin.恒生/ 富时亚洲大企业指数FTSE/Hang Seng Asiatop Index
securit.恒生/富时亚洲大企业指数FTSE/Hang Seng Asiatop Index
shipb.意大利造船企业意大利造船集团Italian Shipbuilding Group
manag.大企业的自主权和企业职工参加管理的权力expand the decision-making power of enterprises and the power of their workers to participate in management
manag.大企业自主权enlargement of enterprise autonomy
met.大企业自主权expand decision-making power of enterprises
busin.大企业自主权expand the decision-making power of enterprise
busin.大企业自由权increasing the independence of enterprise
textile大企业规模broaden scale of enterprise
busin.扩大商业企业enlarging a business enterprise
securit.振兴国有大中型企业invigorating state large and medium sized enterprise
ecol.搞活国有大中型企业revitalize large and medium-sized state owned enterprises
ecol.搞活国有大中型企业to invigorate large and medium-sized state owned enterprises
commer.搞活国营大中型企业enliven large and medium-sized state enterprises
securit.搞活国营大中型企业revitalizing state owned large and medium sized enterprise
econ.搞活大中型企业activate enterprises of large and medium scale
commer.搞活大中型国营企业invigorate large and medium-sized state-run enterprises
securit.支持发展大企业放开小企业support and develop large enterprises and release small enterprises
securit.最大500家企业top 500 enterprises
shipb.大企业船务有限公司Chiatai Enterprises Shipping Ltd
proj.manag.此外、私营企业注册资金投入呈大幅上升之势Additionally, the input of registered capital of privately owned enterprises has shown a trend of substantial growth
shipb.法国造船企业大西洋船厂Atlantic Shipyard
shipb.澳大利亚造船企业纽卡斯尔国营船坞公司Newcastle State Dockyard
met.特大型冶金企业giant metallurgical enterprise
busin.现代化大企业modernized large enterprise
commer.现有企业的重大扩建major extension of an existing project
commer.生产多项产品的大型联合企业large multi-product complex
el.纽约州企业-大学合作研究中心State-Industry/University Cooperative Research Center (SUNY)
econ.联合大企业business conglomerate
busin.联合大企业conglomerate enterprise
commer.联合大企业兼并conglomerate merger
fin.西方大型企业的成长型市场growth markets for the west's large companies
econ.该企业对水的消耗量很大The enterprise has a heavy consumption of water
econ., agric.超大型中外合资企业super large-sized Chinese-foreign joint venture enterprise
securit.转变为股份公司的大中型企业large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises turned into corporate enterprise
econ.这个企业由两家大股东来控制This enterprise is under control of two heavy shareholders
expl.这家企业在房地产行业有大额股份This enterprise has a considerable concern in real estate
securit.集中力量抓好国有大型企业concentrate on rejuvenating state-owned large enterprises