
Terms for subject China containing | all forms
一次殴打、伤害beat up and hurt more than two persons once
一队multiple purposes of one team
三分之二以上的a two-thirds majority
不少于全体议员三分之二not less than a two-thirds majority of all the members
世界极化和经济全球化multi-polarization and economic globalization
中国共产党领导下的党合作和政治协商制度the system of multi-party cooperation and political consultation led by the Communist Party of China
人口特的镇towns with exceptionally large populations
人数众large in number
以全体代表的三分之二以上的数通过adopted by a vote of more than two-thirds of all the deputies to the Congress
以全体议员三分之二in the two-thirds majority of all the members
倡导发展模式样化advocate diversity in development models
克服许困难和制约因素overcome many difficulties and restraints
出资最make the largest percentage of capital contributions
少,垦多少reclaim the same area of land as is used
参与和开展边外交participate in and initiate multilateral diplomacy
双边和边条约bilateral or multilateral treaties
双边或者bilateral or multilateral
同 140 个国家的立法机构议会建立了联系establish ties with legislatures in over 140 countries
法律草案向全国公布交付全国人民讨论两个a draft law be made public for the whole country to hold a two-month discussion
国际和地区议会组织的边活动multilateral activities of international and regional parliamentary organizations
在少数民族聚居或者民族共同居住的地区in the areas where ethnic minorities live in compact communities
在少数民族聚居或者民族共同居住的地区in an area where people of a minority nationality live in a concentrated community or where a number of nationalities live together
坚持公有制为主体、种所有制经济共同发展的基本经济制度uphold the basic economic system in which public ownership is dominant and the economic sectors of diverse forms of ownership develop side by side
坚持按劳分配为主体、种分配方式并存的分配制度keep to the distribution system in which distribution according to work is dominant and diverse modes of distribution coexist
于应选代表候选人名额的三分之一到一倍exceed the number of candidates to be elected by one-third to 100%
number of persons
党合作multi-party cooperation
出五分之一到二分之一exceed by 20% to 50%
双边multilateral and bilateral
哈回合谈判the Doha round of trade talks under the WTO
头执法duplicate law enforcement
年积累的深层次问题long-standing and deep-seated problems
式联运货物goods under multimodal transport
次作案crimes committed repeatedly
次贪污未经处理repeatedly commit the crime of embezzlement and go unpunished
民族共同居住inhabited by several ethnic groups
民族共同居住several nationalities living together
民族国家multinational state
民族的国家a multiethnic country
渠道、多方式through multiple channels and by diversified means
种分配方式diversified modes of distribution
种就业形式diversified forms of employment
种形式的合作cooperation in diverse form
种所有制经济economic sectors of diversified ownerships
种所有制经济the economic sectors of diverse forms of ownership
种所有制经济economy of multiple ownership
种所有制经济共同发展the economic sectors of diverse forms of ownership develop side by side
种所有制经济共同发展have the economic sectors of diverse forms of ownership develop side by side
种措施和政策并举adopt a variety of measures and policies
种经济成分共同发展common development of multi-economic sectors
管齐下through various approaches
能互补complement multiple form of energy
边外交multilateral diplomacy
边投资担保机构公约Convention Establishing the Multilateral investment Guarantee Agency
退少补return the overcharge and demand payment of the shortage
重残疾multiple disabilities
实行定期与不定期的灵活样合作方式adopt a variety of flexible means for cooperation at regular or irregular intervals
实行统一的、层次的立法体制practice a unified, multilevel legislative system
少数服从数的原则principle that the minority is subordinate to the majority
建立层次的社会保障制度construction of a multi-layer social security system
开展形式样的执法检查conduct various types of examinations of law enforcement work
归侨人数较地区的地方人民代表大会the local people's congresses of the areas with a relatively large number of returned overseas Chinese
得票少的顺序order of the votes obtained
战胜许艰难险阻surmount numerous difficulties and hardships
按人口少确定be determined on the basis of the size of the local population
服从subordinate to the majority
构建层次金融市场体系set up a multi-level system of financing market
根据数代表的意见确定正式候选人名单decide upon a formal list of candidates based on the opinion of the majority of deputies
根据候选人得票少的顺序by the order of the number of votes that the nominees have obtained
灵活样的合作方式a variety of flexible means for cooperation
灵活样的方式flexible and varied modalities
《生物样性公约》卡塔赫纳生物安全议定书Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety to the Convention on Biological Diversity
积极参与边贸易规则制定和自由贸易区建设take an active part in the formulation of multilateral trade rules and the establishment of free trade zones
积极拓展边外交engage in multilateral diplomacy
绝对数票absolute majority of votes
统一的、层次的立法体制a unified, multilevel legislative system
统一的民族的单一制国家a unified multiethnic country a unitary multi-nationl State with a unitary political system
维护生物样性preserve the diversity of living things
综合考虑需要和可能等种因素take into account a number of factors such as what is needed and what is feasible
聚居的少数民族的省a province where many minority nationalities live in concentrated community
议会边合作multilateral cooperation among parliaments and congresses
不稳定不确定的因素many factors of instability and uncertainty
通过种途径参与立法活动participate in legislative activities through various channels
采取种形式employ various steps (to do)
附件 1A:货物贸易边协定Annex 1A: Multilateral Agreements on Trade in Goods
面对复杂变的国际形势in the face of a complicated and fluid international situation