
Terms for subject Finances containing 外人 | all forms | in specified order only
不确定或有额外收人的公司债bond with uncertain or contingent income
个人人身意外伤害保险personal accident insurance
个人额外津贴additional personal allowance
《中华人民共和国中外合作经营企业法》Law of the Peopled Republic of China on Chinese-Foreign Contractual Joint Ventures
《中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业所得税法》Law of the People's Republic of China on Chinese-Foreign Equity Joint Ventures
《中华人民共和国外资企业法》Law of the People's Republic of China on Foreign Capital Enterprises
《中华人民共和国外资银行管理条例》Regulations on the Administration of Foreign-funded Banks of the People's Republic of China
《中华人民共和国涉外经济合同法》Law of the Peopled Republic of China on Economic Contracts involving Foreign Interest
中国境外流通的人民币renminbi circulating outside China
举债式外汇买卖介绍人leverage foreign exchange introducing agent
买人以外币计价的劳务purchase of services valuated in foreign currency
买人以外币计价的商品purchase of goods valuated in foreign currency
人民币合格境外机构投资者RMB Qualified Foreign Institutional Investors (2011年8月我国政府宣布将允许境外合格机构投资者(通过香港中资金融机构)用人民币投资境内证券市场,因额度比 QFII少(起步金额为200亿元),故也称"小QFII")
人民币的海外持有者international holders of renminbi
人身意外伤害险life accident insurance
使人民币流向海外ship renminbi out of the country
使用人民币在境外设立公司use the renminbi to launch businesses overseas
使用人民币在海外建立新业务use renminbi to found new operations overseas
使用人民币在海外进行收购use renminbi to acquire overseas
使用人民币进行境外投资move renminbi offshore for investment purposes
允许中外企业用人民币结算外贸交易allow Chinese and foreign companies to settle trade transactions in renminbi
允许企业在中国境外贸易中使用人民币结算allow companies to use the renminbi for trade outside China
允许外国人投资allow foreigners to invest
合格的境外有限合伙人qualified foreign limited partner
团体人身意外伤害险group life accident insurance
国外代埋人帐户foreign agent accounts
国外收人来源foreign source s of income
国外贷款收人foreign loan receipt
在外汇储备中持有人民币资产hold mainland renminbi assets in its reserves
场外交易经纪人curb stone broker
场外经纪人over-the-counter broker
场外经纪人kerb-stone broker
境外使用人民币的限制restrictions on the use of the currency outside the mainland
外地中介人foreign intermediary
外汇买卖经纪人exchanging broker
外汇买卖经纪人exchange broker
外汇收人留成余额retained balance from foreign exchange revenue
外汇经纪人exchange jobber
外资流人foreign inflows
外资流人foreign capital inflow
《开展境内个人直接投资境外证券市场试点方案》Pilot Program for Direct Foreign Portfolio Investments by Domestic Individuals
引发海外人民币贷款的激增trigger an offshore renminbi credit boom
提高人民币在境外的可获得性boost the foreign availability of renminbi
本年外汇收人foreign exchange income annually
杠杆式外汇买卖介绍代理人leveraged foreign exchange introducing agent
海外发行人overseas issuer
用人民币购买外汇buy foreign exchange with renminbi
积极拓展海外人民币业务aggressively expand offshore RMB services
纾困陷人困境的欧洲外围国家rescue the troubled European periphery
降低外资准人门槛reduce the foreign barriers to entry
预算外收人off-budget revenue
预算外收人extra-budgetary revenue