
Terms for subject Finances containing | all forms
一般意准备general contingency reserve
三月期无本金交割远期汇合约three-month non-deliverable forwards
借股票unlent stock
不可自由兑换bonded exchange
不确定或有额收人的公司债bond with uncertain or contingent income
国央行之间的货币互换协议currency swap agreements with foreign central banks
收益non-operating income
个人人身意伤害保险personal accident insurance
个人额津贴additional personal allowance
合作经营企业Sino-foreign co-operative joint venture
合作经营企业Sino-foreign contractual joint venture enterprise
合营企业Sino-foreign joint venture
合资经营企业Sino-foreign equity joint venture
合资经营企业joint venture with Chinese and foreign investment
《中华人民共和国资企业法》Law of the People's Republic of China on Foreign Capital Enterprises
《中华人民共和国资银行管理条例》Regulations on the Administration of Foreign-funded Banks of the People's Republic of China
《中华人民共和国中合作经营企业法》Law of the Peopled Republic of China on Chinese-Foreign Contractual Joint Ventures
《中华人民共和国中合资经营企业所得税法》Law of the People's Republic of China on Chinese-Foreign Equity Joint Ventures
《中华人民共和国涉经济合同法》Law of the Peopled Republic of China on Economic Contracts involving Foreign Interest
中国汇交易中心China Foreign Exchange Trade System
中国汇储备多元化diversification of China's foreign exchange reserves
中国境流通的人民币renminbi circulating outside China
中心-围理论theory of center and periphery
中证海内地股指数CSI Overseas Mainland Index
中证海不含香港内地股指数CSI Overseas Mainland ex HK Index
中证海市场指数CSI Overseas Indices
中证海不含台湾指数CSI Overseas ex Taiwan Index
临时支出额费用extraordinary expenditure
举债式汇买卖leverage foreign exchange trading
举债式汇买卖介绍人leverage foreign exchange introducing agent
举债式汇买卖商leverage foreign exchange trader
借出币资金foreign currency funds lent
债台高筑的欧元区围国家debt laden peripheral eurozone countries
允许国人投资allow foreigners to invest
允许中企业用人民币结算外贸交易allow Chinese and foreign companies to settle trade transactions in renminbi
允许企业在中国境贸易中使用人民币结算allow companies to use the renminbi for trade outside China
利用utilized foreign investment
协议资金额committed amount of foreign investment
单一汇率汇管制制度single-rate system of exchange control
卖方汇价selling exchange rate
合格海银行eligible overseas bank
合格的境有限合伙人qualified foreign limited partner
合格的境机构投资者qualified foreign institutional investor (经过证监会的审核之后,境外机构投资者可以在外管局允许的额度内将外汇换成人民币进行境内投资)
合格的海计划qualified overseas scheme
合计币总持仓量aggregate gross foreign currency position
向海国家提供的贷款loan to overseas countries
向海资金开放国内资本市场open up domestic capital markets to foreign inflows
吸引海投资者attract international investors
售出国票据汇票foreign bills sold
存款数outstanding of deposits
放款额outstanding loans
普通股加权平均数weighted average number of ordinary shares issued to the public
汇储备中持有人民币资产hold mainland renminbi assets in its reserves
在华商投资企业foreign-invested enterprises in China
在海借款borrow overseas
在香港以地区成立的法团银行bank incorporated outside Hong Kong
买卖衍生工具合约off-exchange traded derivative contracts
交易off-board trading
交易off-exchange transaction
交易kerb trading
交易kerb trade
交易over the counter dealing
交易over-the-counter market
交易trading on the curb
交易over-the-counter transaction
交易off-market transaction
交易off-market dealing
交易off-floor trading
交易curb trading
交易债券over-the-counter bond
交易市场over-the-counter market (指在证券交易所外进行证券买卖的市场。它主要由柜台交易市场、第三市场、第四市场组成)
交易市场off-board market
交易市场报价表pink sheets (指美国股票场外交易 (OTC)的买价与卖价报表)
交易所kerb exchange
交易所curb exchange
交易汇率curb exchange rate
交易经纪人curb stone broker
交易股票over-the-counter shares
交易衍生工具over-the-counter derivatives
交易证券over-the-counter securities
交易证券off-board securities
价格水平kerb level
债券unlisted bond
委托off-floor order
审计outside audit
市场unorganized market
市场over the counter
掉期市场over-the-counter swaps market
期权over-the-counter option (指在非集中性的交易场所进行的非标准化的金融期权合约的交易)
柜台交易系统Over the Counter Bulletin Board (一个接受全美证券商协会 (NASD) 监管、采用做市商制度、联网的电子化报价和交易系统,并不具有交易所性质,但具有典型的第三层次市场特征,与众多的创业板相比具有真正的创业板特征:零散、小规模、简单的上市程序以及较低的费用,设立于1990年,主要供不能满足 NASDAQ 条件的场外交易股票进行交易)
终端机off-floor terminal
经纪人over-the-counter broker
经纪人kerb-stone broker
股份回购off-market share repurchase
自营商outside dealer
要约off-market offer
规则off-market rules
证券交易市场unlisted securities market
证券交易市场over-the-counter securities market
复远期汇掉期forward-forward exchange swap
outstanding loan
loan from foreign powers
债发行flotation of external loan
储管理者reserve managers
加工费用expense arising from outside-manufacture
加成本on cost (manufacturing expense, burden)
商投资foreign investment
商投资企业foreign-funded enterprise
商投资企业foreign investment enterprise
商投资企业enterprise with foreign investment
商投资企业会计accounting of enterprises with foreign investment
商投资气候foreign investment climate
围国家countries in the periphery
围市场fringe market
围经济体peripheral economies
国债foreign debt
国公司foreign corporation
国同业透支overdraft by foreign correspondents
国基地公司收入foreign base company income
国基金管理公司foreign fund managers
国托收汇票foreign bill for collection
国投资者持股限额limit of foreign investors' holding of stocks
国持有股权foreign equity holding
国援助foreign aid
国援款foreign grants
国支店帐户foreign branch a/c
国政府公债foreign government bond
国来华直接投资direct investment by other countries or regions in China
国汇票foreign exchange
国汇票foreign bank bills
国现金贷款foreign cash loans
国的债权foreign claimable assets
国的美元余额foreign dollar balance
国税收抵免总限额overall limitation on the foreign tax credit
国经济趋势foreign economic trend
国补助金foreign grants
国议付汇票foreign bill for negotiation
国货币存款foreign money deposit
国货币的交换掉期foreign currency swap
国资产管理公司foreign asset managers
国通货foreign currency
国银行分支行subsidiary of foreign bank
国银行票据foreign bank notes
国银行纸币foreign bank notes
在通货市场external currency market
地中介人foreign intermediary
埠同业透支overdrafts by out-port banks
埠同业透支overdraft by out-port banks
埠同业透支overdrafts by foreign or corespondents
埠同业透支overdraft by foreign or corespondents
埠银行透支overdraft by outport banks
埠银行透支overdrafts by out-port banks
埠银行透支overdraft by out-port banks
币业务foreign currency business
币交易foreign currency transaction
币交易的会计处理accounting treatment for foreign currency transactions
币付款的汇票bill payable in foreign currency
币会计报表折算translation of foreign currency statements
币信托foreign-currency trust
币债券bond in foreign currency
币债权claimable assets in foreign currency
币兑换损益profit or loss on foreign exchange
币公债government bond in foreign currency
币公库pool of foreign exchange
币准备金foreign currency reserve
币准备金foreign currency reserves
币存款deposit in foreign currency
币存款帐户foreign currency deposits account
币市场foreign currency market
币总持仓量gross foreign currency position
币折算translation of foreign currency
币折算时态法temporary method of currency translation
币折算风险currency translation exposure
币换算的交易时间制time of transaction basis of foreign currency translation
币支付凭证instrument payable in foreign currencies
币效应foreign currency effects
币有价证券securities in foreign currency
币汇率rate in foreign money
币汇率rate in foreign currency
币汇票piece of foreign exchange
币流动性紧缩foreign currency liquidity crunch
币溢价premium on foreign currency
币现金流量cash flows in a foreign currency
币记价结算settlement in denomination of foreign currencies
币调剂市场foreign currency readjustment market
币财务报表的折算translation of foreign currency financial statements
币货币性项目foreign currency monetary items
币贷款票据long bills issued in the operation of lending foreign money
币长期股权投资的折算translation of long-term equity investments in foreign currencies
币非货币性项目foreign currency non-monetary items
来发票登记簿invoice register
来审计external revision
来干预outside interference
foreign bill of exchange
汇买卖foreign exchange trading
汇买卖经纪人exchanging broker
汇买卖经纪人exchange broker
汇买进日记簿foreign exchange purchase journal
汇买进日记账foreign exchange purchase journal
汇互换FX swap
汇互换treasury swap
汇交易foreign exchange trading
汇交易利润profit on foreign exchange transaction
汇交易合约foreign exchange contracts
汇交易员foreign exchange dealers
汇交易平台foreign exchange trading platform
汇交易者exchange trader
汇交易者currency trader
汇体制改革reform of foreign exchange system
汇余额利息计算calculation of interest on the balance of exchange
汇保值协议agreement on exchange guarantees
汇俱乐部forex club
汇借款foreign exchange loan
汇借款合同contract for foreign exchange loans
汇倾销foreign exchange dumping
汇储备foreign currency exchange reserve
汇储备reserves of foreign exchange
汇储备forex reserves
汇储备foreign currency exchange reserve
汇储备充足sufficient foreign exchange reserves
汇储备的上升rise in reserves
汇储备耗减depletion of foreign exchange
汇储备规模size of foreign exchange reserve
汇兑换损益账户foreign exchange gain or loss a/c
汇兑换银行foreign exchange bank
汇出售核定单authorization sheet for sale of exchange
汇分配foreign exchange allocation
汇分配allocation of foreign currency
汇分配配额allocation of exchange
汇卖出价selling rate of foreign exchange
汇卖出日记本foreign exchange sales journal
汇博弈foreign exchange bet
汇危机foreign exchange crisis
汇国家垄断制state monopoly system of foreign currencies
汇基金债券exchange fund note
汇基金债务票据exchange fund debt instrument
汇基金投资有限公司Exchange Fund Investment Limited
汇基金特别帐户foreign exchange fund special account
汇基金票据exchange fund bill
汇外流foreign exchange drain
汇头寸记录簿position book
汇契约统一规则》Uniform Rules for Foreign Exchange Contract
汇套利arbitrage of exchange
汇对冲交易currency hedging
汇差价exchange spread
汇差价exchange margin
汇市场forex market
汇市场做市业务forex market-making
汇市场参与者participants of foreign exchange market
汇市场干预exchange intervention
汇市场波动volatility of foreign exchange markets
汇平价par value
汇平价foreign exchange parity
汇平衡账户exchange equalization account
汇战略全球主管global head of foreign exchange strategy
汇投资foreign currency investments
汇抵押贷款foreign exchange mortgage loan
汇拍卖foreign exchange auctions
汇拍卖exchange auction
汇持有foreign exchange holdings
汇损益帐户foreign exchange gain or loss a/c
汇换算表exchange conversion table
汇掉期FX swap
汇掉期forex swap
汇收人留成余额retained balance from foreign exchange revenue
汇收入总额total foreign exchange
汇收支foreign exchange receipts and payments
汇收支foreign exchange receipt and disbursement
汇收益foreign exchange gain
汇收益earnings in foreign exchange
汇敞口分析foreign currency exposure analysis
汇期权forex option
汇期权foreign currency option (又称"货币期权 (currency option)",是一种选择契约,其持有人即期权买方有权在将来的特定时间按约定的汇率向银行买人约定数额的一种货币,卖出另一种货币)
汇期权交易foreign exchange option trading
汇期货foreign currency futures
汇期货式期权futures-style options
汇期货式期权foreign currency futures-style option
汇期货期权option on foreign currency futures
汇汇率波动损失loss from foreign exchange fluctuation
汇流动性风险foreign exchange liquidity risks
汇溢价exchange premium
汇牌价允许波动范围allowance for exchange fluctuation
汇犯罪crime against foreign exchanges
汇现钞买卖价buying and selling rate of foreign bank note
汇的不确定性uncertainty of exchange rates
汇短缺short of exchange
汇短缺scarcity of foreign exchange
汇票据piece of foreign exchange
汇票据类foreign items
汇稳定帐户exchange stabilization account
汇策略师FX strategist
汇管制exchange controls
汇管制regulation of foreign exchange
汇管制年度报吿annual report on exchange restrictions
汇管制当局exchange control authorities
汇管制条例exchange control regulation
汇管理法令exchange control regulations
汇管理规定exchange control regulation
汇经纪人exchange jobber
汇经纪商currency broker
汇结算exchange surrender
汇结算公司exchange clearing house
汇结算制exchange clearing system
汇综合协议标准条款Synthetic Agreements for Forward Exchange Recommended Terms and Com ditions
汇营运基金fund for operation of foreign exchange
汇行情表list of exchange rate quotations
汇衍生品交易derivatives trading in foreign exchange
汇补进率exchange cover rate
汇规定foreign exchange rules
汇计价证券foreign-currency-denominated securities
汇调剂foreign exchange swap
汇调剂中心foreign exchange swap center
汇调剂制foreign exchange coordination system
汇购买exchange buying
汇购买核定单authorization sheet for purchase of exchange
汇资产foreign exchange holdings
汇资产的保险总额coverage of foreign exchange assets
汇资金特别账户foreign exchange fund special account
汇超售额amount of foreign exchange oversold
汇超购额amount of foreign exchange overbought
汇转账transfer of foreign exchange
联邦储备银行汇部foreign exchange desk
汇配给制exchange rationing system
汇金融机构financial institution for foreign exchange
汇预算exchange budget
汇风险risk of foreign exchange
汇风险foreign exchange exposure
汇风险管理foreign exchange risk management
汇黑市exchange black bourse
现利息explicit interest
界标准external standards
贸进出口总额total foreign trade value
贸银行Natexis Banques Populaires
资企业foreign investment enterprise
资并购安全审查制度security review system for mergers and acquisitions involving foreign investment
资情况表statement showing status of foreign funds
资流人foreign inflows
资流人foreign capital inflow
资的利用和管制utilization and control of foreign capital
资股foreign share
资金融机构foreign financial institutions
资银行承兑票据foreign acceptances
资项目foreign-funded project
逃资金余额refugee monetary balance
部会计external accounting
部信息external information
部审计external revision
部审计师external auditor
部成本external costs
部报告会计财务会计accounting for external reporting
部股东outside shareholder
部进口external import
部需求的日益疲软weakening external demand
foreign demand
多头汇保值long foreign exchange hedge
多边的自由对贸易free multilateral foreign trade
大规模汇储备积累massive reserve accumulation
奉行"韬光养晦"的交政策follow a policy of " biding time and hiding one's talents"
套购illicit arbitration of foreign exchange
存放国银行账款due from foreign banks
存放国同业总帐nostro ledger
汇风险降至最低minimize foreign exchange risks
居民汇管理帐户controlled-resident account
屈从于来压力bow to foreign pressure
借款off-the-book loan
负债liability out of book
资产hidden asset
资产non-ledger assets
资产assets out of book
资产off-the-book property
资产unlisted asset
资产secret assets
资产assets out of accounts
《开展境内个人直接投资境证券市场试点方案》Pilot Program for Direct Foreign Portfolio Investments by Domestic Individuals
引发海人民币贷款的激增trigger an offshore renminbi credit boom
弥补需缺口compensate for weak external demand
与健康福利accident and health benefits (为员工提供有关疾病、意外受伤或意外死亡的福利。这些福利包括支付医院及医疗开支以及有关时期的收人)
事故准备reserve for extraordinary casualty
事故准备reserve for extraordinary casualty
事故准备reserve for extraordinary
事故准备reserve for accidents
事故基金accident fund
事故帐户contingency account
事故的成本费用accidental cost
事故险accident insurance
事项准备contingent reserve
事项准备contingency reserve
事项准备金reserve for contingencies
伤害准备reserve for extraordinary casualty
信用风险contingent credit risk
开支拨款unallocated contingency
开支指定款项contingency earmarking
开支权contingency authority
开支权contingency authority UNDP
强劲增长unexpectedly strong growth
或有债务风险risk of unexpected contingent liabilities
折旧contingent depreciation
损失loss from contingency
损失uninsured loss
损失casual loss
损失准备contingent reserve
损失风险risk of accidental loss
支出extraordinary payment
死亡险accident death insurance
费用contingent fee
成本加数mark on (up)
持有汇空头头寸hold short positions in foreign currencies
指定designated foreign currency
支付来自国的净进口finance net imports from abroad
支持有条件的企业开展海并购support qualified enterprises to carry out overseas mergers and acquisitions
放弃汇管制abandon exchange controls
最脆弱的欧元区围经济体weakest peripheral economies
资背景企业foreign-backed enterprise
有关境市场relevant overseas market
有票面责任的股票assessment share
期货汇合同futures foreign exchange contract
期货汇合同futures exchange contract
未列入预算的额费用unbudgeted extra costs
币对冲操作sterilization operation
币并账consolidation of domestic and foreign currency accounts
本年汇支出foreign exchange expenditure annually
本年汇收人foreign exchange income annually
行为ultra vires acts
会计below the line
欧元区围国家European periphery
欧元区以地区world outside the eurozone
欧元区以的国家countries outside the eurozone
欧洲理事会交关系委员会European Council on Foreign Relations
汇丰新兴市场汇策略全球主管HSBC's global head of emerging markets foreign exchange strategy
汇兑同价兑价与票额相同汇平价par of exchange
流通在债券bonds outstanding
流通在的公司债、未偿还债券bond outstanding
清算汇凭单clearing exchange slip
国货币报价quotation in foreign currency
用人民币购买buy foreign exchange with renminbi
用预算资源办理的financed from extra-budgetary sources
申请application for exchange
稳定stabilize external demand
罗马尼亚场市场Romanian OTC Market (即"罗斯达克 (Rasdaq)")
职工意事故补偿保险法insurance law of labors accident
职工意保险liability insurance
营业帐户non-operating account
营业帐簿non-operating book
营业扣减income deduction
营业损失净额net amount of non operating profit and loss
营业损益non-operating profit and loss
营业损益预算other income and expense budget
营业支出other expenses
营业支出non-operating outlay
营业收入non-operating revenues
营业收益unrelated business income
营业的部分non-operating section
营业费用other charges
营业费用预算other expenses budget
营业预算other budget
负面溢效应negative spillover effects
付款off-the-book payment
负债out-of-book liabilities
concealed accounts
资产asset out of book
资产out-of-book asset
资产asset out of account
货币money outflow
货币性资产以的资产assets other than monetary assets
货币的对购买力external purchasing power of money
货币管理currency overly
购进汇核定单authorization sheet for purchases of exchange
资产评估意损失asset assessment contingency
资产负债表业务off-balance-sheet business
资产负债表交易off-balance-sheet transaction
资产负债表交易off-balance-sheet arrangements
资产负债表实体off-balance-sheet entities
资产负债表投资基金off-balance-sheet investment funds
资产负债表的资金融通off balance sheet financing
资产负债表融资off-balance-sheet financing
资产负债表负债off-balance-sheet liabilities
资产负债表贷款off-balance-sheet lending
资产负债表资产off-balance-sheet assets
资产负债表金融工具off-balance-sheet financial instrument
资产负债表项目off-balance-sheet items
资产负债表风险off-balance-sheet exposure
资本capital flight
资本capital exodus
防止意或故意错报prevent accidental or deliberate misreporting
阻止资本halt the outflows
阿拉伯投资及贸银行Arab Bank for Investment and Foreign Trade (阿联酋的商业银行,成立于1975年,行址在阿布扎比)
降低资准人门槛reduce the foreign barriers to entry
降低意事件潜在风险reduce potential risks from unexpected events
鼓励商投资企业参与技术研发encourage foreign investment enterprises to participate in R&D
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