
Terms for subject Economy containing | all forms
一个人投资于股票时,除投资付款,无额外责任When one invests in stocks, he is non-assessable, except for the payment for investment
一个从国收到股利或贷款利息的国家可说是赚到外汇A country receiving dividends or interest on loans from abroad is said to have earned foreign exchange
一些意事件甚至有经验的承包商都无法预测Some contingencies can't be foreseen even by an experienced contractor
一家商投资公司在上海建成A corporation was organized in Shanghai with the capital of a foreign investor
上下之关键字索引KWOC keyword out of context index
±下文关键字索引keyword out of context index
±下文关键字索引KWOC index
不充分的部参考weak external reference
不受国竞争影响的行业a sheltered trade
不能兑换币的通货blocked currency
不能兑换币的通货blocked currencies
与单一币固定比价unicurrency pegging
与单一币挂钩the unicurrency pegging
与单一币挂钩unicurrency pegging
与国份额油有关收入foreign oil related income
专家们就浮动汇率问题提供建议The experts advised on the float of exchange rate
专项reserve sum of foreign exchange
世界主要港口文名称中文译名所属国家或地区纬度经度The Worlds Major Seaports
《中华人民共和国中合资经营企业所得税施行细则》 Rules for the Implementation of the Individual Income Tax Law of the Poeple's Republic of ChinaRules for the Implementation of the Income Tax Law of the People's Republic of China Concerning Chinese-Foreign Joint Ventures (中华人民共和国个人所得税法实行细则)
企业部交易external transaction
利润the unearned profit
股利unearned dividends
股利unearned dividend
包装很重要,因顾客很容易从观上判断Packaging is very important because customers are likely to judge by appearance
筹资external financing
部借入资金external financing
向国分保reinsurance coded abroad
处理船主责任范围以的索赔基金limitation fund
备付债本息的财政信托账户fiscal trust accounts for payments of principal and interest of external bonded debts
备用reserved foreign currencies
复式汇率汇管理制度multiple rate system of exchange control
事处office of foreign affairs
事服务单位service unit for foreigners
交使团diplomatic missions
交使团diplomatic corp
交信袋放行the passing of diplomatic mailbag
交信袋放行passing of diplomatic mailbag
美国参议院交关系委员会Foreign Relation Committee
交头衔diplomatic rank
美国交委员会Council on Foreign Relations
交攻势diplomatic offensive
交政策foreign policy
交特权diplomatic prerogative
交能力diplomatic ability
交衔the diplomatic rank
交证件diplomatic document
交谈判diplomatic negotiation
交豁免权diplomatic immunities
交邮袋diplomatic mail-bag
交部某一官员将就这一问题举行一次新闻发布会An official in the Department of Foreign Affairs will hold a press conference on the issue
交部长the Minister of Foreign Affairs
交部长the Foreign Minister
交部长Minister of Foreign Affairs
伸框架吊运车out trigger
the overseas debt
without external debt
foreign bond
债发行foreign loan issue
债清偿比例debt service ratio
债的发行募集floatation of external loan
债还本付息基金fund for payment of principal and interest on external debts
债限额external debt limit
an exterior division
刊尺寸overall dimension
foreign forces
加信息additional information
务员field salesman
包装outer packaging
包装the outer packing
包装情况external condition of packing
包装的边缘outer edges of the wrapping
向型工业export-oriented industry
向型经济export-oriented economy
向封锁blockade outward
商投资企业foreign-invested enterprises
美国商务部商服务处Foreign Commercial Service
商独资企业a wholly foreign-owned enterprise
商独资企业wholly foreign-owned enterprises
在不经济与外在节省external diseconomy and economics
在价值extrinsic value
在变数和内在变数variable exogenous & endogenous
在因素external factors
在报酬extrinsic reward
在的示范outside demonstration
在经济external economics
地付款汇票domiciled draft
地支付票据addressed bill
地活动field activities
集装箱地空回overland transit empty
地项目field projects
层空间学说theory of space
foreign money
币付款exchange payments
币借款foreign currency loans
币债券foreign currency denominated debenture
币债券foreign-currency denominated debenture
币倾销currency dumping
币兑换exchange transaction
币兑换利益profit on foreign exchange
币兑换处exchange office
币兑换执照money exchanger's license
币准备foreign money reserve
币到岸价格CIF value in foreign currency
币到岸价格cost, insurance, and freight value in foreign currency
币到岸价格cost, insurance and freight value in foreign currency (用外币计算的货价、保险费加运费价)
币可供量foreign exchange availabilities
币头寸foreign currency position
币存款foreign holdings
币折算增益translation gains
币折算损益translation loss
币换奪translation of foreign currency
币收款的汇票bill receivable in foreign currency
币汇价exchange rate in foreign currency
币申报单foreign currency declaration
币登记证foreign currency registration certificate
币管制foreign currency control
币融资foreign currency finance
币账户foreign currency account
币贷款foreign currency loans
币资金foreign currency funds
币资金情况表statement of showing status of foreign funds
币转换证foreign currency conversion certificate
广延the exterior extent
推平均the extrapolated mean
推法an extrapolated method
国外推销员expatriate salesman
来借款者a non-resident borrower
来捐赠external contribution
来援助an extrinsic aid
来放款者outside lender
来方法exotic approach
来货币exotic currencies
来资料external data
来资金external sources
来资金external funds
来资金供应external financing
来资金流动external resource flow
来辅助人员a guest auxilary
exchange ex. ;change
或现金的分配allocation of currency
汇业务foreign exchange transactions
汇业务exchange transaction
汇业务foreign exchange operation
汇业务投资foreign portfolio investment
汇业务有关的人民币存款Renminbi deposits related to foreign exchange business
汇业务的专业银行a specialized bank dealing with foreign exchange business
汇买卖foreign exchange transactions
汇交存凭证exchange surrender certificate
汇交易exchange dealings
汇交易商foreign exchange trader
汇交易所的货币价格经常变化The value of a currency on foreign exchange market changes frequently
汇价值论foreign currency value theory
汇价值论foreign exchange earnings theory
汇佣金支出the commission paid on foreign exchange
汇保值协定agreement on exchange guarantee
汇偿付能力ability-to-repay investment in foreign exchange
汇储备a foreign exchange reserves
汇储备持有的格局reserve pattern of holdings
汇储备特有的格局reserve pattern of holdings
汇储备耗减depletion of foreign exchange reserve
汇储备金external reserves
汇兑换exchange of foreign money
汇兑换水单an exchange memo
汇兑换税单exchange memo
汇准备reserve of foreign exchange
汇准备exchange reserves
汇准备制度reserve requirement system in foreign currency
汇准备金currency holdings
汇分成share the foreign currency earning
汇分配额the rationed exchange
汇升值the exchange appreciation
汇升值exchange appreciation
汇升水exchange premium
汇升水率premium rate
汇协议foreign exchange agreement
汇卖出价和买入价ask rate and bid rate
汇危机foreign-exchange crisis
汇变动foreign exchange fluctuations
汇合同foreign exchange contract
汇周转基金foreign exchange operation fund
汇商人money dealer
汇均衡foreign exchange equilibrium
汇实物交割价exchange delivery settlement price
汇市场牌价quotation on the foreign exchange market
汇平价a par of exchange
汇平价mint par;specie par
汇平准基金foreign exchange stabilization fund
汇战the foreign exchange warfare
汇战争exchange war
汇承兑率accepter rate of exchange
汇折算调整额foreign exchange translation adjustments
汇拍卖exchange auctions
汇持有管制制度foreign exchange holding restriction system
汇捐客exchange dealer
汇损益gain and loss by exchange
汇损益账户foreign exchange gain or loss a/c
汇换算调整额foreign exchange transaction adjustments
汇掉期foreign exchange swaps
汇控制foreign exchange control
汇控制exchange controls
汇控制exchange control
汇收人exchange earnings
汇收人和支出foreign exchange receipt and disbursement
汇收入foreign exchange receipt
汇收入earning in foreign exchange
汇收入earnings of foreign exchange
汇收入foreign earnings
汇收入和支出foreign exchange receipts and disbursements
汇收支顺差favourable balance of foreign exchange earnings and outlays
汇收益exchange gain
汇政策international monetary policy
汇政策标准保单exchange policy
汇服务部Foreign Exchange Service
汇条例currency regulations
汇条款foreign exchange clause
汇比价exchange ratio
汇汇出或兑换申请书application for outward remittance or conversion
汇汇款申请书the application for foreign exchange remittance
汇汇率discount rate
汇汇票foreign bill of exchange
汇流入量foreign-exchange inflow
汇流出量foreign exchange outflow
汇清算协定exchange settlement agreement
汇清算基金funds for foreign exchange settlement
汇牌价exchange quotation
汇牌价foreign-exchange rate
汇特权foreign exchange privileges
汇率foreign-exchange rate
汇率下跌使海外销售额增加Overseas sales have benefit-ed from the fall in the exchange rate
汇现汇结算settlement with foreign exchange on hand
汇申请application for exchange
汇留成share the foreign currency earning
汇留成额制foreign exchange quota system
汇的余额foreign exchange balance
汇的全面情况overall position of exchange (地位)
汇的影子价格shadow price of foreign exchange
汇的稳定性exchange stabilization
汇的银行卖价selling exchange rate
汇盈余gain on exchange
汇矫正correction of foreign exchange
汇票据foreign exchange instrument
汇票据破产起诉prosecution for bankruptcy for exchange bills
汇票证foreign exchange instrument
汇稳定the exchange stability
汇稳定基金exchange equalization fund
汇管制the-exchange control
汇管理exchange controls
汇管理control of foreign exchange
汇管理处Exchange Control Office
"汇管理暂行条例"Provisional Regulations on Exchange Control
汇经纪人协会exchange broker's association
汇经纪佣金exchange brokerage
汇结算交易所Exchange Clearing House
汇自留制foreign exchange retaining system
汇行市exchange rate quotation
汇行市exchange rate
汇行情表exchange price quotation
汇许可foreign exchange permit
汇许可证exchange permit
汇调剂办法foreign exchange coordination system (制度)
汇贴水foreign exchange premium
汇贷款foreign exchange loans
汇贸易foreign exchange trading
汇费用foreign exchange cost
汇资产的范围the coverage of foreign exchange asset
汇资金调整exchange fund cover
汇还债期间export credit loan repayment
汇选择权委托人foreign currency options principal
汇邮政汇票foreign postal money order
汇配给the rationing exchange
汇配额制foreign exchange allocation system
汇配额系统exchange quota system
汇金融机构financial institution for foreign exchanges
汇限制foreign exchange restrictions
汇限额exchange restrictions
汇限额系统exchange quota system
汇集中制foreign exchange concentration system
汇集中制exchange concentration
汇集中管理制exchange restriction
派人员选择expatriate selection
派支持系统expatriate support system
派津贴the assignment allowance
派身份assignment status
现金a drain on (cash)
流因素external drain
流因素external drains
an outer harbour
溢效应spill over
溢效果spillover (因某种商品不足而引起对其他有关商品的需求)
现利率explicit rate
生经济周期理论exogenous business-cycle theory
生自变数autonomous exogenous variables
生货币变量exogenous monetary variable
external environment
界分析员external analyst
界审计external audit
界情况state of nature
界活动和权益the outside activity and interest
界的相应薪酬external matching remuneration
界的货币outside money
界董事outside director
皮完整cover in order contents melted
the exotic species
籍客商foreign businessman
籍职工foreign staff and workers
聘分析员external analyst
a silent partner
股未参与管理的合伙人dormant partners
股未参与管理的合伙人dormant partner
观吸引力the eye appeal
观检验the visual inspection
调物资transfer materials to other localities
购半成品the semi-finished products purchase
购商品merchandise purchase
购或自制决策buy or make decision
贸专业公司specialized foreign trade corporations
贸体制改革reform of foreign trade structure
贸体制改革the reform of foreign trade system
贸出口顺差favourable balance of trade export duties
美国贸区人境foreign trade zone entry
贸区域foreign trade zone
美国贸区法案Foreign Trade Zone Act
美国海关贸区管理委员会Foreign Trade Zone Board
贸单证员vouching clerk
贸垄断foreign trade monopoly
贸寄售foreign trade on consignment (basis)
贸差额exchange margin
贸形式patterns of foreign trade
贸收购价purchasing price for export
贸机构foreign trade organization
贸机构foreign trade agency
贸注册foreign trade register
美国贸统计法规Foreign Trade Statistical Regulation
贸金融foreign trade finance
外国资本foreign capital
资为主foreign majority interest
资公司应无条件遵守中国各地劳动部门所订的各种规章制度Foreign-funded companies should unconditionally comply with the rules and regulations of the labour departments in different localities in China
资关系企业foreign-backed enterprise
资占多数foreign majority interest
资攻势foreign capital challenge
资法law concerning foreign investment
资的利用与管制the utilization and control of foreign capital
资管理foreign fund control
资联属公司foreign capital affiliated company
逃资本the refugee capital
为获取高利或保障币值由一国转移到另一国的逃资金funk money
逃资金余额the refugee monetary balance
external sale
export external transactions
export drive
销寄售foreign trade on consignment basis
销部经理必须了解产品的技术性能和规格The outside sales manager must have some knowledge of the technical capabilities and specifications of the products
陆架地产法案Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act
《对个人的汇管理施行细则Rules for the Implementation of Foreign Exchange Control Relating to Individuals
市区以的银行country bank
市场门new to market
开往埠付款的汇票domiciled bill
开放政策吸引国投资者Open policy attracts foreign investors
开放政策吸引一笔笔资流入这个国家The open policy attracts inflows of foreign capital into the country
引进国技术introduction of foreign technique
引进foreign capital introduction
引进foreign capital importation
unforeseen circumstances
丧生a fatal accident
事件casus fortuitous
事件记录图unplanned event record (log)
事故a fortuitous event
事故a fortuitous accident
事故an unforeseen accident
事故伤亡准备reserve for extra-ordinary casualties
事故准备金the accident fund
事故准备金accident fund
事故及盗窃损失casualty and theft losses
事故发生率the accident frequency
事故赔偿损失accident and indemnity
事故频率accident frequency
事故保险accident insurance
信用危contingent credit risk
停泊the unscheduled call
停港unscheduled call
停靠the unscheduled call
公积金contingent reserve (准备金)
准备contingency reserve
损失准备reserve for contingencies
分析contingency analysis
利润the windfall profit
利益保险contingent insurance
及死亡保险the accident and death benefit insurance
开支contingency expenditure
开支拨款the unallocated contingency
开支拨款contingency allocations
开支指定条款contingency earmarking
开支权contingency earmarking
战争accidental war
损失an uninsured loss
损失the windfall loss
损失fortuitous casualty
损失accidental losses
损失基金contingency fund
损益extraordinary profit and loss
收获the windfall benefit
收获windfall benefit
死亡条款a sudden death clause
浮动accidental fluctuation
海损the accidental average
灾害excepted risk
的利润windfall profit
的利润incidental profit
的损失unexpected losses
碰撞the accidental collision
accident insurance
风险emergency risks
我们不再雇用额的上门售货推销员We will not employ any additional door-to-door salesmen
我们不应只做We should not confine ourselves to export sales
我们对由于不可避免的意事故而造成损失或损坏不负责任We shall not be responsible for losses or damages caused by unavoidable accidents
我们已将你方报盘函转给方公司,请与他们直接联系As we have referred your offers to the foreign corporation for their attention, please contact them directly
我们应采取一切必须措施,以获得该著名国公司的新产品在中国的独家经销权We shall take all measures requisite to get the sales exclusive right in China for the new product of that famous foreign corporation
我们正在编制明年8万美元的对销售预算We are budgeting for US $80.000 of overseas sales next year
我们非常抱歉地通知贵方,由于不可避免的意事故,我方无法履行合同We are very sorry to inform you that we can not perform the contract due to inevitable accident
我方价格根据汇兑换率可予以变动Our prices are variable in accordance with the rate of exchange
我方同意负担额保险费We agree to take on the extra premium
我方正在寻找一家能在国为我方产品找到销路的公司We are looking for a company who can help us find outlets abroad for our products
我的银行将为我的国旅行提供外汇,如法国法郎和埃及镑My bank will supply me with foreign exchange for my trip abroad: French francs and Egyptian pounds
国旗船只foreign flag vessel
持有汇资产holding of exchange asset
国旗船只foreign flag ship
挂利比里亚旗的国船a Liberian flag ship
指令汇银行authorized foreign exchange bank
指定国代理人appoint foreign agents
按例原则管理management by exception
按合同中第五条条款的规定,合同价格将用币支付Payments of the contract price shall be made in foreign currency as specified in clause five
按晴天工作日计算,星期日、假日除weather working days, Sundays, holidays excepted
有关于美国贸政策的讲座吗?Will there be a lecture on the American foreign trade policy?
有对偿付能力the external solvency
有选拔权的汇协定option exchange contract
有选择权的汇协定option exchange contract
标明埠支付的汇票domiciled bill of exchange
气味smell out
渔业向化比率简写为RFEratio of fisheries extroversion
负担non-tax payments
老板到国去了The boss was out of the country
考虑到彼此间的长期关系,我方同意对你方报盘作一次例处理In view of our long connection n., we agree to make an exception of our offer
调回repatriate the foreign exchange
调整汇行市exchange-rate adjustment
逐步减少资股权措施fade-out measures
逐步减少资股权措施out measures
递增或额折旧accelerated or extraordinary depreciation
销售的汇额度sales of foreign exchange quotas
鼓励商投资encourage foreign investment
政府 鼓励国公民和华侨在经济特区投资设厂,兴办各项经济事业In special economic zone foreign citizens and overseas Chinese are encouraged to open factories or take up various economic undertaking with investment
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