
Terms for subject Securities containing | all forms
一日掉期汇期货one day rolling currency futures
三年期汇基金债券期货three-year exchange fund note futures
上市证券境交易listing securities for trading abroad
业务之的经营outside venture
业务加工business process outsourcing (BPO)
业务流程business process outsourcing
业务转型business transformation outsourcing
合作企业sino-foreign contractual joint venture
合营企业sino-foreign equity joint venture
合资企业joint ventures involving Chinese and foreign investment
合资经营企业会计规则Accounting Regulations of the PRC on Chinese-foreign Joint Venture
中华人民共和国资企业法实施细则Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Wholly Foreign-Owned Enterprises
中华人民共和国中合资经营企业法Law of the PRC on the Joint Ventures Using Chinese and Foreign Investment
中国汇交易中心China Foreign Exchange Center
中国人民银行汇储备运作中心央行上海分部Foreign Exchange Reserve Operation Center PBC
中国国家汇管理局State Administration of Foreign Exchange
为在海使用资金而在海外发行的债券out to out external bond
作为国公司的美国公司US corporation as foreign corporation
作为美国公司的国公司foreign corporation as U. S. corporation
列出的账资产non-concealed assets
利润outflow of profits
合格境投资机构qualified foreign investment institution
合格境投资者管理人QFII Custodians
合格境机构投资者qualified foreign investment institution
合格境计划qualified overseas scheme
国投资者付款payment to foreign investors
毒丸条款公司章程规定,一旦向外生效毒丸触发,目标公司股东有权以不合理低价购买收购方公司股份,这会稀释收购公司的股份,改变资产负债比例,为收购方在收购上制造障碍flip-out provision
生效条款flip-out provision
生效毒丸flip-over poison pill
生效要素flip-over element
转向曲线图上呈现的市场趋势,其图形为股价突破现有的市场趋势。未来可能继续走强成牛市,也能反转,持续疲软outside reversal
吸引absorb foreign capital
吸收商直接投资incorporating foreign direct investment
售出国汇票foreign bill sold
售出国票据foreign bill sold
流通的股本总额outstanding issued share capital
在投标交易购买股票purchase of shares outside tender offer
在法庭之ex curia
over the counter
互换off-market swap
交易off board transaction
交易marginal transaction
交易off floor trade
交易证券等off-mart dealings
交易off-market trading/transaction
交易off-exchange/off-market transaction
交易upstair trade
交易trading on curb
交易kerb trade/trading
交易受益凭证OTC traded beneficiary certificate
交易合同型权证OTC contract-based warrants
交易商outside dealer
交易市场unorganized market
交易市场obligation-board market
交易市场gutter market
交易所off floor exchange
交易报价单场外交易市场做市商交易证券的行情通告,每天由美国报价局发行pink sheets
交易的公司over-the-counter company
交易股份OTC traded stocks
交易衍生工具合同off-exchange traded derivative contract
交易证券securities trading on curb
交易证券over the counter security
交易证券curb exchange security
交易货币期权OTC currency options
价格kerbstone price
价格outside price (交易所)
价格off-board price
价格curb price
保证金股票OTC margin stock
交易公告板由纳斯达克监管的电子股票交易系统OTC bulletin board
后备系统offsite backup system
委托upstairs order
委托off floor order
市场curb stone
市场交易所外交易股票的市场negotiated market
市场券商间未经交易所自行完成的证券交易,现在一般是通过网络平台完成这样交易upstairs market
证券市场outside market
市场off-board market
市场基金over the counter market fund
市场经纪人curb stone operator
息票off-market coupon
惯例street practice
抵押股票OTC margin stock
指令off floor order
指数期权over-the-counter index option
收购off-market purchase
期权over the counter option
期权保证金股票over-the-counter margin stock
清算所ex clearing house
电子交易系统纳斯达克管理的电子股票交易系统over the counter bulletin board OTCBB
电子柜台交易系统专门为未能在美国全国性市场上市的公司股票提供的一个交易场所over the counter bulletin board
相关性证券价格以独立整个市场的方式一起变动的趋势extra-market covariance
经纪人over the counter broker
联系street link
股东street shareholder
股份购回off-market share repurchase
股指期货交易OTC stock-index futures
股本市场over-the-counter equity market
股票over the counter stock
股票转让证书street certificate
自动交易系统non-exchange automated trading system
行情outside price
行情street price
行情curb rate
衍生工具over-the-counter derivative
观望step aside
观望市场不确定,暂缓投资on the sidelines
计息法street method
证券over the counter
证券street certificate
证券outside bonds
证券交易over the counter
证券市场street market
证券市场off board securities market
证券市场over-the-counter equity market
证券市场kerbstone kerb market
询价shopping the street
销售over the counter sale
预期street expectation
备用汇资金reserve foreign currency
sovereign debt
foreign borrowing
债余额outstanding external debt
债依赖程度degree of dependence on foreign debt
债偿还外债程度degree of paying foreign debt
债偿还期period of paying foreign debts
债承受程度degree of bearing for foreign debt
债融资发行floatation of external loan
债限额external debt limits
卡操作期货买卖中以收盘价交割的权利wild card play
卡选择权期货卖方在收盘后实施交易策略的权利wild card option
向投资outbound investment
向收购outbound acquisition
商投资企业foreign invested enterprise
商投资的有限责任公司limited liability companies with foreign investment
商独资企业foreign owned enterprise
围业务peripheral business
围外汇公司fringe forex company
围行业分析师peripheral industries' analysts
国上市证券foreign securities listed
国个人alien individual
国中介机构foreign intermediary
国人控制的美国企业US business controlled by foreign person
国人购买股票alien stock buying
国人身份的确定determination of foreign person
国优惠利率foreign prime rates
国信托资产和财产foreign trust and estate
国债券交易商foreign bond dealer
国债券基金foreign bond fund
国债款external borrowing
国合资企业foreign joint venture
国基本利率foreign prime rates
国子公司的子公司foreign sub-subsidiary
国孙公司foreign sub-subsidiary
国市场贝塔系数foreign market beta
国息票foreign coupon
国战略投资foreign strategic investment
国战略投资管理规则由中国证监会、商务部等监管机构制定Foreign Strategic Investment Rules
国战略投资管理规则foreign Strategic Investment Rules
国战略投资者foreign strategic investor
国所有foreign ownership
国所有权限制limitations on foreign ownership
国投资优惠foreign investment incentive
国投资气候foreign investment climate
国投资环境foreign investment climate
国投资的易受控制程度amenability to foreign investment
国投资者的并购foreign investors' merger and acquisition
国投资跨国公司foreign investment transnational company
国投资风险矩阵foreign investment risk matrix
国拥有的美国资产foreign ownership of US assets
国放贷者foreign lender
国政府豁免法Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act
国汇票foreign bank bill
国流动资金foreign liquid assets
国目标发行foreign targeted issue
国直接投资foreign deposit
国票据exotic bills
银行国票据项foreign item
国股份市场foreign equity market
国股票指数foreign stock index
国股票期权利润foreign source stock option profits
国股票的场外交易over the counter dealings of the foreign stock
国被动投资公司Passive Foreign Investment Company
国证券交易商foreign crowd
国证券交易所foreign stock exchange
国证券信托机构depository of foreign securites
国证券公司foreign securities house
国证券对比与清算系统foreign securities comparison and netting
国证券投资组合foreign portfolio investment
国货币债券foreign currency bond
国货币市场利率foreign money market rates
国资产中的证券利息security interests in foreign assets
国资产所有权ownership of foreign assets
国资本capital alien
国重孙公司foreign sub-sub-subsidiary
国金融市场foreign banking market
国银行票据foreign agency bill
国集体投资证券foreign collective investment security
国风险贴水foreign discount
在动力extrinsic motive
在时滞outside lag
地付款汇票domiciled bill
地投资inward investment
指定支付地点的地支付票据addressed bill
地汇票foreign bill of exchange
地汇票domiciled bill
埠付款支票domiciled check
壳贋品理论shell or sham theory
币买卖sale and purchase of foreign exchange
币买卖选择权foreign currency option
币债券currency bond
币兑换证certificate for the exchange
币合同contract in foreign currency
币存款deport in foreign currency
币持仓总量gross foreign currency position
币掉期存款foreign currency swap deposit
币支票交易drawing and buying of checks in foreign currency
币效应foreign currency effects (外币的变化对外资投资的影响)
币期权交易foreign currency option transaction
币期权交易者foreign currency option participant
币汇票foreign draft
币汇票currency bill
币票据foreign money bill
币经营foreign currency operation
币融资中心foreign currency funding center
币证券foreign currency securities
币资产foreign currency assets
币远期合同foreign currency forward contract
延的投资extensive investment
方承诺的投资金额committed amount of foreign investment
方控股的合资企业foreign holding joint venture
来投资者external investor
来资本capital from outside resource
来资金额external resources flows
来风险和损失external risk and damage
兑换损失exchange loss
汇买人价buying rate
汇交易currency trading
汇交易商foreign exchange dealer
汇交易市场exchange market
汇交易期权exchange traded option
汇价值exchange value
汇保值措施cover the risk
汇倒卖foreign exchange arbitrage
汇储备foreign reserves
汇储备纪录簿position book
汇兑付率accepting rate of exchange
汇关联债券forex-linked bond
汇凭单exchange voucher
汇单价exchange quotation
汇场内经纪人exchange jobber
汇基金债券计划exchange fund notes programme
汇基金债务工具exchange fund debt instrument
汇基金债务证明exchange fund debt certificate
汇基金条例exchange fund ordinance
汇基金票据foreign exchange fund bill
汇基金票据计划exchange fund bills programme
汇套期保值foreign exchange hedge
汇存底foreign reserves
汇存款账户foreign exchange deposit account
汇工具foreign exchange instrument
汇市场参与者foreign exchange market participant
汇平准价exchange parity
汇平准账项exchange equalization account
汇息票coupon of exchange
汇批发商exchange jobber
汇折合率conversion rate
汇折算foreign currency translation
汇折算率foreign exchange coefficient
汇抛售exchange dumping
汇持有量foreign exchange position
汇持有量exchange position
汇换算translation of foreign currency
汇换算foreign currency translation
汇掉期市场swap market
汇提留的核查与分配check and distribution of exchange retention
汇支付债券foreign-paid bond
汇收据foreign exchange receipt
汇收支差foreign exchange exposure
汇放贷foreign exchange loan
汇期权foreign exchange option
汇期权exchange option
汇期权currency options
汇期权合同exchange option contract
汇期货forex future
汇期货交易foreign exchange futures transaction
汇期货合同forward foreign exchange contract
汇期货合同foreign currency futures contract
汇期货投资currency futures investment
汇期货选择权currency futures option
汇权证currency warrant
汇汇票foreign money order
汇清算资金funds for foreign exchange settlement
汇牌价兑换率foreign exchange official rate
汇牌价表list of exchange rate quotation
汇申报foreign exchange declaration
汇电子交易系统exchange electronic trading
汇种类foreign exchange category (外国汇票、外国期票、外币等)
汇稳定基金exchange stability fund
汇管制foreign exchange administration
汇管理局foreign exchange administration
汇管理部Foreign Exchange Management Department (PBC, 央行上海部)
汇经纪佣金exchange brokerage
汇经纪人money broker
汇经纪人的牌价exchange broker's quotation
汇经营商foreign exchange dealer
汇经营资金fund for operation of foreign exchange
汇结存报表statement of position
汇结汇凭证exchange surrender certificate
汇结算foreign exchange surrender
汇结算foreign exchange clearing
汇结算制度exchange clearing system
汇结算资金fund for foreign exchange settlement
汇结算银行exchange clearing house
汇缺口foreign exchange exposure
汇行情表foreign exchange quotation
汇衍生工具foreign exchange derivatives
汇计价结算exchange valuation settlement
汇账exchange account
汇账户foreign exchange account
汇贷款monkey money credit
汇贷款forex loan
汇资本金账户foreign exchange capital account
汇资源foreign exchange resource
汇资金foreign currency funds
汇资金证券foreign exchange assets
汇远期交易forward exchange transaction
汇透支额nostro overdraft
汇配额foreign exchange allocation
汇额度分配foreign exchange quota allocation
汇额度制exchange quota system
汇额度调拨foreign exchange quota allocation
汇风险foreign exchange risk
资金foreign drain
溢股利spillover dividends
盘规则uptick rule
行财务报告为非财会专业人员淮备的报告layman financial statement
贴现票据domiciled bill of exchange
资企业foreign owned enterprise
资企业foreign invested enterprise
资企业foreign funded enterprise
资企业corporation with foreign capital
资企业所得税foreign enterprise income tax
资所有权foreign ownership
资投人investment of foreign capital
资投资目标foreign capital investment target
资散户foreign retail investor
资法人股foreign legal person's shares
资注人foreign capital injection
资离境税exit tax on foreign investment
资立法foreign capital legislation
资金融机构foreign-funded financial institution
资附属公司foreign capital affiliated company
资项目foreign funded project
逃风险flight risk
部买断management buyin
部会计outside accountants
部供应商external vendor
部信用增强external credit enhancements
部增长external growth
部审计师independent auditor
部审计的审核与评估verification and appraisal by external audit
部对冲技巧external hedging techniques
部投人资本outside venture capital
部投资资本external venture capital
部收购在管理层留任情况下,外部投资者收购企业management buyin
部来源重要信息key information from outside sources
部理事香港联交所理事会lay member
部管理层收购management buy-in
部经纪人outside broker
部网络external network
部董事轮换outside directors turnover
部负债external liabilities
部资产external assets
部资金outside funds
部避险机制external hedging mechanism
部项目主体外部的项目outlier project
部顾问outside advisers
部风险outside venture
部风险资本outside venture capital
sell down
多元化海投资diversified foreign investment
多元国投资portfolio foreign investment
大摩MSCI中国资自由投资指数MSCI China Free Index
大摩新兴市场资自由投资指数MSCI Emerging Market Free Index
子公司海上市发行overseas listing of subsidiary company
存在国的黄金earmarked gold
存在国银行同业的钱款金额amount due from banks abroad
市场力量outside market dynamic
市场的共生变量extra-market covariance
开发上市业务的海资源developing overseas resources for listing
弱势watering exchange
事件fortuitous event
事件与责任contingencies and commitments
事件准备金contingent reserve
亏损windfall loss
交易contingent transaction
债务contingent obligation
利润contingent profit
剩余财产权contingent remainder
损失extraordinary losses
损益与预测结果差异很大的公司收益报告earnings surprises
支出unforeseen expense
收人税windfall tax
收益contingent gains
非难假说kick-in-the-pants hypothesis
风险unknown risk
风险emergency risk
成本spillout of costs
指令执行out of order executions
收人担保债券意准备金reserve for revenue bond contingency
散户场交易retail OTC transaction
星期日和假日除except Sunday and holidays
汇价值的有价证券Securities with foreign exchange value
汇价值的有价证券securities that have foreign exchange value
有保护的币贷款covered foreign currency loan
有资格经营海业务的证券公司oversea business qualified securities company
期权在价值extrinsic values' option
期货futures foreign exchange
未偿还outstanding external debt
未注册债券海发行unregistered debt issue offshore
杠杆式汇即期交易leveraged foreign exchange spot transaction
杠杆式汇合同leveraged foreign exchange contract
标准勤经纪协议standard runners agreement
核心之增持股票core plus
正常交易时间之的交易out of hours trading
正常低股息加额股利low regular dividend plus extras
申请额供股excess applications for rights shares
申请额股权excess rights application
破产法庭的协调arrangement out of bankruptcy court
符合国法律的实体entities formed under foreign law
联储汇加权指数Federal Reserve trade-weighted dollar index
营业应税收入unrelated business taxable income
董事会秘书对公布公司信息secretary to directorate publishing company information
业务off-balance-sheet business
交易价格off the books deal quotation
交易off-balance-sheet transaction
交易off the book deal
交易off-balance-sheet trading
交易报价off the book quotation
债务liabilities out of book
组合off-balance-sheet portfolios
融资off-balance-sheet financing
财产off the book property
资产assets out of accounts/book
货币管理把货币风险管理外包给专业机构currency overlay
购人币汇票foreign currency bill bought
购人币票据foreign currency bill bought
资产assets lending
资产负债表证券化off-balance sheet securitization
资金流净额net outflow of funds
资金flight of capital
资金体循环financial disintermediation
逃避汇管制evasion of exchange control
锁仓的杠杆式汇合约同时持有同一外币的相同数量长仓及短仓leveraged foreign exchange contract of locked position
错误或遗漏除errors and omissions excepted (E&OE)
客户excluded clients
条款escape clause (股东或董事表决规定中)
的证券excluded security
股票excluded stock
除……另有规定外subject to
除现金的交换媒介medium other than cash
非常项目的每股年盈利annual earnings per share excluding extraordinary items
非法币汇款illegal remittance of foreign exchange
非法汇交易illegal trading in foreign exchange
非法对担保illegal outward guarantee
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