
Terms for subject Economy containing 处在 | all forms | in specified order only
别处未包括在内not elsewhere included
合伙人将在我处得到恰当的食宿安排The partner will get suitable accomodation in our place
在伸臂可及之处be at arm's length
在你处in your place
在你处投保effect an insurance on your side
在冷 〔干〕处保存keep in a dry place
在同处〈拉丁〉ibidem (in the same place)
在…处服务in one's employ
在线处理on-line processing
在远处in the distance
在阴处in the shade
处在自然状态的in the raw
工业区通常在邻近城区之处An industrial park is usually near the town
10年前他在伦敦商务参赞处工作过He worked in the Commercial Counsellor's Office in London ten years ago
我们从别处得知这些商品在日本市场畅销We know from other sources that these articles are best selling in Japanese markets
把钱存放在某人处lodge money with (sb.)
新助手在老板度假时把工作处理得很好The new assistant coped very well when the boss was on holiday
经理应在董事会的监督下处理日常事务The manager should conduct the daily business under the supervision of the board of directors
请在本表封面页留出的空白处填入你的名字Please insert your name in the space provided on the face of the form
请在虚线处签名Please sign your name on the dot ted line
这家商店是在高街和伦敦路交叉的拐角处The shop is on the corner of the High Street and London Road
错发的货如贵方能在当地市场处理,则更为理想It is preferable for you to dispose of the wrongly delivered pieces in the local market