
Terms for subject Securities containing 增强 | all forms | in specified order only
信用增强credit enhancement
内部信用增强internal credit enhancement
国库券关联收益增强式存款treasury bond-linked enhanced yield deposit
增强上市公司的吸引力strengthen attraction of listed company
增强国有大中型企业活力invigorating state large and medium sized enterprise
增强型数字资料传输专线enhanced digital datafeed
增强型结构调整贷款enhanced structural adjustment facility
增强投资者信心strengthen investor sentiment
增强指数化indexing plus
外部信用增强external credit enhancements
强劲增长strong growth
强劲增长short up
流动性增强liquidity enhancement
股利增强的可转换股票dividend enhanced convertible stock (DECS)
股利增强的普通股dividend enhanced common stock (DECS)
股息增强普通股dividend enhanced common stock