
Terms for subject Technology containing 复合 | all forms | in specified order only
一体式复合式生物膜反应器integrated hybrid biofilm reactor
一体式膜复合生物反应器integrated membrane-composite bioreactor
三乙醇胺复合早强剂complex accelerator based on triethanolamine
三体复合three-body recombination
三元复合triple mat
三元复合肥料three-nutrient compound fertilizer
三层复合的屋顶覆盖层three-ply built-up roof cladding
三篦床复合冷却机three-grate combination cooler
不同构造体系复合部位compounding area of various tectonic systems
不带护套复合中心钻compound center drill without jacket
不连续复合材料discontinuous composites
不锈复合stainless-clad steel
不锈复合钢板stainless compound steel plate
不锈钢复合钢板stainless steel clad composite steel sheet
不锈钢一铜一不锈钢复合Rosslyn metal
分解结晶复合性侵蚀decomposable and crystalline erosion
分解结晶复合性侵蚀指标decomposable and crystalline erosion index
包核型复合颜料coalesced pigment
同时复合制动simultaneous combined braking
圆形钛铜复合circular titanium claded copper bar
compound die
combination valve
复合compound (的)
复合composition (组成)
复合multiple fiber
复合中心recombination center
复合中心deathnium center
复合中心钻combined center drill
复合中间地板composite intermediate floor
复合complex product
复合乳胶compounded latex
复合传声器combination microphone
复合传热complex heat transfer
复合位点complex locus
复合位移complex displacement
复合低压complex low
复合低温雪崩开关compound cryosar
复合体系compound system
复合作业循环compound operation cycle
复合作用recombination action
复合作用composition action
复合stowed value
复合假设compound hypothesis
复合充填树脂compound filling resin
复合充填树脂composite filling resin
复合先露compound presentation
复合光栅光学微分composite grating optical differentiation
复合光栅光学微分composite grating optic differentiation
复合光校正法complex light correction method
复合光谱composite spectrum
复合光谱composite spectra
复合光谱线combined spectral line
复合全息图composite hologram
复合公差composite tolerance
复合共振腔combinative resonator
复合关税compound tariff (税则)
复合刀具compound tool
复合刀具combination cutting tool
复合分布composite distribution
复合分录combined entry
复合分析compound analysis
复合分析composite analysis
复合分类compound entry
复合分类combined entry
复合分组composite grouping
复合切削combined cutting
复合制动composite braking
复合制动圆筒composite brake drum
复合制品laminated products
复合材料制品composite product
复合剪切模量complex shear modulus
复合包装composite packaging
复合化合物composite chemicals
复合化肥compound chemical fertilizer
复合华伦桁架double Warren truss
复合单位过程线composite unit hydrograph
复合单位过程线composite unit graph
复合单元composite compound unit
复合单纯形法composite simplex algorithm
复合单面玻璃complex-curved glass
复合composite card
复合卫生设备combination fixture
复合压力一速度级涡轮机combination pressure and velocity stage turbine
复合压力/温度传感器combination pressure/temperature transducer
复合压力计compound pressure gauge
复合压力计compound pressure gage
复合压块compound compact
复合压坯compound compact
复合合成纤维composite synthetical fibre
复合合成纤维composite synthetic fibre
复合吊综compound harness
复合同步信号mixed syncs
复合同步信号composite synchronizing signal
复合compound name
复合向心力Coriolis force
复合向心加速度Coriolis acceleration
复合周转数composite turnover
复合命题composite statement
复合命题compound statement
复合命题combination of sentence
复合商品composite commodity
复合喇叭compound horn
复合器件multiple device
复合噪声recombination noise
复合圈闭compound trap
复合土壤complex soil
复合地体composite terrane
复合地基设计design of composite ground
复合地基设计design of composite foundation
复合地堑compound graben
复合地形polygenetic topography
复合地板compound flooring
复合地板composite floor panel
复合地板composite floor slab
复合地板composite floor (board)
复合地板材composite flooring
复合地板系统composite floor system
复合地沥青asphalt compound
复合地震complex earthquake
复合地面complex surface
复合坚实结构composite solid structure
复合坡坡composite gradient
复合垂直流人工湿地integrated vertical-flow constructed wetland
复合垂直流渗流系统integrated vertical-flow infiltration system
复合combination type
复合型多角经营conglomerate diversification
复合型生长层序compounding growth sequence
复合塑性流complex plastic flow
复合塑料plastic composition
复合塑料composite plastics
复合composite tower
复合填充柱complex column packing
复合外渗剂multicomponent admixture
复合多元醇Pluronic polyols
复合多股绞合线composite stranded wire
复合大小compound size
复合天线pair of aerials
复合夹杂duplex impurity
复合套利compound arbitrage
复合套汇交易compound arbitrage
复合套管combinated string of casing
复合套管柱graduated string
复合子房compound ovary
复合孪晶double twin
复合孪晶compound twin
复合安全泄压阀combination safety relief valve
复合尾部compound tail
复合composite bed
复合multiple bed
复合complex layer
复合层理mixed bedding
复合屋面composite roofing
复合屋面composite roof
复合屋面材料composition roofing material
复合屋面板composite roofing slab
复合屋面板composite roof slab
复合compound scarp
复合combination of zones
复合带层composite tape layer
复合干涉仪系统compound interferometer system
复合平均数compound average
复合平衡图complex equilibrium diagram
复合年增长率compound annual rate of growth
复合广义刚度combined generalized stiffness
复合composite bed
复合开关combination switch
复合开关网络combinational switching network
复合开诺全息照片compound kinoform
复合combined type
复合式中空式纤维膜生物反应器hybrid-hollow-fiber membrane bioreactor
复合式井底封隔器bottom wall and anchor packer
复合式传动multiple transmission
复合式住宅compound type apartment house
复合式住宅ball and corridor type apartment house
复合式光纤连接器optical fiber composite connector
复合式光纤连接器optic fiber composite connector
复合式公寓hall-and-corridor type apartment
复合式公寓compound type apartment house
复合式冲压火箭发动机ram rocket
复合式冲压空气喷气发动机recombination ramjet
复合式冷却composite cooling
复合式厌氧反应器hybrid anaerobic reactor
复合式厌氧折流板反应器hybrid anaerobic baffled reactor
复合式双管取芯钻具combined type double tube core barrel
复合式取土样器composite sampler
复合式基层composite base
复合式处理系统一厌氧塘和滴滤池hybrid treatment system anaerobic pond and trickling filter
复合式多谐振荡器hybrid multivibrator
复合式引信combination fuse
复合式支承结构composite bearing structure
复合式断路器reclosing type circuit breaker
复合式柱子combination column
复合式柴油机turbo-compounded diesel
复合式水泥混凝土路面composite type concrete pavement
复合式水热喷发complex hydrothermal eruption
复合式消声器compound silencer
复合式涡流compound vortex
复合式混凝沉淀池combined coagulation-sedimentation equipment
复合式滤光片composite absorber
复合式炉compound heater
复合式玻璃破碎检测器combined glass break detector
复合式生物反应器hybrid biological reactor
复合式生物处理系统hybrid biological treatment system
复合式生物膜反应器hybrid biofilm reactor
复合式真空压力表compound pressure and vacuum gauge
复合式真空压力表compound pressure and vacuum gage
复合式空气压缩机compound air compressor
复合式筒仓combination cylinder
复合式线脚double mould
复合式膜曝气生物膜反应器hybrid membrane aerated biofilm reactor
复合式膜生物反应器hybrid membrane bioreactor
复合式蒸汽泵compound steam pump
复合式谐振器combined resonator
复合式锅炉composite boiler
复合引发系统complex initiation system
复合引线composite leg
复合张力complex tension
复合张量compound tensor
复合强度combined strength
复合形坡compound slope
复合形应力图complex type stress pattern
复合形式composite shape
复合形法complex method
复合彩色composite colour
复合彩色composite color
复合彩色信号composite colour signal
复合彩色信号composite picture signal
复合彩色信号composite color signal
复合彩色同步信号composite colour sync
复合彩色同步信号composite color sync
复合healing property
复合性损伤compound injury
复合性状complex character
复合性能图composite performance chart
复合总量因素compound amount factor
复合感光材料complex photographic material
复合成像链complex optical train
复合成像链complex optic train
复合成因矿床deposite of compound origin
复合成因矿床deposit of compound origin
复合成本制multiple cost system (度)
复合截面recombination cross section
复合截面compound cross-section
复合扇状构造composite fan structure
复合执行机构combination actuator
复合持续时间duration of load
复合指令compound instruction
复合指数composite index number
复合指数index of complexity
复合指数complex index
复合指数分布compound exponential distribution
复合挠曲compound flexure
复合振动压路机combined vibrating roller
复合振幅complex amplitude
复合摆动型颚式破碎机compound swinging type jaw crusher
复合收益compound yield
复合效应composition effect
复合效应complex effect
复合散射combination scattering
复合显微镜compound microscope
复合显示complex display
复合显示器complex displays
复合composite halo
复合有机物compound organic matter
复合望远镜compound telescope
复合recombination epoch
复合木材composite wood
复合本位制composite system
复合combining machine
复合机理recombination mechanism
复合coupled pole
复合composite wood
复合合成 材料composite
复合材料composition material
复合材料complex material
复合材料力学complex material mechanics
复合材料工艺composite technology
复合材料界面composite interface
复合材料纤维composite fiber
复合材料结构composite material structure
复合材料薄膜composite material film
复合材料防火隔热服composite fire-proof and heat-insulation clothing
复合条件compound condition
复合条件complex condition
复合条件语句compound IF statement
复合杨氏模量complex Young's modulus
复合composite board (材)
复合composite panel
复合clad board
复合composite slab
复合clad plate
复合cladded plate
复合板片composite sheet
复合板蒸发器compound plate evaporator
复合构件combined member
复合构件composite component
复合构件complex component
复合composite tower
复合树脂compound resin
复合树脂充填材料composite resin filling material
复合compound nucleus
复合product nucleus
复合complex nucleus
复合核弹性散射compound elastic scattering
复合核激发能excitation energy of compound nucleus
复合桁架multiple truss
复合框形天线combined frame antenna
复合composite pile
复合桩基composite piled foundation
复合楼板composite floor panel
复合楼板composite floor board
复合楼板composite floor slab
复合楼板composite floor (board)
复合楼板系统composite floor system
复合楼梯combination staircase
复合楼梯combination stair
复合概率probability of recombination
复合compound die
复合模具composite mould
复合模具composite mold
复合橡胶compounded rubber
复合正弦波信号combined sinewave signal
复合正态分布compound normal distribution
复合死亡率composite death rate
复合氢线recombination H-line
复合氧化物化学式combined-oxide formula
复合氧化物颜料complex oxide pigment
复合氧化物颜料combined-oxide pigment
复合水口砖composite nozzle
复合水文曲线composite hydrograph
复合水文过程线composite hydrograph
复合水泥mix cement
复合水泥composite cement
复合水表compound meter of water
复合永久变形combined permanent deformation
复合裁定汇率compound arbitrated rate
复合污染composite pollution
复合污染complex pollution
复合污染源multiple pollution sources
复合污染源扩散模型multiple sources diffusion model
复合污染物complex contaminant
复合污染物指数combined pollutant index
复合污水土地处理系统complex land treatment system of wastewater
复合沉积层composite deposit
复合洗涤设备combination fixture
复合流量计compound meter
复合complex sea wave
复合complex seas
复合浮式起重机compound type floating crane
复合海岸composite coast
复合海岸线composite coastline
复合海底电缆composite submarine cable
复合消化池combined digester
复合消解液complex digestive solution
复合漩涡compound vortex
复合潜像combined latent image
复合潜山油气田combinational burial hill oil-gas field
复合火山complex volcano
复合火山锥composite volcanic cone
复合灵敏度complex susceptibility
复合焊丝combined wire
复合焊条composite electrode
复合焦点测距仪coincidence range finder
复合片钻头polycrystalline diamond compact bit
复合物涂层composite coating
复合物质compound substance
复合犁铧composite share
复合理论价格theoretical prices on a composite basis
复合理论价格theoretic prices on a composite basis
复合生态系统compound ecological system
复合生物反应器complex biological reactor
复合生物反应器complex biologic reactor
复合生物吸附剂composite biosorbent
复合电刷composite brush
复合电力系统中的负荷分配load distribution in a combined power system
复合电接触器材composite contact metal
复合电秤composite balance
复合电缆multiple unit cable
复合电解质composite electrolyte
复合电路整流器multiple rectifier
复合电镀composite plate
复合电阻器composite resistor
复合compound soap
复合 式,方compound
复合multiple unit
复合的塔立夫材积表compound tarifs
复合砂轮composite wheel
复合double layer brick
复合破坏combined failure
复合破裂combined rupture
复合硅酸盐complex silicate
复合硅酸盐水泥mixed Portland cement
复合硅酸盐水泥composite Portland cement
复合硫黄combined sulfur
复合硬材料composite hard material
复合硬质合金电接触器材composite hard metal base contacts
复合礁型油气田combinational reef type oil-gas field
复合compound duties
复合关税税则complex tariff
复合税制multiple tax system
复合空档分布compound gap distribution
复合突触complex synapse
复合突触排列complex synaptic arrangement
复合窄口分压器multiple slot divider
复合符号compound symbol
复合符号overlapping symbol
复合符号composite symbol
复合composite powder (末)
复合粉粒料composite compact
复合絮凝剂complex flocculant
复合絮凝剂compound flocculant
复合絮凝剂composite flocculant
复合絮凝剂combined flocculant
复合composite rope
复合缓和曲线compound transition curve
复合缺陷complex defect
复合composite can
复合耐火材料composite refractory
复合联结composition joint
复合聚合硫酸铝multiple polyaluminum sulfate
复合聚硅酸絮凝剂composite polysilicic acid flocculant
复合composite vein
复合腔技术complexed cavity technique
复合多成分荧光粉composite phosphor
复合营养指数composite trophic index
复合薄膜coextruded film
复合薄膜胶黏剂adhesive for laminated film
复合combinative table
复合表达式compound expression
复合表面应力combined surface pressure
复合衬砌double lining
复合衬砌compound lining
复合衬砌composite lining
复合衰变曲线compound decay curve
复合褶皱complex fold
复合覆盖complex cover
复合调制hybrid multiplex modulation
复合调制complex modulation
复合调制方式hybrid multiplex modulation system
复合谐波combined harmonic
复合谐波天线combined harmonic antenna
复合recombination spectrum
复合composite spectrum
复合谷冰川compound valley glacier
复合负多项式分布compound negative multinomial distribution
复合费用compound expenses
复合资产负债表composite balance sheet
复合资本结构complex capital structure
复合起重机compound starter
复合车间距分布composite headway distribution
复合轨枕composite sleeper
复合软材料composite soft material
复合轴承罩composite bearing cage
复合载体composite carrier
复合选择compound option
复合透射比complex transmittance
复合透平机compound turbine
复合透镜composite lens
复合通信光缆optical fiber cable for hybrid communication
复合通信光缆optic fiber cable for hybrid communication
复合通货制度multiple currency standard
复合complex lipid
复合错位compound dislocation
复合镀层composite deposit
复合镜头composite lens
复合镶板composition board
复合长丝bicomponent filament yarn
复合防潮层sandwich damp course
复合防火门composite fire door
复合阴极composite cathode
复合附加物compounded additive
复合陶瓷刀具composite ceramic cutting tool
复合陶瓷型composite ceramic mould
复合陶瓷型composite ceramic mold
复合陶瓷过滤芯composite candle
复合震源机制composition focal mechanism
复合青铜composition bronze
复合静态混合机/热交换机combination static mixer/heat exchanger
复合composition plane
复合composite sliding surface
复合composite plane
复合面层mixing coat
复合顶棚体系integrated ceiling system
复合预压加固combined surcharge preloading consolidation
复合预算制度multiple budget
复合马尔可夫过程composite Markov process
复合驱动mixed drive
复理石组合flysch association
射电复合线radio recombination line
有效复合截面effective section recombination
有效复合速度effective recombination velocity
爆炸复合explosion cladding
蜂窝形土工复合honeycomb-type geo-composite
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