
Terms for subject China containing | all forms
不受国势力的支配be not subject to any foreign domination
不受任何国势力的干涉subject to no interference by any outside forces
不对国人开放closed to aliens
不得公开的内容除except for the content which may not be disclosed
个人以的组织或者实体organizations or entities other than individuals
合作经营企业Sino-foreign contract joint ventures
合作经营企业Chinese-foreign contractual joint venture
合作经营企业Chinese-foreign contractual joint ventures
合作经营企业法the Law on Sino- Foreign Contract Joint Ventures
合作经营企业法the Law on Sino-Foreign Contract Joint Ventures
合资经营企业joint ventures with Chinese and foreign investment
合资经营企业Chinese-foreign equity joint ventures
合资经营企业法the law on Joint Ventures with Chinese and Foreign Investment
合资经营的企业Chinese-foreign joint venture
合资银行业金融机构Chinese-foreign joint venture financial institution
中华人民共和国交部Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Peopled Republic of China
中国汇管理局中国人民银行总行State Administration of Foreign Exchange (under the People's Bank of China)
中国人民对友好协会Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries
中国人民对友好协会the Chinese Peopled Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries
中国公民和法人在海的合法权益legitimate rights and interests of Chinese nationals and corporations overseas
中国公民和法人在海的合法权益lawful rights and interests of Chinese nationals and corporations overseas
中国境内的国人foreigner within Chinese territory
中央文出版发行事业局China Foreign Languages Publishing and Distribution Administration
中央对宣传办公室International Communication Office, CCCPC
中央对联络部International Liaison Department, CCCPC
主持召开党人士座谈会preside over a forum of non-Party dignitaries
买卖purchase and sale of foreign exchange
产品主要出口的资企业export-oriented foreign-funded enterprises
人大对交往foreign exchange work of the NPC
从境引进be introduced from abroad
币认购和交易subscription or trading of stocks in a foreign currency
企业法人以的法人legal person other than enterprise legal person
交存exceptional submission and for keeping
交存费exceptional deposit fees
就医medical parole
就医released on parole for medical treatment
保持对交往连续性和稳定性maintain the continuity and stability of the foreign exchange work
保留国国籍retain foreign nationality
保障国家汇收支平衡maintaining the balance of receipts and payment of the State in foreign exchange
人士non-Party dignitaries
全国对贸易foreign trade of the entire country
全面提高对开放水平make China more open to the outside world in all respects
关于从国调取民事或商事证据的公约Convention on the Taking of Evidence Abroad in Civil or Commercial Matters
关于各国探索和利用包括月球和其它天体在内层空间活动的原则条约Treaty on Principles Concerning the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space Including the Moon and other Celestial Bodies
关于向国送达民事或商事司法文书和司法外文书公约Convention of 15 November 1965 on the Service Abroad of Judicial and Extrajudicial Documents in Civil or Commercial Matters
关于援救航天员、送回航天员及送回射入空之物体之协定Agreement on the Rescue of astronauts the Return of Astronauts and the Return of Objects Launched into Outer Space
关于登记射入层空间物体的公约Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space
关于防止和惩处侵害受国际保护人员包括交代表的罪行的公约Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Crimes Against Internationally Protected Persons, including Diplomatic Agents
军人和交人员的衔级制度systems of titles and ranks for military and diplomatic personnel
决定同国缔结的条约和重要协定的批准和废除decide on the ratification or abrogation of treaties and important agreements concluded with foreign states
利用use of foreign funds
区内或区within or outside the Region
参与和开展多边participate in and initiate multilateral diplomacy
发展向型经济make its economy more oriented to the global market
发展同各国的交关系develop diplomatic relations with other countries
国列强的侵略和奴役invaded and enslaved by various foreign powers
另有规定unless otherwise provided for
另有规定的除except as otherwise stipulated
合伙人以的人anyone other than the partners therein
国缔结的条约treaty concluded with a foreign state
国缔结的条约和重要协定treaties and important agreements concluded with foreign states
向境输出export abroad
和平独立的交政策independent foreign policy of peace
因意事故after an accident
仲裁机构foreign arbitral organ
或者国内abroad or within China
组织foreign organizations
国内domestic and international
国内both at home and abroad
国内经济环境domestic and international economic environments
国内结算domestic and foreign settlements
国家国专家局人事部State Administration Bureau of Foreign Experts Affairs (under the Ministry of Personnel)
国家汇储备state foreign exchange reserves
国家汇管理规定state provisions for foreign exchange control
国家对贸易工作人员personnel serving in the state's foreign trade authority
国家总体the country's overall diplomatic work
在法律许可之be outside the law
坚定不移地奉行独立自主的和平交政策steadfastly pursue an independent foreign policy of peace
坚定不移地奉行独立自主的和平交政策firmly follow an independent and peaceful foreign policy
坚持实行对开放persist in the policy of opening-up
坚持独立自主的对政策consistently carry out an independent foreign policy
out of the country's territory
交易overseas transaction
存储store sth. outside the mainland
就业服务overseas employment services
所得income gained from outside China
机动车驾驶证motor vehicle driver's license of another country
机构organ outside the territory
非法滞留stay abroad illegally
境内inside and outside the territory of China
处理交事务deal with foreign affairs
事为民doing diplomatic work for the people
事委员会Committee of Foreign Affairs
事委员会Foreign Affairs Committee
事委员会the Foreign Affairs Committee
事局the Foreign Affairs Bureau
事局the Bureau of Foreign Affairs
事局Foreign Affairs Office
事局Foreign Affairs Bureau
事活动activity of foreign affairs
交为民with people's interest in mind
交为民to conduct foreign policy for the people
交为民conduct diplomacy for the people
交人员diplomatic personnel
交代表diplomatic representative
交代表机关diplomatic mission
交代表机构diplomatic mission
交关系diplomatic relations
交关系diplomatic tie
交官衔diplomatic rank
交工作foreign relations work
交工作China's diplomatic work
交工作diplomatic work
交活动diplomatic activities
交特权和豁免权diplomatic privileges and immunities
交谈判negotiation at the diplomatic level
交途径diplomatic channels
foreign loans
商投资企业批准证书Foreign-invested Enterprise Approval Certificate
商投资勘查foreign-funded exploration
商投资方向direction of foreign investment
商投资方向foreign investment orientation
商投资电信企业foreign-invested telecommunications enterprises
国中央银行a foreign central bank
国中央银行财产property of a foreign central bank
国人犯罪crimes committed by foreigners
国企业a foreign enterprise
国使节foreign representatives
国使节foreign diplomatic representatives
国公司a foreign company
国公司章程articles of corporation of the foreign company
国公民foreign nationals
国势力的支配foreign domination
国合作者foreign party
国合营者foreign joint venturers
国律师事务所law firms of other countries
国投资企业foreign-invested enterprises
国投资者foreign investors
国政治性组织或团体a foreign political organization or body
国法律foreign laws
国法院a foreign court
国的组织foreign organizations
国籍军用船舶a military vessel of foreign nationality
国籍船舶foreign ships
国组织a foreign organization
国船舶foreign ships
国议会foreign legislatures
国银行业金融机构a foreign financial institution of the banking industry
孙子女maternal grandchildren
方主要投资者principal foreign investor (of a foreign-invested enterprise)
来投资investment from outside the region
来的from outside
来的律师lawyers from outside
汇事宜foreign exchange affairs
汇事宜foreign exchange transaction
国家汇储备state foreign exchange reserves
汇收入foreign exchange revenue
汇收支平衡balance of receipts and payments in foreign exchanges
汇收益income in foreign exchange
汇管制政策foreign exchange control policy
汇管理机关foreign exchange control agency
界障碍external barriers
祖父母maternal grandparents
空物体所造成损害之国际责任公约Convention on International Liability for Damage Caused By Space Objects
籍人员foreign nationals
籍人员特权待遇privileged treatment of foreign nationals
籍人士foreign nationals
籍公务人员public servants of foreign nationality
籍教师foreign teachers
outside edge
观设计industrial design
观设计exterior design
观设计专利权patent right for a design
资企业foreign-invested enterprises
资企业foreign-funded enterprises
资企业法the law on Wholly Foreign-Invested Enterprises
资准入foreign investment entry
资参股的保险公司joint-venture insurance company with foreign equity
资银行业金融机构wholly foreign-funded financial institution
资银行管理条例Control and the Regulations on the Administration of Overseas-Funded Banks
move out
部界限outer limit
多边multilateral diplomacy
大力开展对交往与合作vigorously develop exchanges and cooperation with other countries
委员长、副委员长与国议会议长、副议长的高层互访exchanges of high-level visits between the NPC Chairman or Vice Chairmen and their foreign counterparts
完善涉经济体制和法规政策improve economic systems, laws, regulations and policies related to doing business with other countries
定居国settle in a foreign country
交往foreign contacts
交往foreign exchange work
交往foreign change work
交往exchanges with foreign countries
交往与合作contact and cooperation with foreign countries
交流与合作foreign exchange and cooperation
体育交往international exchange in sports
使用的used in foreign affairs
友好friendship with other countries
合作cooperation with foreign entities
国人开放open to foreigners
工程承包contract construction of foreign projects
开放open up to the outside world
投资external investment
担保external guarantee
经济合作economic cooperation with foreign countries
经济贸易foreign economic relations and trade
经济贸易foreign trade
经济贸易主管部门department under the State Council which is in charge of foreign economic relations and trade
贸易业务foreign trade
贸易主管部门department in charge of foreign trade
贸易公共信息服务体系system of public information service for foreign trade
贸易合同foreign trade contract
贸易总额total foreign trade volume
贸易救济措施measures of foreign trade remedies
贸易法the Foreign Trade Law
贸易秩序foreign trade order
贸易管理工作部门department responsible for foreign trade administration
贸易经营活动foreign trade activity
贸易经营活动当事人party engaged in foreign trade activities
贸易经营者foreign trade dealer
贸易经营许可foreign trade operation permit
将资金汇往境remit funds abroad
巩固和完善与国议会定期交流机制strengthen and improve the mechanism for regular exchanges with other parliaments and congresses
广泛宣传我国的内政策widely publicize China's domestic and foreign policies
建立交关系establishment of diplomatic relations
建立与国议会定期交流机制set up mechanisms for regular exchanges with the parliaments or congresses of other countries
开展同国议会和议会国际组织的交流与合作develop exchanges and cooperation with foreign legislatures and international legislative organizations
开展对交往carry out foreign exchange work
开展对贸易develop foreign trade
引进absorb foreign funds
引进国先进技术introduction of advanced technology from other countries
伤害保险accidental injury insurance
杀人accidental homicide
我国与国缔结的条约、协定treaties and agreements China concluded with foreign states
广告advertisement outdoor
批准和废除同国缔结的条约和重要协定ratify or abrogate treaties and important agreements concluded with foreign states
承认及执行国仲裁裁决公约Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Wards
把中国国内发展与对开放统一起来unify domestic development with opening to the outside world
按照我国交工作的基本方针和总体部署in accordance with the basic principles and overall arrangements for China's foreign relations work
接受国使节receive foreign diplomatic representatives
推动对关系全面发展promote comprehensive development of our relations with other countries
出国人员personnel sent abroad to participate in foreign-aid programs
教育对交流与合作foreign exchange and cooperation in education
旅居国的中华人民共和国公民citizens of the Peopled Republic of China who reside abroad
暂予监执行temporary execution outside prison
暂予监执行temporary serving of sentences outside the prison
有关扩大对开放的法律laws for opening wider to the outside world
本国工人与国工人关于事故赔偿的同等待遇公约Convention Concerning Equality of Treatment for National and Foreign Workers as Regards Workmen's Compensation for Accidents
教育after-school education
法律辅导员after-school legal counselor
活动场所place for out-of-school activities
person who is not involved in the case
正式交关系formal diplomatic relations
in addition
法定继承人以的人person other than the statutory successor
法律另有规定的除unless the law has other provisions
派遣和召回驻全权代表appoint or recall plenipotentiary representatives abroad
侨胞、侨眷overseas Chinese nationals and their relatives
related to foreign nations (nationals, firms, etc.)
involve foreign element
仲裁机构arbitral organ of handling cases involving foreign elements
军事事宜foreign-related military affairs
合同foreign-related contract
案件case involving foreign elements
民事关系civil relations with foreigners
民事案件civil cases involving foreign elements
民事案件的期间period for the trials of civil cases involving foreign elements
民事诉讼civil proceeding involving foreign elements
票据negotiable instrument involving foreign elements
深入开展同国议会的交流合作carry out extensive exchange and cooperation activities with other parliaments and congresses
锚地anchorage outside of harbour areas
独立自主的和平交政策an independent foreign policy of peace
生产性资企业production-orientated foreign-funded enterprises
执行serve the sentence outside prison
私自赠送给国人present as a gift to a foreigner without authorization
积极开展人大对交往actively carry out the foreign exchange work of the NPC
积极拓展多边engage in multilateral diplomacy
公路substandard highway
管理对事务conduct foreign affairs
管辖海域以beyond the sea areas under the jurisdiction of
统筹国内发展和对开放coordinate domestic development and opening-up
统筹国内发展和对开放balance domestic development and opening wider to the outside world
统筹国内发展和对开放ensure coordinated development of domestic development and opening-up
统筹国内发展和对开放ensure proper balance in domestic development and opening-up
维也纳交关系公约Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations
范围以outside the scope
营造良好的部环境create a favorable external environment (for)
被保就医的罪犯criminal released on parole for medical treatment
计划超产的产品products manufactured in excess of the planned quota
议会inter-parliamentary diplomacy
请求国法院承认和执行request recognition and enforcement by a foreign court
通过交途径解决resolve through diplomatic channel
责任perils excepted
除使用中文in addition to the Chinese language
除假期except during vacations
除前款规定besides the above provisions
除法律另有规定unless it is otherwise provided for by any law
除特殊情况except under special circumstances
除限制人身自由以with the exception of restricting freedom of person
非法买卖illegally trade in foreign exchange
领域outside the territory and territorial water and space
使领馆工作人员embassy and consulate personnel working overseas
全权代表plenipotentiary representative abroad
全权代表plenipotentiary representatives abroad
机关agency located abroad
签证机关visa-issuing authorities stationed abroad
骗购fraudulently purchase foreign exchange