
Terms for subject Computers containing 处 理 机 | all forms | in specified order only
二芯片微处理机two-clip microprocessor
低温相联信息处理机cryogenic associative processor
信息处理机message processor
制造生产记录处理机manufacturing record processor
单路单通道单脉冲信息处理机single channel monopulse processor
处理机阵列式计算机的processing element
处理机地址寄存器processor address register
信息处理机接口processor interface
外围处理机用汇编系统assembly system for the peripheral processors
多用途综合电子数据处理机multi-purpose integrated electronic processor
它有 14 英寸高清 LED 显示屏,4G随机访问内存,英特尔酷睿i7 处理器至尊版,睿频加速It has 14-inch fabulous LED screen, 4 gigabyte RAM and incredible Intel core i7 with turbo boost
机器的内存容量和硬盘空间都加大了,芯片处理器的速度也更快The computers add more memory capacity, bigger hard disks and faster processors
浮点数据处理机floating point processor
程序数据处理机programmed data processor
联机处理中的演变系统an evolutionary system for on-line processing
脱机批量处理系统off-line batch processing system
输入-输出信息处理机input/output processor
逻辑信号处理机logical signals processor
逻辑记录处理机logical record processor