
Terms for subject Commerce containing 处理 | all forms | in specified order only
专利代理处patent agency
代理处commission agency
你方五月十二日致我总公司函件已转我公司处理Your letter of May 12 addressed to our Head Office has been transmitted to us for attention
例外事件处理原则exception principle
借款处理财务finance through borrowing
先到先处理原则principle of first-in-first-served
共同海损通常由海损理算人处理General average is usually handled by adjusters
减价处理price cutting
分散数据处理decentralised data processing
削价处理remainder bargain (尤指书籍等)
单据处理processing of documents
商业化处理commercial disposals
在线处理in-line processing (与脱机处理 (offline processing) 相对)
处理事业transact business
处理价值disposal value
处理独家代理问题approach a subject of exclusive agency
处理程序亦缩为 proc.processor
处理handling capacity
如果处理器本身或主板损坏,则系统可能就没有回收的价值If the processor itself or the motherboard is bad, the system may not be worth recycling
将一次性付清的技术费或工艺费作为资本处理capitalize the lump-sum payment or cost of technology
库存处理disposal of stocks
我们将另函处理这一问题We'll deal with the subject in our next letter
我方坚持认为这两个问题应分别予以处理We maintain that these two problems should be dealt with separately
打折扣处理货物sell of
数据处理treatment of data
数据处理data handling (包括分类 (classifying)、记录(recording)、排列 (sorting)、计算(calculating)、校核 (editing)、改良 (reformating)、修正 (updating)、选取(extracting),亦用 data processing)
有大量函件要处理have a heavy correspondence to deal with
标签处理label processing
海外总管理处overseas headquarters (指跨国公司 (multinational corporation, transnational corporation) 对其子公司 (subsidiary company) 的管理机构)
由某人相机处理act on one's own discretion
由经纪人全权处理的账户discretionary account
由经纪人全权处理的账户discretional account
电子计算机自动化数据处理automated data processing
美国海运管理处United States Maritime Service
计划、实施、检查与处理plan, do, check, action
资产处理assets disposal
载荷处理cargo handling
采购代理处purchasing agency
销售代理处sale agency
随卖方自行处理at the discretion of the seller
处理的争议dispute awkward to handle