
Terms for subject Finances containing 基 准 | all forms | in specified order only
上调基准利率lift benchmark interest rates
《企业会计准则——基本准则》Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises: General Standard
会费基准basis of contributions
保险准备基金insurance reserve fund
免税准备基金tax-free reserve fund
准上市前基金pre-IPO fund (投资于企业上市之前或预期企业可近期上市的基金)
准备保留基金reserved fund
准备基金provident fund
准货币货币市场型基金quasi money market fund (是债券型基金(货币市场基金)的过渡产品)
分配基准basis of distribution
到期基准maturity basis
劳动基准Labor Standard Law
国债平准基金bond stabilization fund
国债平准基金bond market stabilization fund
国际通货平准基金international buffer stock
基准价格notation price
基准债券benchmark bond
基准利率benchmark rate
基准利率base rate
基准发行benchmark issue
基准市场价值base market value
基准10 年期美国国债的收益率benchmark 10-year Treasury yield
基准掉期basis swap
基准收益率曲线benchmark yield curve
基准fixing date (决定参考利率的日子)
基准base day
基准货币basic currency
基准通货basic currency
基准预算baseline budget
基本准备金basis reserve
基本标准成本指数标准成本,尺度标准成本,静态标准成本,固定标准成本basic standard cost index standard cost, yard stick standard cost, static standard cost, constant standard cost, permanent standard cost
基金准备fund reserve
套利基准arbitrage basis
工伤事故抚恤基金准备industrial accident fund reserve
工伤恤养基金准备industrial accident fund reserve
市场预期的国际参考基准international reference point of market expectations
平准基金buffer fund
成本的基准cost standard
把一年期基准利率上调25个基点increase one-year rates by 25 basis points
抵押贷款基准组合benchmark mortgage pool
支付能力基准ability-to-pay basis
收益基准yield basis
标准成本制度之基本特征basic features of a standard cost system
特别准备基金special revenue fund
《独立审计准则》——基本准则independent Auditing Standards: General Standard
粮食平准基金food stabilization fund
维持投资组合的平均评级基准maintain average ratings benchmarks in portfolios
置有基金的准备funded reserve
职工福利基金准备benefit fund reserve
股市平准基金stock market stabilization fund
股息平准基金dividend equalization fund
计税基准tax base
评价基准valuation basis
贴现基准discount basis
资本赎回准备基金capital redemption reserve fund
基准zero base
零点基准之复核zero -base review