
Terms for subject Shipbuilding containing | all forms
橡胶绝缘电缆butyl rubber insulated cable
下水前测量船体主尺度,包括总长、两柱间长、型宽、型深、线挠度measuring hull's main dimensions, including overall length, length between perpendiculars, molded breadth, molded depth and basic line deflection before launching
下水前测量船体主尺度、包括总长、两柱间长、型宽、型深和线挠度measuring hull's main dimensions, including overall length, length between perpendiculars, molded breadth, molded depth and basic line deflection before launching
中国隆港Jilong Harbor, China
乙烯硅橡胶vinyl-siloxane rubber
二烯橡胶diene rubber
伐尔米公司赫尔辛船厂Helsinki Shipyard of Valmet of Corporation
厄瓜多尔瓜亚尔港Guayaquil Harbor, Ecuador,
厄瓜多尔瓜亚尔港Guayaquil Harbor, Ecuador
哥伦比亚巴兰利亚港Barranquilla Harbor, Colombia
图像image fundament
准冠状齿轮basic crown gear
准分段basic section
圆测量base circle measurement
地船舶base ship
座板foundation plate
本干舷base freeboard
本数字电路elementary digital circuit
本斩波调整器basic chopper regulator
本电流elementary current
本选通电路basic gate circuit
极交流声base hum
极分压电路base bias bleeder circuit
极引出端base terminal
极引线电感base lead inductance
极扩散层base diffusive layer
极漏电base leakage
极电路绕组base winding
极耦合base coupling
线测量器械base line measuring apparatus
线长base line length
本上包括经过谈判双方一致同意的全部内容It contains basically all we have agreed upon during our negotiation.
安伯兰造船厂Ambelaki Shipyards
工资金管理wage fund management
斯坦卡拉奇港Karachi Harbor, Pakistan
斯坦卡拉奇造船与机械工程公司Karachi Shipyard & Engineering Works Ltd, Pakistan
斯坦船东Pakistan ship-owner
斯坦货船Pakistan cargo-ship
斯坦造船企业卡拉奇造船与造机工程公司Karachi Shipyard & Engineering Works Ltd
希腊安伯兰造船厂Ambelaki Shipyards, Greece
开发担保development security fund
智利伊克港Iquique Harbor, Chile
未用完的unexhausted fund
聚醛树脂漆amino aldehyde resin paint
氯丁橡胶chloro-butyl rubber
oleoresinous paint
漆稀料松香水thinner for oleoresinous paint
波形wave form reference
浮心距线距离center of buoyancy above molded base
牢固的合作solid cooperation basis
苯乙烯橡胶methyl-styrene rubber
漆稀料lacquer thinner
漆稀料香蕉水lacquer thinner
美国海军United States Naval Base
酸锂皂润滑脂hydroxy-acid lithium soap grease
丁腈橡胶carboxylic nitrile rubber
丁腈橡胶高耐磨橡胶carboxylic nitrile rubber
试剂carbonyl reagent
还原carbonyl reduction
职工自付保险employee's insurance fund self-donation
聚乙烯甲醚塑料polyvinyl methyl ether plastic
聚二甲硅氧烷橡胶polydimethyl siloxane rubber
丙烯酸酯胶粘剂cyanoacrylate adhesive
丙烯酸酯胶黏剂cyanoacrylate adhesive
涂层nitrile coating
船舶修理ship-repair fund
船舶修理ship's repair fund
船舶大修ship-overhaul fund
船舶更新改造renovation fund of ship
芬兰伐尔米公司赫尔辛船厂Helsinki Shipyard of Valmet of Corporation, Finland
芬兰瓦特西拉公司赫尔辛船厂Helsinki Shipyard of Wartsila Corporation, Finland
芬兰赫尔辛Helsinki Harbor, Finland
芬兰造船企业瓦特西拉公司赫尔辛船厂Helsinki Shipyard of Wartsila Corporation
芳香原油aromatic base crude oil
越南鸿Hong Gai Harbor, Vietnam
越南鸿Hon Gai Harbor, Vietnam
离子acid ion
重心距线距离center of gravity above molded base
软钎焊料lead base solder alloy
轴承合金aluminium-base bearing alloy
锅炉座内龙骨boiler keelson
锅炉座定位positioning of boiler foundation
锅炉座找平leveling of boiler foundation
附加准信号传输法additional reference transmission
零位zero reference
马士物流中国有限公司Maersk Logistic China Ltd
马士中国航运有限公司Maersk China Shipping Co., Ltd
齿轮的base circle