
Terms for subject Dentistry containing | all forms
一个手指在口内,另一个在口Put one finger in the mouth, and the other outside
为了把种植体植入颌骨,科手术是必需的A surgery is necessary to insert implants into your jaw bone
口腔颌面科学oral and maxillofacial surgery
如果继续出血,请另咬紧一个棉球If bleeding continues, place a piece of gauze over the extraction site and bite it firmly
您受过伤吗?Have you had any serious accidents or injuries?
我另给您一些棉球带回家,如果当您回家后拔牙创口继续出血,请换新棉球咬紧I will give you the extra gauze to take home, so please replace the gauze if bleeding does not stop
除了反复口腔溃疡,您全身还有哪些不舒服?Do you have any other malaise except for oral recur rent ulceration?