
Terms for subject Bridge construction containing 基底 | all forms | in specified order only
全部外力对基础底面中心的总力矩total moment of all external forces about centre of base of foundation
基底foundation bed
基底foundation base
基底下卧土层附加压应力系数coefficient of additional compressive stress of underlying soil layer under base of foundation
基底倾覆稳定overturning stability of base of foundation
基底倾覆稳定系数overturning stability factor of base of foundation
基底偏心eccentricity of foundation base
基底偏心eccentricity of base of foundation
基底压力base pressure of foundation
基底压力foundation pressure pressure under the base of foundation
基底压应力compressive stress under the base of foundation
基底合力偏心resultant eccentricity of base of foundation
基底呈阶梯形的基础benched foundation
基底埋置安全值safety value of buried depth of foundation base
基底应力stress under foundation
基底应力stress under the base of foundation
基底应力重分布redistribution of stresses under base of foundation
基底截面核心半径radius of kern of foundation base
基底承载力bearing capacity of base of foundation
基底抗剪系数shear coefficient of base of foundation
基底最大压应力maximum compressive stress of base of foundation
基底滑动稳定sliding stability of base of foundation
基底滑动稳定系数sliding stability factor of base of foundation
基底稳定性stability of foundation base
基底稳定性base stability
基底竖向地基系数coefficient of vertical subgrade under base of foundation
基底面积area of base of foundation
基础底面base of foundation
基础底面foundation base
基础底面前后边缘竖向压应力vertical compressive stress acting on front edge and rear edge of foundation base
基础底面核心foundation base kern
基础底面核心kern of base of foundation
墩台基底倾覆稳定系数overturning stability factor with respect to the base of foundation of pier and abutment
墩台基底滑动稳定系数sliding stability factor with respect to the base of foundation of pier and abutment
底基层sub-base layer
底面成阶梯形的基础benched foundation
座板侧面地基系数图形面积对底面的惯性矩inertia-moment of area of figure of subgrade reaction coefficient on the side of cap slab of pile foundation about the base
座板侧面地基系数图形面积对底面的面积矩area moment of area of figure of subgrade reaction coefficient on the side of cap slab of pile foundation about the base
扩底基础under-reamed foundation
扩底墩基础belled pier foundation
桥涵底面与基底土之间的摩擦系数coefficient of friction between bottom of bridge or culvert and foundation soil
桥涵底面与基底土之间的摩擦系数coefficient of friction between bottom of bridge or culvert and earth under base of foundation
矩形基础底面的宽度width of base of rectangular foundation
矩形基础底面的长度length of base of rectangular foundation
路基基底subgrade base
路基基底roadbed base
路面底基层sub-base of pavement