
Terms containing 外国区 | all forms | in specified order only
econ.世界主要港口外文名称中文译名所属国家或地区纬度经度The Worlds Major Seaports
fin.债台高筑的欧元区外围国家debt laden peripheral eurozone countries
gen.加拿大建立的第一个国家公园跨越了风光无与伦比的山区,全年开放,可供游客观赏野生动物、游览和进行其他户外活动The first national park established in Canada spans a region of unparalleled mountain scenery and is open year-round for wildlife viewing, sightseeing, and other outdoor activities
tech.国外区域构造foreign regional tectonics
interntl.trade.国外经济特区expatriate enclave
econ.国家管辖范围以外的区域the area beyond the limits of national jurisdiction
UN, afghan.在有限的程度上把国际安全援助部队的活动扩及喀布尔以外地区expansion limited of ISAF beyond Kabul
interntl.trade.外国或国外经济特区expatriate enclave
tech.外国区perimeter zone
busin.外国经济特区expatriate enclave
logist.时区标准时间附录 1 国外及中国港澳台地区主要货运与物流组织包括航线运价组织zone standard time
fin.欧元区以外的国家countries outside the eurozone
fin.欧元区外围国家European periphery
interntl.trade.海外英镑区国家Overseas Sterling Area Countries
UN, tech.特派团系数是由于任务区行动条件极端、造成了严重或额外的困难,而为部队/警察部队派遣国提供的赔偿mission factors are intended to compensate troop/police contributors for extreme operating conditions in the mission area, where conditions impose significant and additional hardship
earth.sc.美国大陆以外地区Outside Continental United States
earth.sc.美国大陆以外地区Outside Continental Limits of the United States
commer.设于关境外允许外国商品免税进出口地区free trade zone
econ.除英国外的英镑区Rest of the Sterling Area
econ.政府 鼓励外国公民和华侨在经济特区投资设厂,兴办各项经济事业In special economic zone foreign citizens and overseas Chinese are encouraged to open factories or take up various economic undertaking with investment