
Terms for subject Bridge construction containing 外面 | all forms | in specified order only
全部外力对基础底面中心的总力矩total moment of all external forces about centre of base of foundation
力矩作用面外的屈曲buckling out of plane of applied moment
外表面exterior surface
外表面outside surface
外露面bare face
外露面exposed face
外面outer surface
外面exterior surface
外面振捣器external vibrator
对称面外稳定性stability outplane of symmetry
弯曲面外的屈曲buckling out of plane of bending
截面外包轮廓线exterior outline of cross-section
日照或降温影响下箱梁内外表面最大温差maximum temperature differential of inside and outside surfaces of box beam due to the effect of sunshine or temperature decreasing
外面纤维extreme outer fibre
涵洞外顶面与地面之间的竖直距离vertical distance between outside top of culvert and ground
混凝土外表面outer surface of concrete
物体表面的向外法线outward normal to the surface of a body
面内荷载与面外荷载的组合combination of inplane loads and out-of-plane loads
面外力out-of -plane force
面外压曲buckling out of plane
面外压曲out-of-plane buckling
面外弯曲的有效长度effective length for out-of-plane bending