
Terms for subject Economy containing | all forms
他们认为,损坏的原因是由于工具与箱子内之间没有足够的空隙They ascertained that the damage was due to the fact that there was no enough clearance between the tools and the inside of the case
以邻为壑的进口beggar-my-neighbour import barriers
集装箱side wall
全开集装箱open-side container
全开集装箱openside container
集装箱内衬板side lining
集装箱side sheet
侧面无集装箱an openside tarpaulin covered container
侧面无集装箱openside tarpaulin covered container
关税和非关税tariff and non-tariff barrier
关税贸易tariff trade barriers
出口export barriers
取消关税removal of customs barriers
变相贸易cover trade barrier
完整隔舱intact bulkhead
一个国家强加贸易impose trade barriers on (a country)
技术性贸易technical barrier to trade
技术贸易technical trade barrier
放宽非关税liberalization of nontariff barrier
政府对外国车辆设制了贸易Trade barriers on foreign cars was imposed by the government
无形贸易invisible barriers to trade
歧视性discriminatory barrier
水密舱a watertight bulkhead
an end wall
集装箱内衬板a front lining
系统与系统之间unbridgeable chasms between different industries and trades
贸易the trade wall
贸易a trade barrier
贸易the barrier to trade
贸易技术technical barriers to trade
贸易技术性垒标准the standard as technical barrier to trade
进入市场the barrier to entry
进口barrier to imports
进口import barrier
防止技术性质贸易垒行动守则Code of Conduct for Preventing Technical Barriers to Trade
防火隔舱fire bulkhead
非关税a non-tariff barrier
非关税nontariff barriers
非关税non-tariff barriers
非关税垒检査non-tariff obstacles