
Terms containing 基底面 | all forms | in specified order only
archit.作路面或基础底层的hard core
bridg.constr.全部外力对基础底面中心的总力矩total moment of all external forces about centre of base of foundation
oil基底冲断层面basal thrust plane
oil基底剖面basal section
tech.基底平面交替应用法method of alternate base planes
bridg.constr.基底截面核心半径radius of kern of foundation base
oil基底断面basal section
UN, geol.基底面basement surface
tech.基底面basal surface
tech.基底面base area
tech.基底面building area
bridg.constr.基底面area of base of foundation
earth.sc.基底面basal area
tech.基底面area of base
bridg.constr.基础底面base of foundation
bridg.constr.基础底面foundation base
tech.基础底面foundation bed
tech.基础底面bottom of foundation
tech.基础底面压力foundation pressure
bridg.constr.基础底面前后边缘竖向压应力vertical compressive stress acting on front edge and rear edge of foundation base
eng.geol.基础底面压力foundation pressure
bridg.constr.基础底面核心foundation base kern
bridg.constr.基础底面核心kern of base of foundation
bridg.constr.底面成阶梯形的基础benched foundation
bridg.constr.座板侧面地基系数图形面积对底面的惯性矩inertia-moment of area of figure of subgrade reaction coefficient on the side of cap slab of pile foundation about the base
bridg.constr.座板侧面地基系数图形面积对底面的面积矩area moment of area of figure of subgrade reaction coefficient on the side of cap slab of pile foundation about the base
tech.建筑基底面building area
bridg.constr.桥涵底面与基底土之间的摩擦系数coefficient of friction between bottom of bridge or culvert and foundation soil
bridg.constr.桥涵底面与基底土之间的摩擦系数coefficient of friction between bottom of bridge or culvert and earth under base of foundation
tech.灰泥基底饰面砖plaster-base finish tile
bridg.constr.矩形基础底面的宽度width of base of rectangular foundation
bridg.constr.矩形基础底面的长度length of base of rectangular foundation
bridg.constr.路面底基层sub-base of pavement