
Terms for subject Business containing | all forms
一次性理价格one time special price
不在工作住宿live out
不标明委托者商号或企业的代理agency unnamed principal
不足之bad feature
不适当的理废物inappropriate disposable waste
业务conduct of business
业务计划division of business planning
中央理器central processing machine
中央理机centralized processor
中央信息理系统central information processing system
中央数据理终端central data terminal
中文信息information processing in Chinese
中断理程序interrupt routine
中断理程序interrupt handling program
临时理解决makeshift settlement
临时理解决make shift settlement
主要营业principal place of business
主观或直观信息subjective or intuitive processors
予以必要的apply necessary sanctions against
争议的treatment of disputes
事务的conduct of an office
事故理员trouble crew
亏损理计算表deficit disposition statement
交付delivery room
交货delivery room
交货delivery bay
交通枢纽广告transit ads
产地办事field office
人事personnel office
人事office of personnel
企业注册Registry of Business Names
企业财务数据管理administrative agency of business financial data
会计accountant's department
会计accountant department
会计account division
会计理方法accounting process
会计理的连贯性惯例consistency convention
会计理程序accounting procedure
会计数据资料accounting data process
会计信息理系统accounting as an information system
会计数据accounting data processing
会计机械理程序machine procedures of accounting
会计机械化集中central mechanical processing
位串行理机bit-serial processor
低温理法crychem process
living quarters
余产理条款residuary clause
作业job operation
作业理程序手册clerical procedure manuals
作业理能力job throughput
供应supply house
供应office of supply
依照遗嘱理动产testament disposal of one's movable property
债券经募loan office
先进污水理法advanced waste treatment
全国科技信息理系统National Information System for Science and Technology
关于违章案件的理规定catch all
关务customs service
cold processing
净收益disposal of net profit
减轻罚情节mitigating circumstance
分批disposition of lot
分散制数据distributed data processing
分期付款会计理方法installment method of accounting
分类classification processing
利用与use and dispose
无名称索引not otherwise indexed by name
无数字索引not otherwise indexed by number
未提及not elsewhere indicated
未提及者not elsewhere included
high and low
剩余置原则principle of surplus disposal
办事business address
办事主任manager in charge of an office
办事经理manager in charge of an office
化学理法chemical processing method
化学理设备chemical processing plant
理机single processor
罚款、没收财物impose a fine or-confiscation of property as exclusive penalty
单位记录unit record processing
卡片信息card processing
卡片信息理机card processor
危机置能力ability to handle crisis
厂房设备disposal of plant and equipment
原料treatment of raw materials
双极性微理机bipolar microprocessor
发放distributing place
各类股票的会计accounting for various classes of stocks
合伙散伙商誉理法goodwill met hod in partnership dissolution
合同管理contract management office
background processing
向企业榨取好milk an enterprise
咨询inquiry office
咨询advisory office
售票box office
售票booking hall
车、船、飞机等售票代理ticket agency
商业回收commercial reprocessing
商业数据理系统business data processing system
商业电子数据business electronic data processing
商业电子数据理系统business electronic data processing system
商业电子数据理系统技术business electronic data processing system technique
商务commercial counsellor's office
商务专员office of commercial attache
商务代办办事处commercial commission house
商务参赞office of commercial counsellor
商务参赞commercial counsellor's office
善后理工作make a careful follow-up
土壤稳定soil stabilization
在 X 交货delivered free at X
在一起得好get along together
拉丁语在下面提及之ubi infra
在售票出售at ticket office
在国外理赔案settlement of claims abroad
在此ad locum
包装标志在此提起heave here
地产land office
地区办事district office
地区登记district registry
城市规划Urban Planning Directorate
堆料store shed
于不良状态in bad condition
货物于不良状态in bad condition
企业于困境up a tree
于均衡状态in a state of equilibrium
于损坏状态in damaged condition
于有利地位inside track
分权right of disposition
分权right of disposal
分职工imposition of sanction against staff and workers
分通知notice of sanction
境有利的人advantaged people
方药品ethical drugs
方药品广告ethical advertising
理一致性uniformity of treatment
理一项申请process an application
理价bargain price
理会计日常事务accounting data process
理余额disposal of the balance
理前后数据before and after data
理商品disposable commodity
理固定资产收益income on disposal of fixed asset
理失当be not properly handled
理存货日期sell-off date
理平均值treatment mean
理库存收益profit on treasury stock
理效用均值分析analysis of means for treatment effects
理方式type of processing
理方法line of approach
理期间duration of exposure
理权right to process
理法method of handling
理的一致性uniformity of treatment
理的即期存款freely disposable deposits payable on demand
理程度level of treatment
理索赔争端administer claims
理装置processing device
理费用cost of disposal
理资产收入proceeds from disposal
罚条款penal clause
置权right of disposition
外地办事field office
多栏日记账账务理程序bookkeeping procedure using columnar journal
多项目批量理法lot-size inventory management interpolation technique
妥善careful and skilful handling
存款银行理法bank-of-first-deposit approach
安全safety processing
安全safe handling
实验数据理设备experimental data handling equipment
审计Audit Office
币值变动会计accounting for changing money value
市内售票city ticket office
市场情报marketing intelligence processing
市场继续于不稳定状态continuance of the unsettled market
市场行情战略信息marketing intelligence processing
常驻代办登记证resident representative office registration certificate
常驻办事resident office
保存包装用语keep in dry place
广东出口加工区管理Kwangchow Guangzhou Export Processing Zone Administration
应受deserve a punishment
废品spoil disposal
废品理成本cost waste disposal
废品理阶段salvage phase
废料理和利用treatment and recycling of waste
废料理方式disposal in the form of scrap
废料的treatment of wastes
废渣refuse disposal
废物收集理系统garbage collection and disposal system
廉价理积压商品sell old stock at reduced prices
开票invoicing department
当场spot dealing
征税工作中的没收confiscatory tax treatment
理固定资产损失fixed asset loss in suspense
理固定资产盘盈surplus fixed assets in suspense
理存货短缺及毁损shortage and spoilage of inventory to be written off
理流动资产损失current asset loss in suspense
理物资损失physical assets loss in suspense
理财产损失property loss awaiting handing
理财产损失property loss in suspense
理财产盘点increment of properties to be setted after approval
理财产盘盈property over awaiting handing
理资产盘盈surplus assets in suspense
微机micro computer processing
微机理程序microcomputer processing program
微机理程序micro computer processing program
微观数据microdata processing
必需时受托理人referee in case of need
总会计General Accounting office
总体作业理系统Total Operation Processing System
总体经营理系统Total Operation Processing System
总务general service office
总务miscellaneous division
总务general office
总务general officer
总注册geneal register office
总登记geneal register office
总管理费用central and administrative expenses
恰到好的定岗位人数zero staffing
情报director of intelligence
成批mass treatment
成批作业batch job processing
成批或交互式理网络batch and interactive network
成批报文batch message processing
成簇数据in-line date processing
手工manual processing
手工理程序manual procedures
打捞品收集salvage point
理终端batch terminal
批的理方法disposal of lot
批量order processing
承兑汇票的会计accounting for acceptance
技术检验technical inspection bureau
按公平合理原则decide ex aequo et hono
排放物emissions disposal
搬至储存move to storage
收款check-out counter
收款Receiving Office
收款cash desk
放在暂时寄存place in temporary storage
放置冷keep in a cool place
放置阴凉keep in cool place
救生Life Saving Service
数字数据收集digital data acquisition and processing
数式理语言formula symbolic manipulation language
数据理专用电脑electronic data processing computer
数据理产业data-processing industry
数据理作用定位location of data processing function
数据理分析中心Data Processing Analysis Facility
数据理子系统Data Processing Subsystem
数据理实用程序data-handling utilities
数据理循环data processing cycle
数据理方法method of data processing
数据理机data-processing machine
数据理特性characteristic of data processing
数据理管理data-processing management
数据理系统类型type of data processing system
数据理装置data processing unit
数据理设备data processing equipment
数据理设备data handling equipment
数据理部门role of data processing management
数据出source of data
数据分析Data Analysis and Process
数据分类classified processing of data
数据收集与Data Acquisition and Processing
数据收集和data acquisition and processing
文书盖印locus sigilli
文件file maintenance
文件理计划documentation plan
最长理时间longest processing time
有限理权bounded discretion
理亏绌undisposed deficit
理的亏损亏空undisposed deficit
理盈余unappropriated earned surplus
理硬压纤维板untreated hard pressed fiber board
机器理程序machine procedure
机场办事airport office
机械数据理系统mechanical data processing system
权宜expedient treatment
权益分权限制limited right to dispose of interest
材料material disposal
材料储运与material handling and treatment
标准成本差异disposition of standard costs variances
标准自动数据理系统Uniform Automatic Date Processing System
标签label handling
检验office of test
打开包装上用语open here
未另规定not otherwise herein provided
汇兑Money Order Office
汇总记账凭证账务理程序bookkeeping procedure using summary voucher
汉语数据Chinese data processing
汉语数据理系统Chinese data processing system
污水sewage collection and treatment
污水理工厂sewage treatment plant
污水理系统sewage system
污水理装置sewage disposal unit
污水理计划sewage treatment plan
污水理设备sewage disposal equipment
治安管理罚条例security administration punishment act
海关分通知customs decision
海关缉私Preventive Office
消极negative punishment
清仓理的商品cats and dogs
港口管理port management office
港口船服务harbour boat service
激光laser processing
火灾保险公司办事fire office
物品寄存check room
物资material handling
特征/益销售法features/benefits approach of selling
特殊保税物品如酒类等存储多在地下bonded vault
特约经销special sale agency
环境试验真空理中心Environmental Test Vacuum Center
现金票据cash items department
生物化学理法biochemical treatment method
用毕放回原please return to the rack after use
用电子数据理的计算机computer in electronic data-processing
由我方at our command
电动数据理机electric data machine
电子数据electric data processing
电子数据理中信息传输data transmission in electronic
电子数据理中信息传递data transmission processing
电子数据理存储器storage in electronic data processing
电子数据理装置electronic data processing unit
电子数据理设备electronic data processing installation
美国海关电子数据自动采集、控制和理系统automated commercial system (ACS)
电子计算机理信息转接装置computerized message-switching device
电子计算机理的预算表computerized budget sheet
电子计算机数据electronic computer data processing
登记Registered Office
磁带数据理系统tape data processing system
磁鼓数据理机magnetic drum data processing machine
票据上指定付款domiciliation of an instrument
科学数据理系统scientific data processing system
科目汇总表账务理程序bookkeeping procedure using categorized account summary
税后净额理法net-of-tax treatment
穿孔数据punch card data processing
穿孔纸带数据punched-tape data processing
签证visa agency
管理信息理系统management information processing system
管理数据management data process
管理数据administrative data processing
管理检查management inspection service
粗略理法rule of thumb
紧急emergency treatment
纪律disciplinary action
纪律disciplinary award
纪律disciplinary treatment
纪律action disciplinary
终点理运输物clearance terminal
终端理机back-end processor
经济参赞office of economic counsellor
电话推销失效或价值可疑证券的经纪人办事boiler room
缓冲存货办事机构buffer stock agency
罚款pecuniary punishment
置于冷外包装用语stow in cool place
置于避光keep in a dark place
置于避光keep in dark place
置阴凉keep in cool place
职业与就业所的选择choice of occupation and place of employment
联合采购办事joint buying office
联机online processing
联机有效理时间on-line real time processing
联络office of liaison
原联邦德国联邦卡特尔管理Federal Cartel Office
营业business place
虚假dummy treatment
行政administrative sanction
行政administrative penalty
行政管理Administration Management Service
行政纪律administrative disciplinary measure
行李领取baggage claim
街道办事street office
街道服务neighborhood service
表面surface dressing
装运地办事office of loading
计划Planning Office
计划Plans Division
计算counting house
计算机理的经济分析computerized economic analysis
计算机理的设备相对分配computerized relative allocation of facilities
计算机理的软件加工系统computerized software system production
计算机图像computer graphic processing
计算机图像理装置computer graphic processing unit
计算机数据理系统computer data processing system
计算机辅助理控制computer aided process control
订舱办公booking office
订货自动理装置automatic device for mechanical order selection
训练好training benefit
记账凭证账务理程序bookkeeping procedure using voucher
设备disposition of equipment
调研Research Department
负载分担理机load sharing processor
财产分权jus disponendi
财产disposal of property
财产的disposal of property
财务office of finance
财务Office of Financial Service
财务finance office
财务finance service
财务finance officer
财务secretary treasurer
财务数据financial data processing
货物disposition of goods
货物存放在…处cargo stored at
货物灭失或残损的索赔disposal of claim for consignments lost or damage
货运goods office
货运Transportation Service
货运freight office
质量保证Quality Assurance Directorate
质量管理quality office
购物point of purchase
资产转让或岀售账户assets disposal account
资产理损失loss on disposal of assets
资产理损失loss from disposal of asset
资产assets disposal
资产置损益gain or loss on disposal of assets
资产负债表上的treatment in the balance sheet
车站行李寄存cloak room
转折turning place
输入输出理机input-output processor
输出入理机input-output processor
边境海关办事frontier office
边界理数boundary treatment
迅速理索赔便利条件facility for the expeditious settlement of claim
迅速理索赔的便利条件facilities for the expeditions settlement of claims
运输Transport Office
运输office of transportation
运途中理货物的权利right of disposal of the goods during transit
送交核对验收move to quantity check
逐项item processing
逐项商品理法commodity by commodity approach
通讯数据communication data processing
通讯数据理系统communication data processing system
通讯自动理设备communication automatic processing equipment
酌情situational process
酌情exercise discretion in light of the circumstance
酌情置法discretionary approaches
重复交易processing repetitive transactions
重复发生交易的理准则guide-line for recurring transactions
重复发生的交易理准则guidelines for recurring transactions
金融信息financial information processing
铁路运营Railway Operating Division
长期合同会计long-term contract accounting
长期存放long-time deposit treatment
附属办事satellite office
降价disposal of goods at reduced price
隐晦不明latent ambiguity
集体住group quarters
集成数据integrated data processing
集成数据理系统integrated data processing system
须慎重理的问题delicate question
顾客意见接纳complaint department
顾问adviser office
预算财政数据理系统budgetary and fiscal data processing system
领事代办consular agency
领事馆经济商务Consulate Economic Commercial Sections
驻中国办事China office
驻外办事Foreign Service Office
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