
Terms for subject International trade containing 外行 的 | all forms
不受外国竞争影响的行业sheltered trade
为在国内使用资金而在国外发行的债券out to in external bond
为在国外使用资金而在国外发行的债券out to out external bond
1927 年日内瓦关于执行外国仲裁的公约1927年Convention on the Execution of Foreign Arbitral Awards Geneva, 1927
1958 年纽约关于承认和执行外国仲裁裁决的公约1958. 6. 10Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards, 1958
发行的外国债券foreign bonds issued
外交邮袋和外交信使行李物品的放行the release of diplomatic mail-bags and luggage of diplomatic courtiers
核准的外汇银行authorized foreign exchange bank
经纪人在场外直接进行的交易transaction on dealers’ basis
经纪人在场外直接进行的交易transaction on dealer's basis
行驶外洋的ocean going
银行委托外国银行承兑其本票的信函letter of indication