
Terms containing 外卖 | all forms | in specified order only
fin.举债式外汇买卖leverage foreign exchange trading
fin.举债式外汇买卖介绍人leverage foreign exchange introducing agent
fin.举债式外汇买卖商leverage foreign exchange trader
interntl.trade.买卖外国汇票期票negotiation of foreign bills
fin.买卖外汇buying and selling of foreign exchange
China, law买卖外汇purchase and sale of foreign exchange
fin.做外汇投机买卖speculate in foreign exchange
fin.出卖外汇委托书authorization sheet for sales of exchange
econ.利用"价格变动"条款可使卖方经营成本不受意外变化的影响Utilizing an escalator clause may protect sellers from unforeseen changes in their costs of doing business
interntl.trade.卖出外汇foreign exchange sold
interntl.trade.卖出远期外汇forward exchange sold
interntl.trade.卖外汇selling exchange
fin.卖方外汇价selling exchange rate
econ.卖方如由于无法控制的意外事故而不能供应所需货物,该订单将被认为已撤销The order shall be considered to have been cancelled if the seller is prevented from supplying goods required owing to any contingency beyond control
gen.卖给外国人sell foreign
proj.manag.即期外汇买卖spot exchange transaction
tech.即期外汇买卖起息日spot value date
securit.可变式远期外汇买卖意大利米兰蒙塔银行远期外汇交易法break forward
proj.manag.场外买卖outside dealing
proj.manag.场外买卖off-market dealing
fin.场外买卖衍生工具合约off-exchange traded derivative contracts
textile场外证券买卖kerb market
textile场外证券买卖curb market
busin.场外贩卖股票share pushing
exhib.外卖chance sales
exhib.外卖厨师chef traiteur
exhib.外卖take out
tech.外卖食物餐馆carry-out restaurant
tech.外卖餐馆take-out restaurant
tech.外卖饮食店take-out service
securit.外币买卖sale and purchase of foreign exchange
securit.外币买卖选择权foreign currency option
interntl.trade.外币买进卖出损益profit and loss on buying and selling foreign coins
busin.外币支票买卖drawing and buying of checks in foreign currency
busin.外汇买卖buying and selling of foreign currencies
econ., int. law.外汇买卖foreign exchange transactions
fin.外汇买卖foreign exchange trading
busin.外汇买卖foreign exchange dealing
busin.外汇买卖双方结合exchange marry
busin.外汇买卖业务buying and selling operation of foreign currencies
busin.外汇买卖合同exchange contract
busin.外汇买卖合约exchange contract note
commer.外汇买卖均衡square position (指外汇银行在出现购买过多 (overbought) 或出售过多 (oversold) 时抛出或补进外汇以保持平衡)
commer.外汇买卖均衡square exchange position
interntl.trade.外汇买卖手foreign exchange trader
interntl.trade.外汇买卖损益profit or loss on exchange
busin.外汇买卖日计表daily perpetual inventory of exchange bought and sold
textile外汇买卖簿记position book keeping
fin.外汇买卖经纪人exchange broker
fin.外汇买卖经纪人exchanging broker
busin.外汇买卖结合利益exchange marry profit
securit.外汇倒卖foreign exchange arbitrage
busin.外汇卖价selling rate
busin.外汇卖出foreign exchange sales
busin.外汇卖出foreign exchange bills sold
fin.外汇卖出价selling rate of foreign exchange
econ.外汇卖出价和买入价ask rate and bid rate
fin.外汇卖出日记本foreign exchange sales journal
busin.外汇卖出日记账foreign exchange sales journal
busin.外汇卖出逾额amount oversold
busin.外汇卖出逾额amount of foreign exchange oversold
fin.外汇拍卖exchange auction
fin.外汇拍卖foreign exchange auctions
IMF.外汇拍卖foreign exchange auction
econ.外汇拍卖exchange auctions
fin.外汇现钞买卖价buying and selling rate of foreign bank note
interntl.trade.外汇的买卖结合exchange marry
econ.外汇的银行卖价selling exchange rate
econ.对外国人的日用品、食品贩卖商店S speciality shop
interntl.trade.期货外汇的买卖合同exchange contract
busin.未轧平远期外汇卖出头寸unmatched forward sale position
proj.manag.杠杆式外汇买卖leveraged foreign exchange trading
fin.杠杆式外汇买卖介绍代理人leveraged foreign exchange introducing agent
fin.杠杆式外汇买卖商leveraged foreign exchange trader
proj.manag.杠杆式外汇买卖商代表leveraged foreign exchange trader's representative
tech.炒买炒卖外汇foreign currency dealing
securit.股票在交易所正式交易前进行买卖的场外市场gray market
securit.远期外汇买卖合同future exchange contract
busin.银行卖出外汇价bank's selling rate
busin.银行卖出外汇汇率bank's selling rate
busin.非法买卖外币illegal transaction in foreign currencies
econ.非法买卖外汇illegal dealings of foreign exchange
China, law非法买卖外汇illegally trade in foreign exchange
econ.非法倒买倒卖外币illegal dealings in foreign currencies
busin.非法倒卖外汇illegal dealings in foreign currencies
fin.额外的卖点bells and whistles