
Terms for subject Economy containing 外部 | all forms | in specified order only
不充分的外部参考weak external reference
中华人民共和国对外贸易经济合作部Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation of the People's Republic of China
企业外部交易external transaction
内在化外部因素internalizing externalities
外部借入资金external financing
外交部某一官员将就这一问题举行一次新闻发布会An official in the Department of Foreign Affairs will hold a press conference on the issue
外交部长the Minister of Foreign Affairs
外交部长the Foreign Minister
外交部长Minister of Foreign Affairs
外差因素外溢因素或相邻效应外部效果externality (spillovers or neighborhood effects)
外汇服务部Foreign Exchange Service
外资公司应无条件遵守中国各地劳动部门所订的各种规章制度Foreign-funded companies should unconditionally comply with the rules and regulations of the labour departments in different localities in China
外部不经济external diseconomies
外部互相依存系数coefficient of external independence
外部价值external value
外部估价external valuation
外部出版物the external publication
外部出版物external publication
外部分析external analysis
外部原因external causes
外部受益external benefit
外部基金资本capital from outside funds
外部奖励extrinsic reward
外部奖励extrinsic reward
外部审计external auditing
外部审计external audit (independent audit)
外部投入资本.outside venture capital
外部投入资本outside venture capital
外部捐赠者external donor
外部援助an external aid
外部援助external aid
外部支援external aid
外部收益收入external benefits
外部收益率external rate of return
外部效应spill over
外部效应neighbourhood effects
外部效应external effect
外部效益external benefits
外部来料加工费processing expense arising from outside manufacture
外部消费影响external consumption effects
外部监督external control
外部筹资outside finance
外部筹资outside financing
外部筹资external financing
外部经济指对有关生产发展的公用设施,如交通运输、电力、给排水等以及教育、社会福利及金融保险等各种城市设施的投资总称为外部经济external economics
外部经济产业部门external economy industries
外部经济效果external economy
外部经济节约external economy
外部经济负效果external diseconomies
外部证据external evidence
外部财务outside financing
外部质量控制outside quality control
外部资料external data
外部资本external capital
外部资本external capital
外部边缘边际external margin
外销部经理必须了解产品的技术性能和规格The outside sales manager must have some knowledge of the technical capabilities and specifications of the products
大家认为对外销售部经理在中国从事商务The overseas sales manager is believed to be in China on business
如果该财产的任何部分被火焚毁或其他意外事故所毁坏或损害,上述的购买价格将予以削减以抵销此损失If any part of the property should be destroyed or injured by fire or other casualty, the purchase price specified above would be abated to the extent or amount of such loss
对外经济贸易部长Minister of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade
对外经贸合作部长Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Co-operation
对外贸易经济合作部Ministry of For&gn Trade and Economic Cooperation
英国对外贸易部Department of Overseas Trade
提前全部偿还外债pay off foreign debts ahead of schedule
本协议的履行由于来自外部的意外干扰而受到阻碍Performance of this agreement is hindered by unexpected disturbance from outside
欧洲外部及内部的海外市场the offshore market outside as well as inside Europe
外部external benefit
外部external economy
外部positive externality
外部性报酬remuneration of positive externality
英国海外发展部Ministry of Overseas Development
英国海外开发部Ministry of Overseas Development (UK)
海外销售部经理向上司扼要报告了其部门当年进展情况The overseas sales manager briefed his superior on annual progress of his department
生产的外部有利因素external economics of production
由于外部原因造成的停工时间external idle time
经济的外围部分peripheral part of economy
外部external diseconomy
外部external cost
外部negative externality
贸易外汇内部的结算价price of foreign exchange earned through trade for internal settlement
过剩外部流动资金excess external liquidity
过剩外部流动资金the excess external liquidity
金融性外部经济pecuniary external economies
除了送货给客户的外,发货部别无其他责任The dispatch department fulfils no other commitments than delivering goods to customers