
Terms for subject Business containing 外国 | all forms | in specified order only
上市的外国证券foreign securities listed
中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业法Law of the People's Republic of China on Chinese-Foreign Joint Ventures
中华人民共和国外汇管理暂行条例Interim Regulation on Foreign Exchange Control of the Peopled Republic of China
中国对外贸易运输公司China National Foreign Trade Transportation Corp.
为国内筹资的国外债券out to in external bond
为生产设备向国外借款的减税relief for foreign loans for productive equipment
外国银行借款borrowing from a foreign bank
从国外公司获得的股利收益dividend income from foreign company
从国外收回款项repatriation of proceeds
以托运人国外代理行为收货人unto shipper's foreign agency
仿造外国机器change-over to manufacture on imported model
偿还外国贷款repayment of foreign loan
利用外资以繁荣本国经济fertilize the country's economy with foreign capital
受控制的外国公司controlled foreign corporation
向国外倾销过剩货物dump surplus goods abroad
向国外分保reinsurance ceded abroad
向国外投资investment in foreign country
向国外汇款foreign transfer
售出外国票据foreign bills sold
售出外国票据汇票foreign bill sold
国内外利率差别interest rate differentials at home and abroad
国内外均衡equilibrium at home and abroad
国内外资金流动mobilize domestic and foreign capital
国内外资金筹措mobilization of domestic and foreign capital
国内持有的外国债券domestically held foreign bonds
国内物价与国外物价之间的背离趋势divergences of trend between the domestic and overseas prices
国外出国推销员expatriate salesman
跨国公司国外业务foreign operation
国外业务会计accounting for overseas activities
国外业务会计accounting for foreign operation
国外中间商foreign middleman
国外产权净额net foreign claims
国外付款汇票bill drawn for payment abroad
国外代收foreign collections
国外代理商foreign agent
国外代理商oversea agent
国外代理商收入与其费用支出factor income from abroad and factor cost payments
国外代理机构foreign agency
国外代理机构网network of foreign corresponding agency
国外代理行foreign agency
国外代理行网network of foreign corresponding banks
国外借债能力ability to borrow overseas
国外借款业务external borrowing transaction
国外债权international claim
国外债权人foreign creditor
国外冻结资产frozen assets abroad
国外净债权foreign net claims
国外出版物external publication
国外分店分行oversea branch
国外分店公司、 行foreign branch
国外分店公司、行资产foreign branch assets
国外分支机构overseas branch
国外分支机构branches at abroad
国外分支机构foreign branch
国外分支机构资产foreign branch assets
国外包装技术packaging of foreign technology
国外同业代理行存款deposit by foreign correspondents
国外商情展望foreign business outlook
国外培训foreign training
国外处foreign division
国外子公司foreign subsidiaries
国外子公司国外来源收入的延期纳税tax deferral for foreign-source income of foreign subsidiaries
国外客户foreign correspondent
国外就地筹资债券out to out external bond
国外工作津贴foreign duty pay
国外工程承包contracting for construction projects abroad
国外市场经营foreign marketing
国外市场行情quotation on foreign market
国外市场行情foreign market conditions
国外常驻代理人即国外代理人resident agent
国外库存现金cash held in foreign countries
国外建筑承包contracting for buildings overseas
国外总代理商foreign general agent
国外成套技术packaging of foreign technology
国外托收foreign collections
国外托销品shipment inward
国外投入系数矩阵matrix of foreign input coefficient
国外投资investment in foreign country
国外投资international investment
国外投资净值net foreign investment
国外投资收益income on investment abroad
国外投资本利不能兑换汇回保险inconvertibility insurance
国外投资环境foreign investment climate
国外报关行代理人foreign customs house broker
国外推销员expatriate salesman
国外支付赔款claims payable abroad
国外收入income earned abroad
国外收入external income
国外来源收入income accrued from foreign sources
国外汇款foreign remittance
国外注册公司company incorporated abroad
国外注册的附属公司affiliated company incorporated abroad
国外特约代理商foreign franchised representative
国外直接购买direct purchases abroad
国外短期债权foreign short-term claim
国外短期资产指外币及国外存款等foreign short-term assets
国外经常性转移支付current transfers from and to the rest of the world
国外经纪人在国外理赔overseas broker-claims payable abroad
国外经纪代理商foreign commission agent
国外经营中管理会计问题management accounting problem in foreign operation
国外经营活动foreign operation
国外经营盈余external margin
国外职务津贴foreign duty pay
国外职务津贴foreign duty allowance
国外航空邮件foreign airmail
国外航空邮件foreign air mail
国外订货未收货款账户account on indent account
国外订货预付款advance on indent
国外设计与技术信息费foreign design and technology information expenses
国外财务报表foreign financial statement
国外贷款external loan
国外贸易overseas trade
国外资产external asset
国外资本external capital
国外资金capital foreign
国外资金地位external financing position
国外转账汇款国外转账foreign transfer
国外通讯员foreign correspondent
国外部foreign division
美国国务院.国外部foreign service offices
国外采购off shore procurement
国外金融机构offshore banking unit
国外银行业务offshore banking
国外附属公司foreign subsidiaries
国家对外开放口岸national open port
国家计划外投资investment outside the state plan
国际外汇市场international foreign exchange market
国际批发和对外贸易中心International Wholesale and Foreign Trade Centre
外国水域的水产业fishery in foreign waters
在国外处理赔案settlement of claims abroad
在国外支付的索赔claim payable abroad
在国外注册船只foreign flag
在国外的商品goods in foreign countries
在国外监督整厂及机器设备的附加条款Additional Clause for Supervising the Economic of Plants and Machinery Abroad
外国专家outside specialist
外国买家代理行buying indent house
外国二重子公司foreign sub-sub-subsidiary
外国人持股比率foreign stockholding ratio
外国人旅行税foreign travel tax
外国人登记手续alien registration requirement
外国人豁免权foreign immunity
外国人购入股票alien stock buying
外国企业所得税income tax of foreign enterprise
外国企业所得税income tax on foreign enterprise
外国企业所得税income tax concerning foreign enterprise
外国企业所得税法income tax law of foreign enterprises
外国借款费用cost of foreign borrowing
英国外国债券bulldog bonds
外国债券external bond
外国公司overseas company
外国公司alien company
外国公司corporation alien
外国公司企业foreign company and enterprise
外国分包人foreign subcontractor
外国制造商买主buyer of foreign maker
外国制造的of foreign manufacture
外国参股人foreign participant
外国合营者foreign joint venture
外国和国际经济政策foreign and international economic policy
外国商号alien firm
外国商标使用费cost of foreign-owner trade mark
外国垄断资本渗透penetration of foreign monopoly capital
外国存款foreign deposit
外国市价foreign market price
外国市场foreign market
外国广告代理人代理机构foreign advertising agency
外国批发商买主buyer of foreign wholesaler
外国承包商foreign contractors
外国技术人员费用foreign technical personnel expense
外国技术成套转让packaging of foreign technology
外国投资人控股限额limit on foreign investors' holding of stocks
外国投资商foreign investor
外国投资收益income on foreign investment
外国投资条例regulations of foreign investment
外国投资法foreign investment law
外国投资法law concerning foreign investment
外国投资跨国公司foreign investment transnational firm
外国损失冲减recapture of foreign losses
外国控制的企业foreign-controlled enterprise
外国控制的公司foreign-controlled company
外国控制的国内工业foreign control of a domestic industry
外国政府foreign government
外国旅行信用证foreign traveller's letter of credit
外国旅行账户foreign travel account
外国来源收入foreign source income
外国汇款单foreign money order
外国汇票external bill
外国法人foreign juristic
外国消费者分析foreign consumer analysis
外国消费者支出foreign consumer expenditure
外国港口foreign seaports
外国现金贷款foreign cash loan
外国的债权资产foreign claimable assets
外国监护人foreign guardians
外国票据汇票、期票的议付negotiation of foreign bill
外国私人投资特定项目specific piece of private foreign investment
外国税收扣除额结转carry-over of foreign tax
外国税收抵免全面限额overall limitation on the foreign tax credit
外国税收抵免分国限额per country limitation
外国税收抵免分项限额per item limitation
外国税收抵免特别限额special limitations on the foreign tax credit
外国税收间接抵免indirect foreign tax credit
外国纸币与硬币交易dealing in foreign notes and coins
外国经济利益foreign economic interest
外国经济势力foreign economic interest
外国经济特区expatriate enclave
外国经济界foreign economic interest
外国经济调研economic investigation of foreign countries
外国股票场外交易over-the-counter dealing of the foreign stock
外国船员上岸许可证landing card
外国行政管理机构foreign administration
外国计算书foreign statement
外国订货outside order
外国订货order placed outside
外国证券投资foreign securities investment
外国goods of foreign origin
外国货币本位付款证券instrument payable in foreign exchange
外国货涌入influx of foreign goods
外国货进口import foreign goods
外国货进口申请书application for import of foreign goods
外国资产foreign assets
外国资本foreign equity holding
外国遗产税税收抵免credit for foreign death taxes
外国邮政汇票foreign postal money-order
外国重子公司foreign sub-subsidiary
外国金币foreign gold coins
外国银行oversea bank
外国银行伦敦分行承兑的汇票agency bill
外国银行支行subsidiary of foreign bank
外国零售商买主buyer of foreign retailer
外汇国际金融机构international financial institution for foreign exchange
外贸分国最高限额制maximum country amount limitation
存在国外现金cash held in foreign countries
存放外国银行余额balance with foreign banks abroad
存放国外现金cash held in foreign countries
存放在国外的硬币specie kept abroad
外国人的短期债权short-terms on foreigners
外国人短期债权short-term claim on foreigners
外国法律的尊重judicial comity
外国法律的违反foreign illegality
对国外业务按现行汇价折合计算法current-noncurrent method
对国外投资investment abroad
对国外来源收入的课税taxation of foreign-source income
对外投资的国际法律环境international legal and juridical environment for the foreign investment
对外贸易国际结算international settlements in connection with foreign trade
居住国外reside abroad
工业品外观设计的国际保存international deposit of an industrial design
1941 年修订的美国对外贸易定义指美国外贸术语定义,通称美国定义Revised American Foreign Trade Definitions 1941
应付外国汇票foreign bills payable
应付外国银行款项due to foreign bank
应收外国银行欠款due from foreign bank
应收国外汇票foreign bills receivable
开拓国外市场develop foreign markets
引进外国先进技术introduction of foreign advanced technology
引进外国先进技术import foreign advanced technology
引进外国技术introducing of technology from abroad
引进外国投资introducing foreign investment
引进外国投资introduce foreign investment
执行外国仲裁裁决enforcement of foreign arbitral award
抵制外国boycott of foreign goods
抵制外国oppose foreign goods
抵制外国boycott foreign goods
外国国旗的船舶foreign flag
外国旗船只foreign flag vessel
指定外国投资人designated foreign investor
指定负责收回外国资产的管理人administrator ad colligendum
按现行汇价折合计算法编制的国外业务报表current noncurrent method of translating statement
支付外国母公司paid to foreign parent corporation
支付原则和保证国外欠债利息后的财政委托计算书fiscal trust accounts for payments of principle and interest fiscal trust of external bonded debts
支付原则和保证国外欠债利息后的财政存款计算书fiscal deposit accounts for payments of principle and fiscal trust of external bonded debts
收集国外商情collection of foreign business information
政府对引进国外技术的管制government regulations of inflow of foreign technology
新的外国债券new foreign bond issue
无陪同的国外旅行foreign independent tour
有价证券国外投资portfolio foreign investment
有陪同的国外旅游foreign conducted tour
本国企业在国外的投资domestically-owned investment abroad
来自国外的汇票incoming foreign bill
构成外国当局储备的负债liability constituting foreign authorities reserve
〈法〉法国外贸银行Banque Francaise de Commerce Exterieur
海外市场上市的外国证券foreign securities listed in overseas market
照搬外国模式copying foreign models
独资外国公司self-financed foreign company
外国货币支付有效的约定stipulation for effective payment in a foreign currency
直接国外投资的行为含义behavioral implication of direct foreign investment
经由股票市场的外国投资foreign investment via the stock market
美国国外业务署海外工作署Foreign Operation Administration
美国对外贸易定义指美国 1941年修订的对外贸易术语解释, 亦称美国定义。1969年在国际商会总会上,美国表示在外贸中将采用国际商会制定的《国际贸易术语解释通则》,取代美国定义,但实际上美商有时仍用美国定义,引起一些外贸争议American Foreign Trade Definition
联合抵制外国boycott foreign goods
聘请外国个别专家employment of foreign individual experts
股票转移国外foreign transfer of share
英国外交部foreign office
英镑美元第三国外汇牌价sterling-dollar cross rate
计算外国公司所得税的损益法profit and loss method of calculating income tax on foreign company
设在外国的母公司foreign-based parent company
银行国外账户bank's foreign account
银行国外部bank's foreign department
银行对国外代理机构所发支票或即期汇票banker's checks or demand draft on their correspondents abroad
随着输入而导致的外国债权foreign claim incidental to import
非上市外国证券foreign securities unlisted
非居民外国non-resident aliens
鼓励外国投资encouragement of foreign investment