
Terms for subject Commerce containing | all forms
一般意准备金general contingency reserve
三十日远期exchange within current month
上海贸公司Shanghai Foreign Trade Corporation
不具约束力的场交易补偿市场OTC offset market
不具约束力的场交易补偿市场non-binding over-the-counter offset market
不要从表判断事物Don't judge a thing from the outside
币比价下降currency devaluation
保险个人人身意伤害personal accident
合作经营企业Chinese-foreign cooperative enterprises
合资经营企业劳动管理规定Regulations on Labour Management in Joint Ventures Using Chinese and Foreign Investment
合资经营企业登记管理法Regulations on the Registration of Joint Ventures Using Chinese and Foreign Investment
契约式合资经营企业Chinese-foreign contractual joint ventures
股权式合资经营企业Chinese-foreign equity joint ventures
中华人民共和国中合资经营企业法Law of the Peopled Republic of China on Chinese-Foreign Joint Ventures (1979)
中国国投资管理委员会Commission to Regulate Foreign Investment
中国轮代理总公司China Ocean Shipping Agency
中国轮理货公司China Ocean Shipping Tally Corporation
中国对贸易运输公司China National Foreign Trade Transportation Corporation
中国贸促会对贸易仲裁委员会Foreign Trade Arbitration Commission of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade
买主要求这些细节,是为了符合本国在进口许可证、关税以及汇管制等方面的现行规定The buyer requires these details in order to comply with the rules and regulations in force in his own country applying to such topics as import licences, customs duties and exchange restrictions
互惠汇信贷swap credit
互补complementary exporting
交易所证券交易private offering
仅供用药medicine for external application only
币表示的汇率rate in foreign money (与以本国货币表示的汇率(rate in home money) 相对)
以额收入进行补偿be offsetted by surplus receipts
价值上升的firm exchange
企业可以留存一部分A portion of foreign exchange may be retained by enterprises
作为例as an exception
使合约落空的意事件frustrating event
事件处理原则exception principle
价值exceptional value
保险除责任条款exclusion clause
全方位对开放open to the outside world in an all-round way
六十日远期exchange within next month
共同对关税率common external tariff
关于所发1,000公吨大豆,兹附寄发票额副本二份We attach hereto two extra copies of invoice covering the shipment of 1,000 M/T soybean
关注对贸易concern for foreign trade
准备应付一切意事故be prepared for all contingencies
准备应付意事故provide against contingencies
几家贸公司赞助下的研究studies made under the auspices of several foreign trade corporations
出口人与国客户无直接契约关系The exporter is not in direct contractual relations with the foreign customers
包件表状况良好The packages are in apparent good order
半数以上的majority foreign participation
半数以下minority foreign participation
单边汇管理unilateral exchange control
印度海银行Indian Overseas Bank
即时汇交易spot exchange transaction
即时汇交易outright transaction
即期汇交割日spot value date
设施off-site facilities
双方当事人在签约时所谋求的商业目的因意情况受挫而落空The commercial aims which the both parties pursued when concluding the contract are defeated by force of supervening circumstances
双边汇合同bilateral exchange contract
双边汇管制bilateral exchange control
双重汇市场dual exchange market (即官方外汇市场 (official exchange market)、自由外汇市场(free exchange market))
other (a.)
可接受的国农产品foreign agricultural products admissible to domestic market
后者则指政府正式宣布减少本国货币单位含金量或降低与币的官定比价currency devaluation
向一家国企业出售专有技术的报酬the consideration for selling know-how to a foreign enterprise
向国借款foreign loan
向国的借款foreign borrowing
向船亦缩为 ovbdoverboard
吸收国先进技术absorption of advanced foreign technology
跨国公司业务经营foreign operation
业务署Foreign Operation Administration
代理人overseas agent
英国信用保险协会Foreign Credit Insurance Association
信用保险协会Foreign Credit Insurance Association (1962年,缩为 FCIA)
借款余额合计total of outstanding foreign loans
光票托收outward clean bill for collection
共同海损险foreign general average
技术贸易培训foreign training
子公司foreign subsidiary
常驻人员resident employees
汇兑foreign exchange remittance
汇票overseas money order
注册联属公司affiliated company incorporated abroad
独立代理人independent agent abroad
结存foreign balance
订单shipment order
账款支付payment of overseas accounts
资产foreign assets
外汇银行设立的foreign department
采购off-shore purchase
采购off-shore procurement
银行overseas bank
银行代理制度correspondent banking system
国家预算投资extra-budgetary investment
国际促进及保护私人国投资协会International Association for the Promotion of Private Foreign Investments (缩为 APPI)
在发生意情况下in case of contingency
在国市场无竞争力inability to compete in external markets
在对贸易中建立常设销售机构极受重视The establishment of a permanent sales organization is greatly favoured in foreign trade
在船舷by the board
交易o.t.c. trade
交易人outside dealer
交易市场o.t.c. market
交易市场street market
交易市场outside market (指 over-the-counter market)
交易市场off-the-board market
交易证券off-the-board securities
经纪人street broker
证券交易经纪人curb broker
销售over-the-counter sale
基地条款foundation exclusion clause
美兀市场off-shore dollar market
货币off-shore currency
资金off-shore fund
侨汇款immigrant remittance
借款outside loan
债偿本付息基金fund for payment of principal and interest on external debts
债延期偿付协议standstill agreement
债清偿率debt service ratio
出做商业旅行be absent on a business tour
勤审计师travelling auditor 巡回审计师
勤审计师field auditor
勤收款人outside collector
包装outward packing
发信件outgoing correspondence
围仓库收货制度terminal receiving system
国人临时居留证Temporary Residence Permits for Foreigners
国人勤务津贴foreigner's duty pay
国人股票转移foreigner's shares transfer
国商行职员a clerk in a foreign firm
国投资人可调回他们的投资及其资本收益The foreign investors are allowed to repatriate their own invested capital and any capital gain
国投资法foreign investment laws
美国国银行信贷自动限制规则voluntary foreign credit restraint guidelines
岀汇票outgoing bill
币应付款票据Foreign Currency Bills Payable
币申报表foreign currency declaration
延抽样extensive sampling
形上的瑕疵defect in form
推因素extrapolation factor
推法extrapolative technique
推法external inference method
来事件extraneous event
来资金outside funds
来项目extraordinary extraneous item
来风险extraneous risk
汇买卖均衡square position (指外汇银行在出现购买过多 (overbought) 或出售过多 (oversold) 时抛出或补进外汇以保持平衡)
汇买卖均衡square exchange position
汇交换券exchange coupon
汇交易室trader's room
汇储备账户official reserve account
汇净储备net exchange reserve
汇分配rationing of foreign exchange
汇变动exchange movement
汇合同统一规则Uniform Rules for Foreign Exchange Contracts
汇周转资金foreign exchange operation fund
汇局office de change
汇市场commodity exchange
汇平价official par of exchange
汇平准基金Fonds de Stabilisation des Changes
汇平衡balance of payments in foreign currencies
汇成交单trade ticket
汇折合率foreign currency conversion
汇折算损益translation gain or loss
汇折算风险conventional risk
汇指定银行appointed foreign exchange bank
汇换算exchange conversion
汇掉期保证swap exchange guarantee
汇掉期信贷swap credit
汇掉期费用swap cost
汇收益gains on foreign exchange
汇本位exchange standard
汇汇率rate of exchange
汇汇率调整时机timing of readjusting foreign exchange rate
汇汇率重新调整readjustment of foreign exchange rate
汇清算协定exchange clearing agreement
汇牌价official rate
汇牌价exchange rate quotations
汇牌价official exchange rate
汇留成share of foreign exchange
汇直接标价法giving quotation
汇管制currency exchange control
汇管制法规exchange control regulations
汇管理foreign funds control
汇管理中心centre of foreign exchange control
汇管理制度exchange control system
汇管理条例Statute for Foreign Exchange Regulations
汇管理条例exchange control regulation
汇管理条例必须遵守The exchange control regulations have to be observed
汇行市rate of foreign exchange
汇行市rate of exchange
汇行政管制administrative restriction of foreign exchange
印度尼西亚汇许可证surat idzin devisen
汇许可证foreign exchange licence
汇转移风险exchange transfer risk
汇逆差unfavourable exchange
汇配售exchange rationing
汇钉住政策exchange pegging policy
汇集中制concentration system of foreign exchange
outside port
用投资净额net foreign investment
表状况良好的货物goods in apparent good order
观状况良好in apparent good order (货物)
购废料bought scrap
购部分outside procured part
贸依存率ratio of dependence on foreign trade
贸厅Department of Foreign Trade
贸商品结构foreign trade structure
贸格局pattern of foreign trade
贸界foreign trade circles
资偿还期限term of foreign capital repayment
资利用与管制utilization and control of foreign capital
资引进introducing of foreign capital
运运费outgoing freight
送汇票outward bill
邀董事outside director (与内部董事 (inside director) 相对)
欧洲自由贸易协会部七国集团Outer Seven (英国、丹麦、挪威、瑞典、葡萄牙、奥地利、瑞士)
部交易业务external transaction (与内部交易业务 (internal transaction) 相对)
部介质条件environmental factors
部包装external packaging
部变量extraneous variable
部审计员external auditor
部市场调查outward market research
部最大尺寸overall size
部货币outside money
部资金external finance
部资金供应outside finance
部资金提供outside financing
多边汇结算协定multilateral exchange clearing agreement
如与现法发生冲突时,除双方当事人有约定,优先适用惯例In the event of conflict with the present law, the usages shall prevail unless agreed by both parties
如发生当事人不能控制的意事件,应对交货时间给予合理延长In case of events beyond the control of the parties, a reasonable extension of the time of delivery should be granted
如有货物装卸时,星期日及假日亦算在停泊期间之内,无装卸时,除SHEX, unless worked
如有货物装卸时,星期日及假日亦算在停泊期间之内,无装卸时,除SHEX, unless used
官方汇市场official foreign exchange market (与自由外汇市场 (free exchange market), 黑市外汇市场(dark exchange market) 相对)
官方汇市场official exchange market (与自由外汇市场 (free exchange market), 黑市外汇市场(dark exchange market) 相对)
官方汇资产official foreign exchange assets
储备external reserve
可兑换性external convertibility
国人施行的法律-外国的aliens legislation
承包的工程foreign contracted project
报表external reporting (向股东)
汇实行直接管制exert direct control of foreign exchange
经贸部Foreign Economic Relations and Trade Ministry
财务管理external financial management
贸易foreign trade (与国内贸易 (domestic trade) 相对)
贸易价值value of foreign trade
贸易多元化diversify foreign trade partners
贸易环境external trading environment
贸易银行Foreign Exchange Bank, Vneshtorgbank (Moscow, 莫斯科)
贸易顺差foreign trade favourable balance
币兑换为本国货币commute foreign currency to domestic
现代企业管理工作满足off-the-job satisfaction (与工作内满足 (on-the-job satisfaction) 相对)
差错与遗漏除errors and omissions excepted
"1947年汇管制法"条文provisions of the Exchange Control Act 1947
引进introduction of foreign investment
引进introduction foreign capital
悬挂国旗帜的船只foreign flag ship
事故准备reserve for contingency
事故因疏忽而致The accident is attributed to carelessness
事故基金contingent fund
事故条款contingency clause (美国的贸易合同中不用 force majeure 不可抗力,而用 contingency clause)
人身事故准备reserve for accidents
保险casualty insurance (美国除人寿保险与房产保险外,其它商业保险均为意外保险)
保险赔偿accident indemnity
利润wind-fall profit
超额利润税windfall profit tax
及伤亡险accident and death benefit insurance
及医疗险accident and health insurance
情况除外unforeseen circumstances excepted
支岀拨款contingency allocation
收入extraordinary income
财产损失unexpected property loss
我们应立即与我们的海客户联系We should get in contact with our overseas buyer immediately
我们必须为任何意事故作准备We must be ready for any contingency
我们的产品在国受到越来越多的欢迎Our products have enjoyed growing favour among buyers abroad
我们的产品在国市场受到欢迎Our products are well received in foreign markets
我公司被分配到1,000,000 美元汇配额Our company is allocated an exchange quota of US $1,000,000 for the current year
我方不同意你方信中的言之意,即言我方对你方要求未予重视We don't agree with your implication in your letter that we ignored your requirements
打破国常规break down foreign conventions
扩大国家对贸易enlarge the foreign commerce of the country
把人民币换算为translate RMB yuan into a foreign currency
投入物的厂储运设施off-site transport and storage of inputs
拓国市场develop foreign markets
拘捕与扣留除free of capture and seizure
拘捕与扣留除条款FC & S clause
指定地付款支票domiciled check
按晴天工作日计算,星期日及假日除weather working days, Sundays and holidays excepted
掌握贸技巧master foreign trade techniques
排除对贸易障碍remove foreign trade barriers
接到国通知receive advice from abroad
控制场投机活动curb speculation
美国Foreign Association Act
操纵汇汇率manipulate the exchange rate
政府对引进国技术的管制government regulation of inflow of foreign technology
日本海建设协会Overseas Construction Association of Japan Inc
星期日与假日除Sundays and holidays excepted
星期日与节假日除亦缩为 SHEXSundays and holidays excepted
有些国公司法对财政年度的开始与终止日期有强制性规定Some foreign company laws lay down obligatory requirements about the commencing and terminal dates of the financial year
保险条款warranted clauses
欧共体共同对税则Common External Tariff
商业信函中还常用with this
毫无例sans exception
法国对贸易联合会Union Francaise du Commerce Extérieur
法国对贸易银行Banque Francaise du Commerce Exterieur (Paris, 巴黎)
法定汇存款制official foreign currency deposit system
保险公司off-shore insurance company
信托银行Overseas Trust Bank, Ltd.
倾销地dumping ground
公司off-shore company
工业off-shore industry
开发投资公司Overseas Development Investment Co. (美国)
总管理处overseas headquarters (指跨国公司 (multinational corporation, transnational corporation) 对其子公司 (subsidiary company) 的管理机构)
投资中心off-shore investment centre
投资保险cover for investment overseas (E.C.G.D 英国出口信贷署承保没收险,战争险及限制汇款险)
瑞士投资公司Investers' Overseas Services
美国私人投资公司Overseas Private Investment Corporation
贸易ultra-marine trade
英国贸易局Overseas Trade Department
日本贸易开发协会Japan Overseas Trade Development Conference
英国贸易部Department of Overseas Trade
美国运输局Overseas Transportation Office
金融业务单位off-shore banking unit
金融市场off-shore financial market
银行单位off-shore banking unit
附属公司与当地贸易公司享有同等地位The overseas subsidiary enjoys in the country of its incorporation the same status as an indigenous trading corporation
英国集装箱运输公司Overseas-Containers Ltd.
日本顾问企业协会External Consulting Firms Association
海上风险包括自然灾害与意事故Perils of sea include natural calamities and accidents
海岸有船遇险There was a ship in distress off the shore
锚地outer road
港口装卸耽搁日数中星期日除Sundays excepted in laydays
用于海贸易的大型商船huge vessels for overseas commerce
直接汇报价direct exchange quotation
短期远期汇汇率short forward rate
移居国移民汇款emigrant remittance
线性linear extrapolation
美国国内国贸易局United States Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce
美国对贸易定义1941年修订本Revised American Foreign Trade Definitions 1941
联合国承认和执行国仲裁裁决公约Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards
美国 联邦汇委员会Federal Exchange Commission
股票场交易市场curb exchange
股票场交易市场curb market
自愿限制对信贷计划voluntary foreign credit restraint program
自由汇市场free exchange market (与官方外汇市场 (official exchange market) 相对)
芝加哥选择权汇交易所Chicago Board Options Exchange
英国出口信贷署不仅对国买主出售货物所可能遭受的某些风险提供保险,而且也对国外主顾不支付劳务报酬的风险提供保险E.C.G.D. offers cover against the non-payment of earnings from the rendering of services to overseas principals, as well as providing insurance against certain risks incurred in the sale of goods to overseas buyers
欧共体英国对税率tariff commun extérieur
营业利润non-business profit
被宣称的例stated exceptions
装卸污臭货物时付给码头工人的额补贴dirt money
装车费除free in wagon
西半球对贸易及仲裁会议Western Hemisphere Conference on Foreign Trade and Arbitration
要求额担保claim for additional security
设于关境允许外国商品免税进出口地区free trade zone
详细说明意事故的情况give a detailed account of an accident
请注意保险只包括平安险加战争险,如果要求投保附加险,所需额保险费将由买方支付Please kindly note that the insurance covers FPA and War Risks only. Should additional insurance coverage be required, the extra premium incurred would be for the buyer's account
财产unlisted property
经济合作与发展组织货币与汇问题委员会Committee for Monetary and Foreign Exchange Matters
货物观不良bad order
货物应标上我方缩写名称并加三角形Goods are to be marked with our initials in a triangle
资产评估中的意损失assessment contingency
资产负债表融资off-sheet finance (指企业生产设备长期作业性租赁)
资本Capital flows out of the country
资本化以ex capitalization
资金outflow of funds
需求预测趋势推法trend extrapolation method
轧平汇部位square exchange position
运输中的意事故accidents in transportation
远期汇汇率forward exchange rate
避免意事故avoidance of accidents
金元dollar diplomacy
错误或遗漏除sauf erreurs ou omission
运费率货物exceptional cargoes
风险excepted perils
除此之别无规定not otherwise herein provided
除非另有规定,中国境的一切银行费用由买方负担Unless otherwise specified, all banking charges outside China are for the buyer's account
集装箱地空回overland transit empty (与集装箱外地装箱回运(overland transit full) 相对)
预先规定如果在发生他们所不能控制的某些意事件时双方的权利和义务It is advisable that the both parties introduce a clause in their agreement defining in advance their mutual rights and duties if certain events beyond their control occur
预收国定货款advance on indent
联合国预算资金劝募委员会Negotiating Committee for Extra-Budgetary Funds
预缴advanced surrender of foreign exchange
津贴extra bonus
消费consumption additionality
补助extra allowance
费用应由买方承担Extra expenses are to be borne by the buyer
项目extraordinary extraneous item