
Terms for subject Technology containing | all forms
一体式微波/紫光照法integrated microwave/ultraviolet-illuminati on method
一类边界节点external nodal point of first kind boundary
一般general appearance
一般露面积exposed area
一般意损失准备金general contingency reserve
一般意盈余准备general contingency reserve
万能圆磨床universal grinding machine external
三弧旋轮线缸体three-lobe epitrochoidal bore
三次变频超差接收机triple superheterodyne
三角形triangular shape
三角形triangular profile
三角形的circumcenter of a triangle
三角测量业组triangulation field squad
三道紫一可见光分光光度计three-channel ultraviolet visible spectrophotometer
上下文关键词索引keyword out-of-context index
上升脉平巷rising stone drift
上悬开窗top-hinged outswinging window
上悬推窗hospital window
上悬推窗hopper window
sash窗扇的上悬top-hinged outswinging
窗扇的上悬top-hinged outswinging
上悬撑百页遮阳板Venetian awning
上悬撑窗top-hinged out-swinging window
上悬撑窗overhang sash window
上悬撑窗扇top-hinged outswinging window
侧面inferolateral surface
包线minimum envelope curve
不分光红气体分析器non-light splitting infrared gas analyzer
不利部条件external diseconomies
不利的界障碍adverse physical obstructions
不利的界障碍或条件adverse physical obstructions or conditions
不利的部因素negative externalities
不完全显率incomplete penetrance
不对国船开放的港口closed port
不封闭室楼梯unenclosed exterior staircase
不封闭室楼梯unenclosed exterior stair
不稳定汇市场unstable exchange market
不能兑换汇的货币blocked currency
不规则irregular profile
不规则irregular contour
不规则河星云irregular anagalactic nebula
不连续可调红激光器discretely tunable infrared laser
不透气solid enclosure
不透水water-tight housing
不透红线的opaque to infrared
不锈钢卡钳stainless steel outside calipers
不锈钢墙衬里stainless steel external wall lining
不锈钢墙饰面stainless steel outdoor wall surfacing
专设户娱乐区recreation development
专项special sum of foreign exchange
收入unearned revenue
收益unearned income
股息unearned dividend
分地区的贸额external trade by regions
分时存储器系统time-shared file system
分时用存储器系统shared file system
分析推法analytical extrapolation
分析推法analytic extrapolation
分段式sectionalized casing
分激差式接收法separate heterodyne reception method
分激差法separate heterodyne
分电器distributor housing
分离型outer ring with single raceway shoulder
分立平面延器件discrete planar epitaxial device
分配红线法distribution-infrared method
分配额红利cut the melon
分馏柱回流external reflux of column
切碎装置cutter body
化合物加剂chemical admixture
化探野作业程序geochemical field operation programme
化探野作业程序geochemical field operation program
合成树脂墙涂料synthetical resin external coat
合成树脂墙涂料synthetic resin external coat
合成树脂建筑部涂层synthetical resin exterior coat
合成树脂建筑部涂层synthetic resin exterior coat
合成树脂室涂层synthetical resin outside coat
合成树脂室涂层synthetic resin outside coat
合金alloy housing
吊臂伸作动筒jib extension ram
咅测温法isotope external thermometry
同时围处理concurrent peripheral processing
同时部操作concurrent peripheral operation
同质延生长isoepitaxial growth
同质延金刚石homoepitaxial diamond
后向散射的紫辐射back-scattered ultraviolet radiation
后向散射紫辐射计back-scatter ultraviolet radiometer
后殿apse aisle
后门对交通路rear-entry access road
凸出to buckle outward
凸的半个型板oddside pattern
凸胀bellying out
凸胀belling out
回旋门out-opening door
开出的路outward-bound road
开启的侧悬窗side-hung casement window opening outwards
开的门upward-acting door
弯曲neck out
弯曲to buckle outward
弯曲necked out (边缘)
弯曲边necked out
翘曲buckle outward
长波辐射outgoing long-wave radiation
outward bulging
向国托收出口票据foreign collections
向船排水overboard discharge
圆形柱廊式建筑monopteral architecture
圆形围栏round guard rail profile
圆木屋的墙披叠板log cabin siding
圆边角砖tile with round edge external corner
圆锥形喷射浇模gunning pattern
圆锥形红整流罩conical irdome
圆锥形红整流罩conic irdome
处理厂appearance of treatment plant
备用汇资金reserved foreign currencies
复合渗剂multicomponent admixture
复式内长卡钳combination callipers
复式内长卡钳combination calipers
复式卡钳内卡钳hermaphrodite callipers
复式卡钳内卡钳hermaphrodite calipers
夏季空调室计算干球温度outdoor design dry-bulb temperature for summer air-conditioning
夏季空调室计算湿球温度outdoor design wet-bulb temperature for summer air-conditioning
夏季空调室计算逐时温度outdoor design hourly temperature for summer air-conditioning
夏季通风室计算相对温度outdoor design relative humidity for summer ventilation
exterior cladding
包尺寸out-to-out distance
包尺寸overall size
包尺寸out-to-out dimension
包尺寸制outside dimension system
包式楼梯enclosed staircase
包式楼梯enclosed stair
包支柱cased post
包效应coating effect
包聚四氟乙烯wrapped in teflon
射线epipolar ray
射轴epipolar axis
射面epipolar plane
币付款exchange payment
币信贷foreign currency credit
币债券foreign currency debentures
币兑换exchange of foreign currency
币兑换业执照money exchange's licence
币兑换指定代理处authorized agency for foreign currency exchange
币兑换水单exchange memo
币头付foreign currency position
币存款deposite in foreign currency
币存款户foreign currency deposit account
币持有额foreign currency holdings
币支付payment in foreign currencies
币支付凭证foreign currency payment instruments
币支付票据foreign payment instrument
币期权foreign exchange option
币期权foreign currency option
币期货foreign currency futures
币期货期权options on foreign currency futures
币现金投资foreign cash investment
币的折算foreign currency conversion
币配额foreign currency allotment
outwardly opened door
开上悬窗top-hung window opening outwards
门窗的开式opening out
开式outward opening
开扇outwardly opened casement
开扇out-swinging casement
开槽external recessing
开百叶窗outside shutter
开窗outward opening window
开窗outward-swinging window
开窗swinging out casement window
开窗outward-swinging side hung window casement
开窗out-opening window
开窗扇outwardly opened casement
开窗扇out-swinging casement
开窗扇casement opening out
开窗扉out-swinging casement
开窗扉outwardly opened casement
开窗扉casement opening out
开褶kick pleat
开通风窗out-swing ventilator
开门outward opening door
开门reversed door
开门out-opening door
态模式behaviour mode
态模式behavior mode
挂墙板outbond wall board
挂板siding shingle
挂板cladding panel
挂石板瓦weather slating
挂石板瓦slate hanging
挂脚手架outrigger scaffold
礁弧outer reef-arc
调制器external modulator
调和external harmonics
调焦望远镜exterior focussing telescope
调焦望远镜exterior focusing telescope
退解external unwinding
送运输机run-out conveyer
送运输机run-out contouring
送餐馆drive-in restaurant
foreign selling
销初始期infant marketing
销机构export organization
锁信号external lock signal
锁闭outside locking device
封头head contour
封锁blocked exchange
交通调查小区划分线的交通external cordon trip
小型室集合场所minor place of outdoor assembly
小型红线干燥机small infrared drier
小型计算机的围设备minicomputer peripherals
小齿轮侧轴承pinion shaft outside bearing
小齿轮pinion housing
远离市中心的商业机构办公区executive park
市中心围地区fringe area
开关器switch housing
开往国的船outward-bound ship
开裂的crack appearance
开路室天线open antenna
异径内螺纹管接头reducing extension piece
异质结红探测器heterojunction infrared detector
引起应力的stress-producing force
引进国技术introduction of foreign technology
引进国技术introducing of foreign technology
引进国投资introducing of foreign investment
引进国资本introducing of foreign capital
accident (伤害)
中断involuntary interrupt
事故unforeseen incident
事故chance failure
事故unexpected accident
事故accidental hazard
事故保险special hazards insurance
事故准备contingent reserve
事故折让contingency allowance
事故死亡accident death
事故赔偿损失accident and indemnity
事项准备金contingent reserve
accidental wound
保险accidental insurance
保险accidence insurance
停机unexpected halt
停歇disorderly closedown
准备金contingency reserve
准备金账户contingency account
利益windfall profit
及伤亡保险accident and death benefit insurance
喷出物accidental ejecta
因素surprise factor
因素contingency factor
备用费contingence reserve
开支unforeseen expenses
开支unexpected expenses
性破坏accidental destruction
情况unforeseen circumstance
损失accidental loss
损失accident damage
损害accidental damage
损害accident damage
支出unexpected pay
支出unexpected expenses
收获wind fall
气泡entrapped air
污染accidental pollution
泄放accidental discharge
泄放accident discharge
泄油accidental discharge of oil
泄漏accidental release
洪水流量emergency flood flow
漏油accidental oil spill
灾害保险casualty insurance
爆炸unplanned explosion
的利润accidental profit
的损坏unexpected failure
的赔偿数额random claim amount
碰撞accident collision
荷载contingency loading
费用contingency sum
费用contingency reserve
费用accidental cost
辐射accidental exposure
逸出accidental spillage
遗漏accidental omission
风险unexpected risks
风险excepted risk
成像红制导imaging infrared guidance
成像红接收机imaging infrared receiver
成像红系统imaging infrared system
成像红线接收机image-forming infrared receiver
成型reparative surgery
符号outer marker
指定汇银行authorized foreign exchange bank
指数推法exponential extrapolation
按炉子侵蚀形修炉contour patch
挑檐包饰面cornice facing
挑檐包饰面cornice casing
桥的侧大梁outside girder
侧股道marginal track
受压纤维extreme compression fiber
受压纤维compression fiber
受拉纤维extreme tension fiber
outermost shell
层纤维outermost fiber
层纤维应力external fibre stress
层纤维应力extreme fibre stress
层表面outermost surface
纤维extreme fibre
纤维应力extreme fiber stress
轨道outermost orbit
纤维extreme fiber
部反射层outermost reflector
最佳optimum configuration
最佳进气口optimum intake contour
最后层涂浆final coat external plaster
最大maximum outside diameter
最大显误差maximum apparent error
最大野持水量maximum field moisture capacity
最大齿轮切削maximum outside diameter of gear cut
最小形尺寸minimum contour size
最小接圆法minimum circumscribed circle method
最终径尺寸finished outside diameter gage
最终径尺寸finished outside diameter gauge
最终径尺寸finished O. D. gauge
最终径尺寸finished O. D. gage
向槽的门框giblet check (供外开门用)
的钢结构encased structure
壳柱box section sheet pile
壳的压力桩shell-pressure pile
壳的研磨机housing grinder
壳的磨床housing grinder
层壁的窗框window recess with slipping walls
螺纹的管接头male nipple
有利部条件external economics
有多层皮的水泥袋multiwall cement bag
有效野维护effective field maintenance
有机物organic profile
有限自同构群finite group of outer automorphism
栅格式红线加热器grid-type radiant burner
标准standard profile
标准部时间编码standard external time code
标准fundamental implicate
标准化的建筑standardized figure for construction
标准野测井系统standard field logging system
标尺红经纬仪scale infrared theodolite
标称nominal outside diameter
条款warranted clause
注解margin note
民用室型焚化炉domestic outside-type incinerator
气动径量规air snap gauge
气动径量规air snap gage
气动部振动器pneumatic external vibrator
气味smelling out
气密gas-tight casing
气流下流延层downstream film
气球载红望远镜balloon-borne infrared telescope
气相色谱仪一傅立叶变换红光谱仪联用gas chromatograph-Fourier transform infrared spectrometer
气相色谱/傅立叶红光谱联机gas chromatograph coupled with Fourier transform infrared spectrometer
气相色谱法一傅里叶红光谱联用coupling gas chromatography to Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy
气相色谱法一紫光谱联用gas chromatography-ultraviolet spectrometry
清化池加温法outer heating of digester matter
漏斗形浇道sprue cup
焊缝weld appearance
球形globe housing
球环带equatorial profile
球载红望远镜balloon-borne IR telescope
码头工人装卸污臭货物的额工资dirty money
砂浆加剂mortar admixture
砂浆层加剂screed agent
砂浆层加剂screed admixture
砂浆层加剂screed admix
墙用大理石exterior cubical marble
墙用大理石exterior cubic marble
face brick
facing brick
outer slope
缘坝reefy outer edge bar
稀泥浆自动排出船装置automatic overboard-dump system for light mixture
稀泥浆自动排出船装置automatic light mixture overboard-discharging device
程序控制液相延炉programme-controlled liquidoid extensional furnace
程序控制液相延炉program-controlled liquidoid extensional furnace
程序装置机构围接口programmer peripheral interface
缆索的护层cable guard
缓凝加剂retarding admixture
延性external pressure resistance
耐压pressure-proof housing
耐压pressure casing
耐室曝晒老化性resistance deterioration on weathering
耐室气候老化性outdoor ageing characteristics
耐室气候老化性outdoor aging characteristics
耐水用清漆spar varnish
耐火制品观缺陷apparent defect of refractory product
耐热和耐紫辐射试验bake and UV irradiation test
耐紫线变色性resistance to ultraviolet discoloration
耐紫线变色性resistance to colour change by ultraviolet
耐紫线变色性resistance to color change by ultraviolet
耐紫线性resistance to ultraviolet
耐风化weather skin
耐风雨weather skin
耐风雨的weatherproof enclosure
天井rock raise
巷道rock tunnel
开拓development works in stone
溜井rock hole
脉冲相干多普勒雷达externally coherent pulse doppler radar
脉冲式低压紫线治疗机low-pressure pulse ultraviolet treatment unit
脉冲激光pulse laser induced epitaxy
脉冲紫激光测距仪pulsed ultraviolet laser rangefinder
脉冲调制红系统pulse modulation infrared system
调整汇汇率readjustment of foreign exchange rate
调整汇汇率exchange rate adjustment
选择权汇契约option exchange contract
选择远期汇契约optional forward exchange contract
选粉机outer separator casing
选粉机outer separator cone
透水intermittent external wall
透紫线玻璃Lindemann glass
透紫线玻璃uviol glass
透紫线玻璃Apollo glass
透紫线玻璃ultraviolet ray transmitting glass
透紫线玻璃vita glass
透紫线玻璃ultraviolet ray transmitting glass
透紫线玻璃glass for ultraviolet rays
透紫线玻璃的一种Calowlex glass
透红材料infrared transmitting material
透红纤维infrared transmitting fiber
透红线材料infrared transmitting material
透红线玻璃infrared transmitting glass
透红线玻璃infrared-transparent glass
透红线玻璃infrared ray transmitting glass
透红线玻璃heat transmitting glass
销售国的商品commodity sold overseas
锅炉boiler casing
锅炉boiler jacket
锅炉壳环箍boiler-shell ring
锅炉壳箍boiler lagging band
锅炉壳覆层和绝缘boiler claddings casings and insulation
锅炉处理out-boiler treatment
锅炉处理external treatment
锅炉boiler lagging
锅炉lag of boiler
锅炉boiler jacket
锅炉boiler case
锅炉套板带头boiler lagging plate band lug
锅炉套板箍boiler lagging plate band
锅炉护板boiler casing
锅炉shell of boiler
锅炉boiler drum
锅炉boiler casing
锅炉boiler lagging
锅炉隔热boiler lagging
valve outer chamber
室盖valve outer chamber cover
valve outer spring
鼓出bulging shell
鼓风机blower drum
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