
Terms for subject Securities containing 多头 | all forms | in specified order only
多头go long
多头in long
多头forward buying
多头头寸net long position
劳而无获的多头stale bull
合成多头期货synthetic long futures
多头轿子front running for long
多头long leg
多头看涨而囤积证券的投机者long side
多头买人bull operation
多头交易人long of exchange
多头价差bull spread
多头作空股票投机商bull seller
多头出尽sell out for long
多头卖空交易against the box
多头套利部位long arbitrage position
多头套期purchase hedge
多头套期保值者long hedger
多头宽跨式套利long strangle
多头投机speculate on a rise
多头攻势趁利好消息,强力买人bull raid
多头期权long options
多头期权仓位long options position
多头期权持有量long options position
多头期货long futures
多头汇票long of exchange
多头bull clique
多头/空头权益策略long /short equity strategy
多头认沽期权差价交易bull put spread
多头认购差价交易bull call spread
多头购人buy long
多头跨期交易bull straddle
多头跨期组合long straddle
多头轧平强制平仓long squeeze
多头远期long forward
多头造势为抬高市价而买人bull compaign/movement
多头陷阱bull trap
多头集团投资者联合起来操纵股票价格上涨bull pool
多方头寸long position
多重头肩形态技术分析multiple heads and shoulders pattern
投机买进多头期货buy long
投资多头investing long
抢购多头front running for long
控制多头corner bulls (long positions)
期权多头long position in an options
水平多头价差horizontal bull spread
空头与多头short vs. long positions
多头squeeze bulls or long positions
多头corner bulls (long positions)