
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing | all forms
一砖半厚brick and a half wall
上下挡weir and dam
上下挡dam and weir
上升烟道隔uptake partition
下围lower-ring wall
下部大lower-ring wall (热风炉的)
中间包前front wall of tundish
中间包后rear wall of tundish
仓式挡土bin type retaining wall
swing wall
monkey wall
大砖sidewall block
寿命sidewall life
寿命side wall life
烧嘴sidewall burner
side wall block
保护flash wall
倾斜后sloping back wall
倾斜后back inclined wall (炉子的)
平炉倾斜后砖衬sloping back lining
倾斜后砖衬sloping back lining
凸肚bulging wall
front wall (炉子等的)
炉子坡砌体front bank brickwork
坡砌体front bank brickwork
支柱buck stave
砖垛door jamb
衬里front lining
前端front end wall (炉子等的)
双挡weir and dam
双挡dam and weir
双挡流动设计dam and weir flow design (The three tundish designs chosen: (a) dam and weir flow design, (b) weir/baffle flow design and (c) single baffle flow design. 人选的三种中间包设计方案:(a) 坝/堰流动设计; (b) 堰/缓冲板流动设计; (c) 单缓冲板流动设计。)
双挡系统dam and weir system
平炉空气上升道双路隔bipolar partition wall
双路隔bipolar partition wall
吊挂式suspended wall
back wall
拱座back wall skewback
炉衬back lining (平炉的)
衬里rear lining
rear end wall
后端gable wall
喷出口端port end (平炉的)
喷出口端port end
ring wall
enclosure wall
坝基截水key trench
坝顶栏coping wall
垛式挡土crib retaining wall
上悬臂吊车wall jib crane
上起重机wall crane
内散热器built-in radiator
垣干砌dry walling
垣无浆砌dry walling
壁锚栓件wall anchor
壁锚栓系统wall anchoring system
wall arch
热损失参数wall heat loss parameter
结合木bond timber
wall liner
装挺杆起重机wall jib crane
装起重机wall crane
面格间wall panel
复合挡渣weir and dam (Effect of a weir and dam on the flow pattern within the original tundish(free falling stream). 坝堰对原有中间包内(自由落体注流)流动模式的影响。)
复合挡渣dam and weir (【技】中间包内导流装置。可改善中间包内钢水流动轨迹、防止中间包内钢水卷渣、减少死区体积、增加平均停留时间、促使夹杂物上浮、提高钢水纯净度。: The use of dams and weirs is intended to reduce short circuiting flow and provide full use of the tundish volume. 使用坝堰的目的是减少短路流、充分利用中间包容积。)
outer wall
多层护sandwich panel
多支承multiple support wall
大型large wall panel
夹壁bay wall
奈斯密斯斜后Naismith back wall (平炉的)
安全防护隔safety separation wall
导向隔deflecting wall
导电conductive wall
gable end
嵌砖混凝土opus latericium
带高档火或花墙的炉子semimuffle type furnace
异丁橡胶角护条butyl rubber beading
悬臂式沿移动起重机wall bracket travelling crane
扇形segment wall
扶垛式挡土buttressed retaining wall
承压carrying wall
承重supporting wall
承重carrying wall
wall panel
抵抗pinion wall
retaining wall
和坝weir and dam
和坝dam and weir
和坝的水模试验water model experiment of dam and weir
和坝的相对位置relative location of dam and weir
和坝的组合combination of dam and weir
和坝的设计design of dam and weir
挡水retention wall
挡渣hot metal and slag separator
挡渣hot-metal and slag separator
挡火bay wall
挡火breast wall (热风炉的: A sturdy brick breast wall separates the combustion chamber from the balance of the stove, which is filled with checker brick. 一道坚固的砖砌挡火墙将燃烧室和砌满格子砖的热风炉其余部分隔离开。)
挡火bridge wall
挡火fire bridge
挡火flue bridge
挡火bag wall
buttress wall
支承supporting wall
整体塑性monolithic plastic wall
料线处炉stockline wall
料线外炉stockline wall
斜后sloping back wall
斜后inclined back wall
无前平炉H I. furnace
无前平炉HI furnace
无挡渣的中间包tundish without dam and weir
板桩挡土码头camp sheathing
cut-off wall
格间式挡土cellular retaining wall
框架板装配建筑frame and panel construction
bridge wall
顶砌块bridge wall cover block
梁间beam filling
棒材冷却用水环缝waterwall ring for bar cooling
cross wall
温度分布temperature distribution in heating wall
温度曲线cross wall temperature curve
shadow wall
冷却装置water-wall cooling element
式冷却系统waterwall cooling system
式机架间冷却waterwall interstand cooling
式炉身冷却系统waterwall type stack-cooling system
水冷坝式隔渣water-cooled bridge wall
水冷炉water-cooled wall
水冷炉water-cooled furnace wall
水冷炉侧water-cooled sidewall
水套炉jacketed wall
水套炉jacket wall
沉渣假slag false wall (平炉的)
沉渣假门坎slag false wall
活动焦炉movable wall coke oven
浸没submerged wall
.混凝土心的毛石砌体opus incertum
清水dry wall
fire wall
fire bridge
火桥后back bridge wall (反射炉的)
furnace wall
fire wall
oven wall (常指焦炉的)
竖炉shaft wall
wall liner
chamber wall (焦炉的)
上沉淀的锌渣philosopher's stone
上的丁字砖hammer head brick
上的丁字砖hammer head brick
上的溅渣数量与位置quantity and location of slag splashed onto wall
侧焦炭量wall-side amount of coke
侧煤气流wall-side gas flow
反弹的料粒particles rebounding off wall (【技】高炉布料时,炉料颗粒撞击碰撞点后反弹回的料粒。)
墙衬oven wall liner
处煤气流速度gas velocity at wall
损坏oven wall damage
损毁oven wall damage
温度chamber wall temperature
温度探测器wall-temperature probe
溅渣质量流量mass flux of slag splashed on wall
热负荷wall thermal load
热负荷wall heat load
热负荷heat load on wall
wall brick
furnace wall brick
panel brick (焦炉炭化室的)
粘结物furnace clinker
结瘤wall clinker (厚)
结瘤scaffold on wall (厚)
结瘤wall accretion (厚)
结瘤wall scaffold (厚)
结瘤 accretion on wall
wall lining
wall liner
附着物furnace scaffold
附近的呆滞区inactive zone near furnace wall
炉侧furnace sidewall
炉侧包皮透气塞canned sidewall plug
炉后rear wall
炉喉throat wall
炉头furnace end
炉头侧port sidewall (平炉的)
炉桥后back bridge wall
炉缸风口带炉tuyere-breast wall
高炉的炉腹炉bosh wall
炉腹砖bosh walls
炉腹砖bosh wall
反射炉炉顶隔roof baffle
炉顶隔roof baffle
热修时构筑的hot front wall
焊接隔welded-in partition
煤气口端gas end
煤气沉渣室gas slag wall
煤气蓄热室侧gas checker sidewall
煤气蓄热室侧边墙gas checker sidewall
燃烧室heating wall
燃烧室heating wall
燃烧室衬skin wall (可拆换部分)
燃烧室衬skin wall
电弧对炉的辐射radiation from arc to sidewalls (At the start of meltdown in electric arc furnace the radiation from the arc to the sidewalls is negligible because the electrodes are surrounded by the scrap. 电弧炉开始熔化时,电极被废钢包围,因而电弧对炉墙的辐射作用可以忽略不计。)
矿渣石膏隔slag-alabaster partition
砂挡铁sand stopping (流槽的)
砖挡brick baffle
砖砌挡火brick breast wall
砖砌竖井brick well wall
砖砌筒brick well wall
硅砖炉silica-brick wall
硅砖炉silica brick wall
碳砖炉carbon brick wall
碳质耐火材料侧carbon refractory sidewall annulus
碳质耐火材料侧环carbon refractory sidewall annulus
空冷炉air-cooled furnace wall
空喷细粉的炉密封法airborne sealing systems
空喷细粉的炉密封法airborne sealing systems
空心cavity wall
空斗连接砖bonding brick
空气冷却炉air-cooled furnace wall
空气口端air end
空气沉渣室air slag wall
空气沉渣室air slag wall
空气蓄热室侧air checker sidewall
穿布线knob-and-tube wiring
穿绝缘子wall entrance insulator
穿绝缘子through insulator
穿绝缘子partition insulator
竖井well wall (热风炉燃烧室的)
竖炉炉shaft wall
swing wall
monkey wall
耐火挡渣refractory bridge (连铸中间罐的)
耐火材料挡渣refractory dam and weir (【技】安装在中间包内,用于挡渣和控制钢水流动,促使夹杂物上浮。)
耐火炉fire-resistant furnace wall
耐火砖refractory wall (壁)
耐火砖refractory wall
蓄热室regenerator wall
蓄热室主regenerator piller wall
蓄热室假checker false wall
蓄热室前checker front wall
蓄热室承压checker bearer wall (平炉的)
蓄热室桥checker bridge wall
超级塑料模拟炉simulated super-duty plastic wall
port sidewall
重力式结合boned gravity wall
钢包侧ladle side-wall
铁口处炉厚度wall thickness at taphole (Hearth diameter refers to the diameter of the circle determined by the inside face of the refractory lining of the hearth, excluding any increase in the wall thickness at the tapholes. 炉缸直径指的是炉缸耐火衬内面圆的直径,铁口处炉墙厚度的增加部分不含其内。)
铁壳砖后metal-cased back wall
镁砖magnesite panel
diaphragm wall
flash wall
partition wall
retention wall
cut-off wall
batter wall
baffle wall
diaphragm dam
大砖reflecting block
承重底拱curtain arch
隔室chamber wall
隙缝式水slot-type water-wall
隙缝式水上集水管slot-type water-wall top header
隙缝式水水流量slot-type water-wall flowrate
crest (平炉的)
预制prefabricated panel
rider wall (位于平炉砖格子下面)
rider wail
carry-over sill
平炉蓄热室砖格子下面的系统rider wall system
系统rider wall system
通道rider wall flue (平炉蓄热室砖格子下面的)
高炉料线处炉stockline wall
高炉炉blast furnace wall
齿cut-off wall