
Terms for subject China containing 增 强 | all forms | in specified order only
努力增强监督实效exercise more effective oversight
增强人民体质build up the people's physique
增强人民体质improve the people's physical fitness
增强全社会法制观念increase understanding of the legal system among the general public
增强历史责任感enhance our sense of historical responsibility
增强发展后劲help drive their future development
增强就业能力increase the employability
增强忧患意识become more alert to the possibility of danger
增强忧患意识become more aware of potential problems
增强执法透明度raise the transparency of law enforcement
增强执行力improve the ability to implement policies
增强政府公信力strengthen the public's trust in the government
增强服务意识improve our service attitude
增强法制观念increase understanding of the legal system
增强监督工作的实效make oversight work more effective
增强监督工作的针对性make oversight work more focused
增强紧迫感heighten our sense of urgency
增强经济社会发展的协调性strike a balance between economic and social development
增强自主创新能力enhance capacity of independent innovation and bring our creativity into full play
增强责任感strengthen their sense of responsibility
有利于增强综合国力be beneficial to enhancing the overall strength of the country