
Terms containing 外人 | all forms | in specified order only
econ.一个人投资于股票时,除投资付款外,无额外责任When one invests in stocks, he is non-assessable, except for the payment for investment
gen.一部电影是否继续投资,海外票房潜力是好莱坞电影制作人考虑的主要因素Most notably, potential overseas ticket sales nowadays determine whether or not a studio executive gives the go-ahead to a movie
China, law不对国外人开放closed to aliens
fin.不确定或有额外收人的公司债bond with uncertain or contingent income
busin.专业人员意外损失补偿保险单professional indemnity policy
manag.专门人才外流outflow of trained personnel
commer.保险个人人身意外伤害personal accident
fin.个人人身意外伤害保险personal accident insurance
China, polit.个人以外的组织或者实体organizations or entities other than individuals
busin.个人意外保险personal accident insurance
fin.个人额外津贴additional personal allowance
fin.《中华人民共和国中外合作经营企业法》Law of the Peopled Republic of China on Chinese-Foreign Contractual Joint Ventures
econ.中华人民共和国中外合资企业劳动管理规定Provisions of the People's Republic of China for Labour Management in Chinese-Foreign Joint Ventures
econ.《中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业所得税施行细则》 Rules for the Implementation of the Individual Income Tax Law of the Poeple's Republic of ChinaRules for the Implementation of the Income Tax Law of the People's Republic of China Concerning Chinese-Foreign Joint Ventures (中华人民共和国个人所得税法实行细则)
fin.《中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业所得税法》Law of the People's Republic of China on Chinese-Foreign Equity Joint Ventures
busin.中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业法Law of the People's Republic of China on Chinese-Foreign Joint Ventures
commer.中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业法Law of the Peopled Republic of China on Chinese-Foreign Joint Ventures (1979)
securit.中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业法Law of the PRC on the Joint Ventures Using Chinese and Foreign Investment
econ.中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业登记管理办法Procedures of the People's Republic of China for the Registration and Administration of Chinese Foreign Joint Ventures
China, polit.中华人民共和国外交部Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Peopled Republic of China
comp.name.中华人民共和国外交部Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China
econ.中华人民共和国外汇管理局State Administration of Foreign Exchange Control of the People's Republic of China
gen.назв.комп. 中华人民共和国外汇管理局the State Administration of Exchange Control of PRC
busin.中华人民共和国外汇管理暂行条例Interim Regulation on Foreign Exchange Control of the Peopled Republic of China
fin.《中华人民共和国外资企业法》Law of the People's Republic of China on Foreign Capital Enterprises
securit.中华人民共和国外资企业法实施细则Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Wholly Foreign-Owned Enterprises
fin.《中华人民共和国外资银行管理条例》Regulations on the Administration of Foreign-funded Banks of the People's Republic of China
org.name.中华人民共和国外麦部Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China
comp.name.中华人民共和国对外经济贸易部Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade of the People’s Republic of China
econ.中华人民共和国对外贸易经济合作部Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation of the People's Republic of China
fin.《中华人民共和国涉外经济合同法》Law of the Peopled Republic of China on Economic Contracts involving Foreign Interest
consult.中国人民外交学会Chinese People's Institute of Foreign Affairs
China, polit.中国人民对外友好协会Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries
China, polit.中国人民对外友好协会the Chinese Peopled Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries
securit.中国人民银行外汇储备运作中心央行上海分部Foreign Exchange Reserve Operation Center PBC
China, polit.中国公民和法人在海外的合法权益legitimate rights and interests of Chinese nationals and corporations overseas
China, polit.中国公民和法人在海外的合法权益lawful rights and interests of Chinese nationals and corporations overseas
China, law中国境内的外国人foreigner within Chinese territory
fin.中国境外流通的人民币renminbi circulating outside China
gen.中国申请人有亲戚在国外或者正申请移民是很常见的。这类情况不会妨碍你获得批准It is common in China for an applicant to have relatives in other countries or a petition to immigrate on file. These factors by themselves will not necessarily prevent approval of your application
China, polit.主持召开党外人士座谈会preside over a forum of non-Party dignitaries
fin.举债式外汇买卖介绍人leverage foreign exchange introducing agent
fin.买人以外币计价的劳务purchase of services valuated in foreign currency
fin.买人以外币计价的商品purchase of goods valuated in foreign currency
securit.买人外汇期货契约long currency future contract
securit.交易场外经纪人curb broker
auto.人体外廓增量考虑由于各季穿衣不同而引起的clothing increment
econ.人力除外的生产资源nonhuman productive resources
busin.人口外流overflow of population
desert.人口外溢population overspill
China, polit.人大对外交往foreign exchange work of the NPC
econ.人寿保险的意外死亡双重赔偿条款accidental death benefit
railw.人才外流brain drain
econ.人才外流reverse transfer of technology
busin.人才外流主要指科学家、专家外流brain drain
busin.人才外流量brain-drain flows
fin.人民币合格境外机构投资者RMB Qualified Foreign Institutional Investors (2011年8月我国政府宣布将允许境外合格机构投资者(通过香港中资金融机构)用人民币投资境内证券市场,因额度比 QFII少(起步金额为200亿元),故也称"小QFII")
econ.人民币外价票证Renminbi foreign exchange instrument
econ.人民币外价票证RMB foreign exchange instrument
busin.人民币外汇牌价Currency Exchange Rate Listed for Renminbi and Foreign Currencies
busin.人民币外汇牌价listed Renminbi rate of exchange
econ.人民币外汇票证Renminbi foreign exchange instrument
econ., int. law.人民币外.汇票证RMB foreign exchange instrument
fin.人民币的海外持有者international holders of renminbi
tech.人身意外伤害personal accident
busin.人身意外伤害保险单personal accident policy
fin.人身意外伤害险life accident insurance
tech.人身意外保险personal accident insurance
busin.人身意外和健康保险accident and health
tech.人身意外死亡的双重赔偿条款double indemnity clause
econ.人际外在性interpersonal externality
geol.从外部流人岩层的水resurgent water
chem.从外面送人塔内的回流external reflux
sport., psychol.他人暗示外源暗示heterosuggestion
archit.付给在困难或特殊条件下工作的建筑工人的额外报酬dirty money
busin.以托运人国外代理行为收货人unto shipper's foreign agency
busin.以托运人海外代理人为收货人unto shipper's foreign agent
econ.任何外国人不得在建立合资企业的幌子下收集同我国家安全有关的情报No foreigners are allowed to collect any information concerning our national security under the cover of setting up joint ventures
China, law企业法人以外的法人legal person other than enterprise legal person
econ.伤残人收入除外计划disability income exclusion
fin.使人民币流向海外ship renminbi out of the country
fin.使用人民币在境外设立公司use the renminbi to launch businesses overseas
fin.使用人民币在海外建立新业务use renminbi to found new operations overseas
fin.使用人民币在海外进行收购use renminbi to acquire overseas
fin.使用人民币进行境外投资move renminbi offshore for investment purposes
econ.侨居国外靠本国汇款生活的人remittance man
fin.允许中外企业用人民币结算外贸交易allow Chinese and foreign companies to settle trade transactions in renminbi
fin.允许企业在中国境外贸易中使用人民币结算allow companies to use the renminbi for trade outside China
fin.允许外国人投资allow foreigners to invest
China, polit.外人non-Party dignitaries
China, polit.关于防止和惩处侵害受国际保护人员包括外交代表的罪行的公约Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Crimes Against Internationally Protected Persons, including Diplomatic Agents
China, polit.军人和外交人员的衔级制度systems of titles and ranks for military and diplomatic personnel
anim.husb.农业外收人non-agricultural receipt
agric.农村人口外流flight from the land
tech.农村人口外流rural exodus
gen.出人意外go off at a tangent
gen.出人意外fly off at a tangent
commer.出口人与国外客户无直接契约关系The exporter is not in direct contractual relations with the foreign customers
busin.出售外货的经纪人dealer in foreign articles
busin.制造商外销代理人manufacturer's export agent
gen.卖给外国人sell foreign
shipb.厂商外销代理人manufacturer's export agent
econ.双方以外的任何其他人不得介入谈判Any persons other than the parties shall not intervene in the negotiations
commer.双方当事人在签约时所谋求的商业目的因意外情况受挫而落空The commercial aims which the both parties pursued when concluding the contract are defeated by force of supervening circumstances
manag.取得职业资格的人寿保险外勤人员charter life underwriter
gen.另外什么人〔什么东西〕some others
China, law合伙人以外的人anyone other than the partners therein
securit.合格境外投资者管理人QFII Custodians
fin.合格的境外有限合伙人qualified foreign limited partner
otorhinol.听外侧传人柱column audiolateral efferent
tech.因工业化人口外迁industrialization emigration
fin.团体人身意外伤害险group life accident insurance
fin.国外代埋人帐户foreign agent accounts
commer.国外代理人overseas agent
securit.国外代理人foreign agency
anim.husb.国外传人的疾病foreign disease
busin.国外债权人foreign creditor
commer.国外常驻人员resident employees
busin.国外常驻代理人即国外代理人resident agent
econ.国外总代理人foreign general agent
tech.国外托运人oversea shipper
tech.国外投标人foreign bidder
tech.国外报价人foreign bidder
econ.国外收人foreign income
fin.国外收人来源foreign source s of income
econ., int. law.国外独立代理人commissionaire
commer.国外独立代理人independent agent abroad
busin.国外经纪人在国外理赔overseas broker-claims payable abroad
econ.国外货运代理人foreign freight agent
fin.国外贷款收人foreign loan receipt
China, law国家对外贸易工作人员personnel serving in the state's foreign trade authority
commer.国际促进及保护私人国外投资协会International Association for the Promotion of Private Foreign Investments (缩为 APPI)
earth.sc.国际促进和保护国外私人投资协会International Association for the Promotion and Protection of Private Foreign Investment
econ.在外国,工会是工厂工人的劳资谈判代理机构In foreign countries, the union is the collective bargaining agency for the workers in the factory
fin.在外汇储备中持有人民币资产hold mainland renminbi assets in its reserves
econ.场外证券经纪人kerb broker
commer.场外交易人outside dealer
fin.场外交易经纪人curb stone broker
busin.场外交易经纪人street broker
securit.场外市场经纪人curb stone operator
busin.场外经纪人curbstone broker
busin.场外经纪人在交易所外代客买卖的经纪人outside broker
busin.场外经纪人outside broker
econ.场外经纪人an outside broker
econ.证券等的场外经纪人kerbstone broker
busin.场外经纪人curb stone broker
fin.场外经纪人over-the-counter broker
fin.场外经纪人kerb-stone broker
commer.场外经纪人street broker
busin.场外经纪人kerb broker
securit.场外经纪人over the counter broker
busin.场外经营人curb stone operator
commer.场外证券交易经纪人curb broker
busin.场外证券经纪人kerbstone broker
busin.场外证券经纪人kerb broker
chem.反应堆外燃料投人量out-of-pile inventory
fin.境外使用人民币的限制restrictions on the use of the currency outside the mainland
securit.境外发行人overseas issuer
tech.境外货款人external lender
China, polit.外交人员diplomatic personnel
tech.外交人员租用房屋条款diplomatic clause
agric.外传人感觉exafference (exafferentia)
plast.surg.外侧人路external approach
telecom.外加诱人的附属功能bells and whistles
busin.外勤工作人员field staff
UN, account.外勤人员Field Service
busin.外勤人员field officer
busin.外勤人员field man
busin.外勤人员field force
busin.外勤工作人员field operator
busin.外勤工作人员field officer
commer.外勤收款人outside collector
busin.外化的人alienated man
sport, bask.外围3人内线2人阵式three-out-and-two-in setup
securit.外国个人alien individual
commer.外国人临时居留证Temporary Residence Permits for Foreigners
econ.外国人入境许可the admission of alien
commer.外国人勤务津贴foreigner's duty pay
econ., int. law.外国人对国内联合劳动组织投资法the law of Investments of Resources of Foreign Persons in Domestic Organizations of Associated Labour
econ., int. law.外国人居留证residence permit for foreigners
econ.外国人持有股票比率foreign stockholding ratio
busin.外国人持股比率foreign stockholding ratio
securit.外国人控制的美国企业US business controlled by foreign person
busin.外国人旅行税foreign travel tax
China, law外国人犯罪crimes committed by foreigners
busin.外国人登记手续alien registration requirement
econ.外国人的人境许可admission of alien
tech.外国人的雇用ahen employment
commer.外国人股票转移foreigner's shares transfer
busin.外国人豁免权foreign immunity
securit.外国人购买股票alien stock buying
busin.外国人购入股票alien stock buying
securit.外国人身份的确定determination of foreign person
econ.外国代理人foreign agent
agric.外国传人的蔬菜作物vegetables native to western countries
tech.外国借款人foreign borrower
econ.外国出生的人口foreign-born population
busin.外国分包人foreign subcontractor
shipb.外国参与人foreign participant
busin.外国参股人foreign participant
tech.外国工人foreign labourer
tech.外国工人foreign laborer
busin.外国广告代理人代理机构foreign advertising agency
econ.外国承保人foreign insurance underwriter
busin.外国技术人员费用foreign technical personnel expense
commer.外国投资人可调回他们的投资及其资本收益The foreign investors are allowed to repatriate their own invested capital and any capital gain
busin.外国投资人控股限额limit on foreign investors' holding of stocks
busin.外国法人foreign juristic
tech.外国法人foreign juridical person
busin.外国监护人foreign guardians
busin.外国私人投资特定项目specific piece of private foreign investment
econ.外国私人控股公司税foreign personal holding company tax
fin.外地中介人foreign intermediary
manag.外地工作人员field staff
avia.外大气层再人弹头拦截器系统exoatmospheric reentry vehicle interceptor system
avia.外星人extraterrestrial (的)
adv.外景负责人location manager
tech.外来人村落squatter village
tech.外来投人external input
econ.外来辅助人员a guest auxilary
econ.外汇业务有关的人民币存款Renminbi deposits related to foreign exchange business
securit.外汇买人价buying rate
fin.外汇买卖经纪人exchanging broker
fin.外汇买卖经纪人exchange broker
econ.外汇商人money dealer
securit.外汇场内经纪人exchange jobber
busin.外汇折合的人民币金额amount of RMB converted from foreign currency
busin.外汇持有人exchange holder
econ.外汇收人exchange earnings
econ.外汇收人和支出foreign exchange receipt and disbursement
fin.外汇收人留成余额retained balance from foreign exchange revenue
interntl.trade.外汇经纪人exchange dealer
interntl.trade.外汇经纪人foreign exchange broker
interntl.trade.外汇经纪人foreign exchange dealers
busin.外汇经纪人掮客exchange dealer
busin.英格兰银行外汇经纪人foreign exchange dealer
fin.外汇经纪人exchange jobber
interntl.trade.外汇经纪人exchange broker
securit.外汇经纪人money broker
busin.外汇经纪人佣金exchange brokerage
interntl.trade.外汇经纪人公会exchange broker's association
econ.外汇经纪人协会exchange broker's association
securit.外汇经纪人的牌价exchange broker's quotation
econ.外汇选择权委托人foreign currency options principal
HR外派人员的人力资源问题expatriate human resource issues
econ.外派人员选择expatriate selection
busin.外班人员Outdoor Office
pharm.外用重组人表皮细胞生长因子recombinant human epidermal growth factor for external use (生物制品)
China, law外籍人员foreign nationals
China, law外籍人员特权待遇privileged treatment of foreign nationals
China, law外籍人士foreign nationals
China, law外籍公务人员public servants of foreign nationality
tech.外籍工人expatriate labour
agric.外籍工人foreign workers
tech.外籍工人expatriate labor
tech.外线输人outline input
econ.外股未参与管理的合伙人dormant partners
econ.外股未参与管理的合伙人dormant partner
tech.外落式下水道人孔outside drop of sewer manhole
busin.外观吸引人的商品fancy goods
econ.美国外贸区人境foreign trade zone entry
securit.外资投人investment of foreign capital
securit.外资法人股foreign legal person's shares
securit.外资注人foreign capital injection
fin.外资流人foreign inflows
fin.外资流人foreign capital inflow
securit.外部投人资本outside venture capital
securit.外部经纪人outside broker
mil., air.def.外部距离输人external range input
agric.外部输人external input
avia.外部输人/输岀external input/output
comp., MS外部連絡人External Contacts (A privacy relationship setting that allows a small amount of information to be viewed, typically for nonfederated contacts)
busin.外销代理人foreign selling agent
gen.大学为校外人员开的课程extra-mural courses (teaching)
mil., air.def.大气层外再人拦截器分系统exoatmospheric reentry interceptor subsystem
commer.如与现法发生冲突时,除双方当事人有约定外,优先适用惯例In the event of conflict with the present law, the usages shall prevail unless agreed by both parties
commer.如发生当事人不能控制的意外事件,应对交货时间给予合理延长In case of events beyond the control of the parties, a reasonable extension of the time of delivery should be granted
expl.如果岩石碎片抛到容许的范围之外、就会造成人员伤亡和财产损坏These rock fragments result in human injuries, fatalities and structure damages when they are thrown beyond the allowable limits
gen.如果某人发生什么意外〔不幸〕if anything should happen to sb.
econ.如遇意外事故,雇主应负责对受雇人提供及时救护The employer shall be responsible for immediate care of employees in case of accident
econ.审批个人外汇申请施行细则Rules for the Implementation of the Examination and Approval of Applications by Individual for Foreign Exchange
tech.室外空气人口fresh air inlet
tech.室外空气人口outdoor air inlet
refrig.室外空气吸人风道outside air intake duct
econ.《对个人的外汇管理施行细则Rules for the Implementation of Foreign Exchange Control Relating to Individuals
China, law对外国人开放open to foreigners
commer.对外国人施行的法律-外国的aliens legislation
econ.对外国人的日用品、食品贩卖商店S speciality shop
busin.对外国人的短期债权short-terms on foreigners
busin.对外国人短期债权short-term claim on foreigners
China, law对外贸易经营活动当事人party engaged in foreign trade activities
gen.外人those on the outside
golf.外人outside agency
fin., China《开展境内个人直接投资境外证券市场试点方案》Pilot Program for Direct Foreign Portfolio Investments by Domestic Individuals
anim.husb.异人外血introduction of fresh "blood"
anim.husb.引人外血introduction of fresh "blood"
fin.引发海外人民币贷款的激增trigger an offshore renminbi credit boom
gen.当空气质量被评定为极不健康时,该机构建议人们终止一切剧烈的户外活动,不论时间长短When air quality is rated very unhealthy, the agency says everyone should discontinue all vigorous outdoor activities regardless of duration
econ.想在中国投资的外国人可査阅《中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业登记管理办法》Foreigners who want to invest capital in China can refer to the Regulations of the People's Republic of China on the Registration of Joint Ventures Using Chinese and Foreign Investment
commer.外人身事故准备reserve for accidents
securit.意外收人税windfall tax
China, law意外杀人accidental homicide
gen.戏剧除了具有娱乐性外,其更重要的意义是通过戏剧的人物、情节,使观看者能有更多的心灵互动In addition to providing entertainment, a drama is intended to enhance the spiritual interactions among the viewers through its characters and plots
gen.我三天前为一位外国客人预订了一个房间,但现在这位外国客人不能来了,所以我恐怕不得不取消预订I reserved a room for a foreign guest three days ago, but now the foreign guest won't be able to come, so I'm afraid I have to cancel the reservation
econ.或 ffa foreign freight agent междун.торг. 国外货运代理人FFA
adv.户外广告的关注人数effective circulation
adv.户外广告设施承租人lease man
adv.户外广告设施承租人lease broker
tech.承租人租金外的支出tenant contribution
gen.技术熟练工人的外流the outgoing flow of skill
commer.把人民币换算为外币translate RMB yuan into a foreign currency
tech.投保人身意外险secure oneself against accidents
lat., busin.指定代收外国资产的管理人员administrator ad colligendum
econ.指定国外代理人appoint foreign agents
busin.指定外国投资人designated foreign investor
busin.指定负责收回外国资产的管理人administrator ad colligendum
busin.损人利己的外贸政策beggar-my-neighbour policy
tech.接管与人孔离容器外侧高度height of nozzles and manhole from outside vessel
fin.提高人民币在境外的可获得性boost the foreign availability of renminbi
China, polit.援外出国人员personnel sent abroad to participate in foreign-aid programs
securit.收人担保债券意外准备金reserve for revenue bond contingency
gen.新西兰人喜欢如远足、露营和钓鱼等户外活动New Zealanders love outdoor activities like hiking, camping, and fishing
busin.旅客人身意外事故Passenger personal accident
China, polit.旅居国外的中华人民共和国公民citizens of the Peopled Republic of China who reside abroad
gen.无一人例外nobody excepted
mil., air.def.无源红外人侵探测仪passive infrared intrusion detector
met.无联营关系的外国人unaffiliated foreigner
archit.有外廊、可独立进人的公寓gallery apartment house
manag.本国和外国出生人口native and foreign born population
China, polit.本国工人与外国工人关于事故赔偿的同等待遇公约Convention Concerning Equality of Treatment for National and Foreign Workers as Regards Workmen's Compensation for Accidents
fin.本年外汇收人foreign exchange income annually
AI.机器人外传感器robot external sensor
fin.杠杆式外汇买卖介绍代理人leveraged foreign exchange introducing agent
gen.根据所在国的法律和有关的国际条约或协定,外国人可以在该国短期、长期或永久居留In accordance with the laws in the host country and relational international treaties or agreements, foreigners can obtain long-term, short-term or permanent residency
China, law外人outsider
China, law外人person who is not involved in the case
plast.surg.植人体外露implant exposure
plast.surg.植人体外露implant explantation
gen.此外没人nobody else
refrig.没有外壳的插人式压力式风机unhoused plug fan
econ., int. law.外人outlaw
econ.外人exempt personnel
China, law法定继承人以外的人person other than the statutory successor
securit.海外代理人overseas agent
econ.海外供货人an overseas supplier
fin.海外发行人overseas issuer
econ.海外收人foreign income
commer.美国海外私人投资公司Overseas Private Investment Corporation
earth.sc.海外私人投资公司overseas private investment corporation
UN, afghan.海外私人投资公司已给予一项保证Overseas Private Investment Corporation guarantee
securit.海外经纪人群体foreign crowd
econ.特许财产及意外险保险人chartered property & casualty underwriter
busin.特许财产意外险承保人chartered property casualty underwriter
fin.用人民币购买外汇buy foreign exchange with renminbi
busin.由外来人员承担后勤工作的商店extrinsically backed store
gen.申请人允许重新预约的次数有限,请妥善安排面谈时间以避免额外缴纳签证申请费用Applicants are limited to the number of times they can reschedule their appointments. Please plan accordingly so that you are not required to pay another visa application fee
tech.电力厂工人外套power-house overall
tech.界外经纪人outside broker
tech.石英紫外光人工老化试验机quartz ultraviolet light weatherometer
tech.码头工人装卸污臭货物的额外工资dirty money
UN, police禁止在国际商业交易中贿赂外国公职人员公约Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions
China, law私自赠送给外国人present as a gift to a foreigner without authorization
China, polit.积极开展人大对外交往actively carry out the foreign exchange work of the NPC
fin.积极拓展海外人民币业务aggressively expand offshore RMB services
telecom.红外链路接人协议Infrared Link Access Protocol (IrLAP)
econ.纳税人额外负担bracket creep
fin.纾困陷人困境的欧洲外围国家rescue the troubled European periphery
econ.经纪人在场外直接进行的交易transaction on dealers9 basis
busin.经纪人场外直接交易transaction on dealers' basis
econ.给无联营关系的外国人的费用和特许权费fees and royalties to unaffiliated foreigners
tech.外人people outside the authorized personnel quota
busin.外人员生活费living allowances of employees not on list
telecom.网外接人off-net access
manag.美国人寿保险外勤人员学院American College of Life Underwriters
nurs.耳蜗外植人术extracochlear implantation
busin.航空人身意外险aviation personal accident insurance
commer.装卸污臭货物时付给码头工人的额外补贴dirt money
securit.证券交易场外经纪人curb stone broker
tech.课税外收人non-revenue receipts
securit.购人外币汇票foreign currency bill bought
securit.购人外币票据foreign currency bill bought
econ.贸易外输出输人invisible exports and imports
econ.超出某人收入之外的beyond one's means
tech.外人员伤亡not on-duty casualty
tech.外人员伤亡casualty of non-railway man
tech.外人员伤亡垫款payment incurred for out-of-duty casualty
adv.路过户外广告的总人次gross circulation
earth.sc.载人外海试验站maimed open sea experimentation station
auto.车身造型迷人的外表appealing appearance
tech.道路用地外的行人专用道pedestrian way
econ.野外作业人员field personnel
tech.野外地质人员field geologist
tech.野外工作人员field man
tech.野外物探人员field geophysicist
busin.长期外雇人员long-term expatriate
UN, tech.门诊病人和住院病人保健、基本和先进的诊断服务、基本和先进的救生服务、基本和先进的外科能力和能量、充足的再补给能力以及伤亡人员撤离/医疗后送的能力和能量outpatient and inpatient care, basic and advanced diagnostic services, basic and advanced lifesaving, basic and advanced surgical capacities and capabilities, sufficient resupply capabilities, as well as casevac/medevac capabilities and capacities in the mission area as per the MOU
fin.降低外资准人门槛reduce the foreign barriers to entry
econ.除了少数几个稍有瑕疵之外,这批搪塑玩具非常令人满意These enamel-plastic toys are quite satisfactory except for a few which are slightly defective
comp., MS除了我以外,所有人都設為靜音Mute All Except Me (A button on Conference Controls that mutes the microphones of all conference participants except the user's microphone)
China, law除限制人身自由以外的with the exception of restricting freedom of person
busin.雇用外籍人员employ foreign personnel
shipb.雇用外籍技术人员employ foreign technical personnel
shipb.雇用外籍管理人员employ foreign administrative personnel
busin.非居民外国人non-resident aliens
gen.非法外国人illegal alien
econ.非贸易外汇收人nontrade foreign exchange earnings
fin.预算外收人off-budget revenue
fin.预算外收人extra-budgetary revenue
UN, tech.外人员作为国家部队national command element
securit.额外投人资本additional paid-in capital
agric.额外收人subsidiary income
agric.额外收人subsidiary earnings
securit.额外收人extraneous income
securit.额外收人来源source of additional revenue
securit.额外营业收人extraneous earnings
econ.额外费用应由买房子的那些人负担Those who bought the houses should bear the extra expenses
busin.外人foreign service officer
China, polit.驻外使领馆工作人员embassy and consulate personnel working overseas
gen.骗人的外表false front
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