
Terms for subject Environment containing | all forms
农业的生物样性agricultural biological diversity
农业的生物样性agricultural biodiversity
功能农场multifunctional farm
媒体技术multimedia technology Any technical means used to combine text, sound, still or animated images and video in computers and electronic products, often allowing audience interactivity (在电脑和电子产品中结合了文字、声音、静止或动画图像、视频的任何技术手段,常让观众互动。)
层代谢途径tiered metabolic pathway
机构协调系统multiagency coordination system
样性指数index of diversity
次使用容器returnable container Container whose return from the consumer or final user is assured by specific means (separate collection, deposits, etc.), independently on its final destination, in order to be reused, recovered or subjected to specific waste management operations (能通过特定方法(分类收集、定金等)保证不管容器最终在哪里,都可以从使用者或最终用户处回收,这是为了在废品管理中重用、恢复或使用相应的容器。)
次胁迫multiple stresses
氏最小养分桶Dobeneck's tonne of minimum nutrients
氯三联苯polychlorinated terphenyl Compounds consisting of three benzene rings linked to each other in either ortho, meta or para positions and substituted with chlorine atoms (包含三个连在一起的苯环的化合物,其中连接键的氢原子由氯原子取代。)
氯二苯并呋喃polychlorinated dibenzofuran A family containing 135 individual, colorless compounds known as congeners with varying harmful health and environmental effects. They are produced as unwanted compounds during the manufacture of several chemicals and consumer products such as wood treatment chemicals, some metals, and paper products; also produced from the burning of municipal and industrial waste in incinerators, from exhaust of leaded gasoline, heat, or production of electricity. They are hazardous to the respiratory system, gastrointestinal system, liver, musculoskeletal system, skin and nervous system; and are toxic by inhalation, ingestion, and contact. Symptoms of exposure include frequent coughing, severe respiratory infections, chronic bronchitis, abdominal pain, muscle pain, acne rashes, skin color changes, unexpected weight loss, nonmalignant or malignant liver disease (一个包含135种个体的化合物族,其中的无色化合物个体包含的有效杂质有害人体健康和对环境产生不利影响。这类化合物一般是作为不希望得到的化合物在生产过程中产生的,比如木处理化学品,某些金属、纸制品生产的附属物,也可以从燃烧工业废料中产生。它们对呼吸系统、消化系统、肝脏、皮肤和骨骼系统、神经系统都有害。吸入、摄入和接触后会产生中毒症状,包括严重的呼吸道感染、咳嗽、慢性支气管炎、腹部疼痛、肌肉疼痛、痤疮皮肤皮疹、皮肤颜色变化、体重下降和一些肝脏恶性疾病。)
氯联苯polychlorinated biphenyl PCBs are a family of chemical compounds which do not exist in nature but which are man-made. Commercial mixtures are clear, pale yellow liquids, manufactured by the replacement of hydrogen atoms on the biphenyl molecule by chlorine. Because of their physical properties, PCBs are commonly found in electrical equipment which requires dielectric fluid such as power transformers and capacitors, as well as in hydraulic machinery, vacuum pumps, compressors and heat-exchanger fluids. Other uses include: lubricants, fluorescent light ballasts, paints, glues, waxes, carbonless copy paper, inks including newspapers, dust-control agents for dirt roads, solvents for spreading insecticides, cutting oils. PCBs are stable compounds and although they are no longer manufactured they are extremely persistent and remain in huge quantities in the atmosphere and in landfill sites. They are not water-soluble and float on the surface of water where they are eaten by aquatic animals and so enterthe food chain. PCBs are fat-soluble, and are therefore easy to take into the system, but difficult to excrete (PCBs是一种自然界不存的,只能通过人工合成的化合物。商用PCB混合物是清澈、淡黄色的液体,由氢原子替换联苯分子中的氯生成。由于其物理特性,PCBs常被用于电介质流体,例如电源变压器和电容器,并且在水力机械、真空泵、压缩机和热交换流体的电机设备中也被广泛应用。其它用途包括:润滑剂、荧光灯石碴、油漆、胶合、蜡、无碳型复印纸、墨水(包括报纸用墨水)、土路的灰尘控制、释放杀虫剂、乳化油溶剂等。PCBs是一种稳定的化合物。)
溴联苯polybrominated biphenyl A chemical substance the composition of which, without regard to impurities, consists of brominated biphenyl molecules (一种化学物质,不考虑杂质,包括溴化的联苯分子的构成。)
环碳氢化合物polycyclic hydrocarbon Hydrocarbon molecule with two or more nuclei; examples are naphtalene, with two benzene rings side by side, or diphenyl, with two bond-connected benzene rings. Also known as polynuclear hydrocarbon (碳氢分子与两种或两种以上的细胞核相结合,例子包括萘;有两个苯环,肩并肩,或二苯,有两个连接键的苯环。也称为多核碳氢化合物。)
环芳香碳氢化合物polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon Hydrocarbons containing two or more closed rings of atoms (包含两个或多个闭合原子结构的环状碳氢化合物。)
种经营管理区multiple use management area 1. Coordinated management for the most judicious and harmonious use of the land on a long term basis under the concept of combining two or more uses and/or purposes with attention to sustainability and nonimpairment of the natural resources and land area. 2. Use of land for more than one purpose; e.g. grazing of livestock, watershed and wildlife protection, recreation, and timber production (1. 立足长远结合两个或更多的使用和/或用途以关注天然资源和土地面积的可持续性和未损害的理念,是最明智的、和谐的土地使用协调管理。 2.土地使用多于一个目的;例如牲畜放牧、水域和野生动植物保护、休闲娱乐和木材生产。)
谱扫描器multispectral scanner A remote sensing term referring to a scanning radiometer that simultaneously acquires images in various wavebands at the same time. A multispectral scanner can be carried aboard an aircraft or satellite. The Landsat multispectral scanner records images in four wavebands of visible and near infrared electromagnetic radiation to enable objects with different reflectance properties to be distinguished (一个遥感术语,指扫描辐射计,它能同时获得各种波段的图像。多光谱扫描仪可以安放在飞机或卫星上。在4个可见光和近红外波段的电磁辐射图像中陆地卫星多光谱扫描仪记录,不同对象以反射属性加以区别。)
边协议multilateral agreement Multilateralism stands for a long-held but rarely achieved ideal, namely the voluntary co-operation of nations for peace and development. Multilateral initiatives are undermined or diluted by ultra-nationalist, bilateral and regional initiatives. Multilateralism may be undercut by the uncoordinated decisions of those contributing to it. Multilateralism constitutes the democracy of international society. An enlightened multilateralism enhances the specific interests of states while advancing their common cause (多边主义代表长期坚守但很少达到的理想,即以和平与发展为目的国家间的自愿合作。多边运动受到极端民族主义、双边和地区主义的破坏或削弱。多边主义可以由它参与方做出的不对等的决定而受到削弱。多边主义构成了国际社会的民主。一个开明的多边主义在促进他们的共同事业发展的同时也加强各国的具体利益。)
边形polygon In the vector type of GIS internal data organization spatial data are conveniently divided into point, line and polygon types. Some vector GIS store information in the form of points, line segments and point pairs; others maintain close lists of points defining polygon regions (在使用向量类型的地理信息系统(GIS)内部组织空间数据,方便区分点、线、多边形的类型。一些矢量地理信息系统(GIS)的信息储存形式,包括线、点和其它的点对点的形式定义的多边形区域。)
拉布拉潮流Labrador current
显著样性remarkable diversity
波西尼亚posidonia Plant with elongated, planar, green leaves which measure up to 1,5 m. The flowers come out in the autumn but not every year. The fruits are dark balls, which one often finds washed up on beaches after storms. The same happens with the leaves which wilt and separate from the plant at the end of summer. It grows on sandy substrates, and has a rhizome from which several plants grow. The compact form of its growths retains the sediments pulled by the currents along the sea bed. Neptunegrass forms extensive prairies, always on the continental shelf. The plant's presence, apart from constituting an excellent refuge and food reserve for many species, gives an indication of the maturity and good condition of the whole marine ecosystem (该植物有细长的、平面的、绿色的树叶,能达到1.5米。花朵在秋天开放,但并不是每一年都开放。水果是暗黑色的球形。每年的夏末树叶都会枯萎并离开树木。它生长在桑迪基质的土壤,并具有块茎。其生长保持紧凑的形式,并沿着海底。这种植物的存在,除了能构筑优秀的避难所和粮食储备,还能为整个海洋生态系统的状态提供指示。)
生物样性biodiversity 1. Genetic diversity: the variation between individuals and between populations within a species; species diversity: the different types of plants, animals and other life forms within a region; community or ecosystem diversity: the variety of habitats found within an area - grassland, marsh, and woodland for instance. 2. An umbrella term to describe collectively the variety and variability of nature. It encompasses three basic levels of organisation in living systems: the genetic, species, and ecosystem levels. Plant and animal species are the most commonly recognized units of biological diversity, thus public concern has been mainly devoted to conserving species diversity (遗传多样性:一个物种的个体间以及群体间的变异;物种多样性:在一个区域内的植物,动物和其他生命形式的不同类型;群体或生态系统多样性:在一个地区内的栖息地的多样性(例如草地,沼泽和林地) 集中描述自然的多样性和变异性的总称。它包括生命系统的组织的三个基本层次:基因、物种和生态系统层。植物和动物物种是生物多样性最普遍认可的单位,因此,公众关注的主要是致力于保护物种多样性。)
生物功能样性functional biodiversity
美国科罗拉油气资源保护委员会Colorado Oil & Gas Conservation Commission
遗传样性genetic diversity The variation between individuals and between populations within a species (个体或同一物种种群中的变化。)
野生生物样性wild biodiversity