
Terms for subject Business containing 外国的 | all forms | in specified order only
上市的外国证券foreign securities listed
为国内筹资的国外债券out to in external bond
为生产设备向国外借款的减税relief for foreign loans for productive equipment
从国外公司获得的股利收益dividend income from foreign company
受控制的外国公司controlled foreign corporation
国内持有的外国债券domestically held foreign bonds
国内物价与国外物价之间的背离趋势divergences of trend between the domestic and overseas prices
国外子公司国外来源收入的延期纳税tax deferral for foreign-source income of foreign subsidiaries
国外注册的附属公司affiliated company incorporated abroad
在国外支付的索赔claim payable abroad
在国外的商品goods in foreign countries
在国外监督整厂及机器设备的附加条款Additional Clause for Supervising the Economic of Plants and Machinery Abroad
在外国水域的水产业fishery in foreign waters
外国债权资产foreign claimable assets
外国制造的of foreign manufacture
外国控制的企业foreign-controlled enterprise
外国控制的公司foreign-controlled company
外国控制的国内工业foreign control of a domestic industry
外国票据汇票、期票的议付negotiation of foreign bill
外国银行伦敦分行承兑的汇票agency bill
存放在国外的硬币specie kept abroad
对国外来源收入的课税taxation of foreign-source income
对外国人的短期债权short-terms on foreigners
对外国法律的尊重judicial comity
对外国法律的违反foreign illegality
对外投资的国际法律环境international legal and juridical environment for the foreign investment
工业品外观设计的国际保存international deposit of an industrial design
1941 年修订的美国对外贸易定义指美国外贸术语定义,通称美国定义Revised American Foreign Trade Definitions 1941
挂外国国旗的船舶foreign flag
指定负责收回外国资产的管理人administrator ad colligendum
按现行汇价折合计算法编制的国外业务报表current noncurrent method of translating statement
支付原则和保证国外欠债利息后的财政委托计算书fiscal trust accounts for payments of principle and interest fiscal trust of external bonded debts
支付原则和保证国外欠债利息后的财政存款计算书fiscal deposit accounts for payments of principle and fiscal trust of external bonded debts
政府对引进国外技术的管制government regulations of inflow of foreign technology
新的外国债券new foreign bond issue
无陪同的国外旅行foreign independent tour
有陪同的国外旅游foreign conducted tour
本国企业在国外的投资domestically-owned investment abroad
来自国外的汇票incoming foreign bill
构成外国当局储备的负债liability constituting foreign authorities reserve
海外市场上市的外国证券foreign securities listed in overseas market
用外国货币支付有效的约定stipulation for effective payment in a foreign currency
直接国外投资的行为含义behavioral implication of direct foreign investment
经由股票市场的外国投资foreign investment via the stock market
计算外国公司所得税的损益法profit and loss method of calculating income tax on foreign company
设在外国的母公司foreign-based parent company
随着输入而导致的外国债权foreign claim incidental to import