
Terms for subject Technology containing 基地 | all forms | in specified order only
一般建筑物地基勘察foundation exploration of general construction
三面临街建筑基地edge site
三面临街建筑基地edge lot
下卧地基土underlying foundation soil
下层地基subjacent bed
下覆地基土underlying foundation soil
不临街的建筑基地rear land
不临街的建设基地rear land
不可靠地基dubious foundation
不均匀压缩地基unevenly-compressible foundation
不均匀地基non-uniform foundation
不均匀地基heterogeneous foundation
不沉陷地基unyielding foundation
不良地基poor subsoil
不透水基地water-tight basement
世界地理基准系world geographical reference system
世界地理基准系world geographic reference system
东京大地基准面Tokyo datum
严重胀缩地基very severely swelling-shrinkage foundation
中等胀缩地基moderately swelling-shrinkage foundation
主供给基地air parent base
乙烯基地板终饰vinyl flooring finish
乙烯基地板覆盖层vinyl flooring covering
乙烯基地板覆盖层vinyl flooring cover
乙烯基塑料地板终饰vinyl plastic flooring finish
乙烯基塑料地板终饰vinyl plastic floor finish
乙烯基塑料地板覆盖层vinyl plastic floor covering
乙烯基塑料地板覆盖层vinyl plastic floor cover
乙烯基塑料地面卷材vinyl floor sheet
乙烯基塑料地面砖vinyl floor tile
住房基地housing site
住房基地净面积net site area
刚性路面地基rigid pavement subgrade
前后都是街道的建筑基地through lot
区段基地segment base address
半地沥青基石油semi-asphaltic base petroleum
半弹性地基semi-elastic foundation
半硬基地limp base
单位地基承载力unit subgrade support
单位面积地基压力specific ground pressure
单位面积地基压力ground pressure per unit area
后方基地rear base
商业基地marketing station
商业基地commercial base
商品蔬菜栽培基地market gardening base
商品蔬菜栽培基地base for truck farming
土坝天然地基fill dam subsoil
土质地基soil foundation
土质地基earth foundation
基地质调查geological ground investigation
基地质调查geologic ground investigation
地下基地limp base
地下基础墙masonry wall below grade
地下水基流过程线groundwater hydrograph
地下水运动基本微分方程governing differential equation of groundwater movement
地区基本烈度regional seismicity
地区基础设施regional infrastructure
地台基底basement of platform
地图基准map reference
地图基要素essential map element
地基foundation ground
地基bearing stratum
地基foundation work
地基subgrade (土)
地基site foundation
地基用固结灌浆加固foundation consolidation
地基反力系数coefficient of subgrade reaction
地基一基础体系soil-foundation system
地基下沉land subsidence
地基下沉settlement of ground
地基下沉subsidence of ground
地基下沉surface settlement
地基下沉foundation settlement
地基不规则性formation irregularity
地基中应力ground stress
地基临界深度critical foundation depth
地基修筑机subgrading machine
地基冰冻深度subgrade frost penetration
地基冰结过程artificial freezing of ground
地基冻结工艺artificial freezing of ground
地基冻结法artificial freezing of ground
地基冻胀frost heaving of foundation
地基准确度subgrade accuracy
地基减低强度设计reduction in subgrade strength design
地基刚度ground stiffness
地基刚度subgrade stiffness
地基刚度stiffness of subsoil
地基加固ground strengthening
地基加荷loading of ground
地基动力参数测试determination subsoil dynamical parameters
地基动力参数测试determination subsoil dynamic parameters
地基劲度ground stiffness
地基勘察soil investigation
地基勘察subsoil investigation
地基勘察soil expansion
建筑场地地基勘探soil surveying of site
建筑场地地基勘探foundation investigation
地基勘探ground exploration
地基勘测钻探foundation reconnaissance drilling
地基勘测钻探foundation exploration drilling
地基单位承载力unit subgrade support
地基压力pressure on ground
地基压力base pressure
地基压实ground compaction
地基压缩层compressive substratum
地基压缩层深度compression bed depth of foundation
地基及基础研究foundation investigation
地基反力foundation reaction
地基反力footing reaction
地基反力动力系数coefficient of dynamical subgrade reaction
地基反力动力系数dynamic coefficient subgrade reaction
地基反力动力系数dynamical coefficient subgrade reaction
地基反力动力系数coefficient of dynamic subgrade reaction
地基反力模量subgrade modulus
地基变形subgrade deformation
地基变形subbase deformation
地基变形模数subgrade deformation modulus
地基变形模数subgrade modulus
地基变形模数subbase deformation modulus
地基变形模数foundation deformation modulus
地基变形模量subgrade deformation modulus
地基变形模量subgrade modulus
地基变形模量subbase deformation modulus
地基变形模量foundation deformation modulus
地基变形系数coefficient of foundation soil deformation
地基变形问题problem of deformation of foundation
地基变形验算deformation verification of foundation
地基可塑性foundation compliance
地基含水量ground dampness
地基固结foundation consolidation
地基固结ground consolidation
地基固结consolidation of foundation
地基固结强度foundation consolidation strength
地基图foundation drawing
地基土foundation soil (壤)
地基土冻胀性分级classification of frost heaving of foundation soil
地基土刚度stiffness of foundation soil
地基土剖面图subsoil profile
地基土剖面图foundation soil profile
地基土压力pressure on foundation
地基土反力系数coefficient of soil reaction
路面设计的地基土反应模量modulus of subgrade reaction for pavement design
地基土壤层foundation soil stratum
地基土壤样品foundation soil sample
地基土壤调查investigation of foundation condition
地基土弹性系数coefficient of elastic of ground soil
地基土极限承载力值ultimate bearing value of foundation soil
地基土的卓越周期outstanding cycle of subgrade soil
地基土的可灌性injectable soil
地基土的容许承载力值allowable bearing value of foundation soil
地基土的胀缩等级swelling grade of foundation soil
地基土质改良soil improving
地基坡度ground inclination
地基墙foundation wall
地基墙footing wall
地基处理soil treatment
地基处理subgrade preparation
地基处理geotechnical process
地基处理geotechnic process
地基大梁foundation girder
地基大梁footing girder
地基夯实consolidation of foundation
地基夯实compacting of foundation
地基失稳foundation failure
地基实测变形值actual survey dip of foundation
地基容许倾斜值permissible dip value of foundation
地基容许变形allowable deformation of ground
地基容许变形值permissible deformation value of foundation
地基容许变形量allowable settlement
地基容许承裁力allowable bearing of foundation
地基容许承载力allowable soil pressure
地基容许承载力allowable bearing power of soil
地基容许承载力allowable bearing capacity of foundation
地基容许沉降差permissible settlement difference of foundation
地基容许沉降量permissible settlement of foundation
地基宽度grade width
地基宽度formation width
地基察勘investigation of foundation
地基察勘foundation investigation
地基对桩支承力bearing capacity of foundation soil for pile
地基岩体稳定性stability of foundation rock mass
地基岩土层foundation stratum
地基岩表面容许坡度值surface permissible gradient dip of underlying bed rock
地基平整机subgrading machine
地基应力观测observation of foundation stress
地基底板bottom of foundation
地基开挖foundation excavation
地基开挖excavation in foundation
地基开挖深度elevation of foundation base
地基开裂frost cracking of foundation
地基式电子全向卫星通信天线ground-based electronic omnidirectional satellite communications antenna
地基弹性抗力elastic resistance of ground
地基强度foundation strength
地基强度ground strength
地基强度formation strength
地基强度增长increment of ground strength
地基强度增长increment of foundation strength
地基强度衰减decrement of ground strength
地基强度衰减decrement of foundation strength
地基情况subgrade condition
地基情况formation condition
地基截水foundation cut-off (墙)
地基承压力bearing pressure of foundation
地基承载值subgrade bearing value
地基承载力ground bearing pressure
地基承载力subgrade capacity
地基承载力soil bearing stress
地基承载力bearing power of soil
地基承载力subgrade rating
地基承载力bearing pressure on foundation
地基承载力试验soil bearing test
地基承载系数factor of foundation bearing capacity
地基承载试验subgrade test
地基承载试验ground bearing test
地基抗力系数coefficient of subgrade reaction
地基抗震承力bearing capacity under earthquake
地基持力层subgrade bearing stratum
地基持力层soil supporting layer
地基持力层soil stressed zone
地基振动变形系数coefficient of deformation of ground
地基排水groundwater drainage
地基排水foundation drainage
地基排水subbase drainage
地基排水draining of foundation
地基排水孔foundation drainage hole
地基排水孔drainage hole of foundation
地基排水系统subbase drainage system
地基排水系统foundation drainage system
地基摩擦subgrade friction (力)
地基摩擦subbase friction (力)
地基支承力load-bearing capacity
地基支承力supporting strength
地基支承力bearing capacity
地基支承模量modulus of foundation support
地基支承面bearing surface of ground
地基整平formation work
地基整平机power fine grader
地基材料subgrade material
地基条件ground condition
地基条件footing condition
地基板grade slab
地基板anchor plate
地基极限承载力ultimate bearing capacity of foundation
地基柔性ground compliance
地基查勘investigation of foundation
地基查勘foundation investigation
地基标高foundation level
地基标高footing elevation
地基梁footing beam
地基模数subgrade modulus
地基模数foundation modulus
地基模量foundation modulus
地基水平反力系数coefficient of horizon tal subgrade reaction
地基水平反力系数coefficient of horizon tal soil reaction
地基沉降settlement of foundation (量)
地基沉降subsidence of ground
地基沉降ground subsidence
地基沉降类型type of foundation subsidence
地基沉降计算方法computational method of foundation subsidence
地基沉降量foundation settlement
地基沉陷ground subsidence
地基沉陷settlement of foundation (量)
地基沉陷subsidence of ground
地基沉陷settlement of ground
地基沉陷setting of ground
地基沉陷foundation settlement
地基液化指数liquefaction index
地基深度lot depth
地基混凝土板层oversite concrete
地基物理採测法physical geological exploration
地基界线plot line
地基的加压stressing of ground
地基的受压stressing of ground
地基的地层次序stratigraphical sequence of the beds
地基的地层次序stratigraphic sequence of the beds
地基的挖土换砂foundation soil replacement by sand
地基的挖土换砂changing the foundation soil for sand
地基的约束subgrade restraint
地基的限制subgrade restraint
地基砌块foundation block
地基研究ground research
地基破坏shear failure
地基硬化ground hardening
地基种类type of foundation soil
地基移动motion of Earth poles
地基稳固化foundation stabilization
地基稳定subsoil stabilization (作用)
地基稳定soil stabilization (作用)
地基稳定base stabilization (作用)
地基稳定性stability of foundation
地基稳定液foundation stable fluid
地基稳定问题problem of stability foundation
地基管涌现象foundation piping
地基管涌现象quick condition boil
地基类型foundation type
地基类型footing type
地基系数ratio of floor
地基系数ground coefficient
地基约束restraint of subgrade
地基综合反应模量comprehensive reaction modulus of base
地基综合回弹模量foundation comprehensive resilient modulus
地基胀缩swelling and shrinkage of foundation
地基螺栓plate anchor
地基计算强度calculated strength of subgrade
地基试样ground sample
地基调查soil surveying of site
地基费用cost of land
地基费用base price
地基软化foundation softening
地基钻孔formation fracturing
地基钻探ground drilling
地基钻探foundation drilling
地基钻探研究foundation investigation drilling
地基防水纸subgrade paper
地基降水用的深井deep wells for foundation dewatering
地基限制restraint of subgrade
地基面ground table
地基面积area of base
地基顺从性ground compliance
地基验算foundation calculation
地基高度ground height
地基高度说明graded description
地基高程level of foundation
地基高程foundation level
地基高程formation elevation
地层基准面stratigraphical datum
地形图数学基础变换mathematic transformation of topographical map
地形图数学基础变换mathematic transformation of topographic map
地方侵蚀基准面local erosion base level
地方信贷基金local loans fund
地方基准local datum
地方改良基金local improvement fund
地毯基层carpet backing
地沥青基涂料asphalt-base paste
地沥青基燃油asphalt fuel oil
地沥青基石油asphaltic base petroleum
地沥青基石油asphalt-base oil
地球基准导引terrestrial reference guidance
地球基准导航navigational by earth references
地球基准飞行terrestrial reference flight
地理基准点geodetic datum
地理基础文件geographical base file
地磁基点magnetic base point
地磁基点magnetic base station
地磁基点geomagnetic base point
地表下基岩subsurface bedrock
地表基岩surface bedrock
地角基础螺栓foundation bolt with nose
地貌基本要素basic geomorphical element
地貌基本要素basic geomorphic element
地震区地基土的抗震处治treatment for earthquake-proof of foundation soil at seismic region
地震基岩earthquake bedrock
地震基本参数basics parameters of earthquake
地震基本烈度earthquake fundamental intensity
地震学基础elementary seismology
地面基地earth base
地面基准导航数据ground-referenced navigational data
地面基站类型ground-based station type
地面硝基漆floor lacquer
均匀型地基even bedded subgrade
均质地基homogeneous foundation
塑性地基plastic ground
塑性树脂基铺成的无缝地面plastic resin-based jointless covering
塑性树脂基铺成的无缝地面plastic resin-based jointless cover
复合地基设计design of composite ground
复合地基设计design of composite foundation
外业基地field survey station
外业基地field survey depot
多孔性地基porous foundation
多种交通联合转运基地composite terminal
多种运输联合转运基地composite terminal
大地基准geodetic datum (点)
大地基准geodesic datum (点)
大地基准单点定位single astronomic station datum orientation
大地基准变换geodetic transformation
大地基准变换geodetic shift
大地基准变换datum transformation
大地基准定位参数datum position parameter
大地基准的天文大地定位astrogeodetic datum orientation
大地基准的重力定位gravimetrical datum orientation
大地基准的重力定位gravimetric datum orientation
大地基准线geodetic datum line
大地基准面geodetic datum
大地基准面geodetic level
大地基准面geodesic level
大地测量基准geodetic benchmark
大地测量平面基准horizontal geodetic datum
大地重力学基本微分方程fundamental differential equation of geodetic gravimetry
大型建筑基础工程地质条件评价engineering geological condition evaluation for large-scale building foundation
大型建筑基础工程地质条件评价engineering geologic condition evaluation for large-scale building foundation
大规模工业基地large scale industrial districts
天文大地基准astronomical datum
天文大地基准astronomic datum
天文大地基准定向astrogeodetic datum orientation
天然地基natural soil
天然地基untreated foundation
天然地基允许荷载subsoil permissible load
太阳探测宇宙飞船基地base for solar probe spacecraft
夯实地基rammed ground
夯实地基rammed foundation
射击基地gunnery base
屋前基地front stead
带状地基strip footing
带状地基strip foundation
带状地基strip flooring
弹性半无限地基elastic semi-infinite foundation
弹性地基clastic foundation
弹性地基beam on elastic subgrade
弹性地基梁比拟法analogy method for beam on elastic foundation
当地基准面local datum
当地基准面local base level
当地理论基准面local theoretical datum
当地理论基准面local theoretic datum
建筑基地面积gross site area
总建筑基地面积total site construction area
总建筑基地面积total site area
战斗机基地fighter station
战略基地strategic base
战略空军基地strategic air base
房地产偿债基金land and building sinking fund
振动基础厂房地基勘察exploration of factory foundation and vibrating ground
未处理地基unimproved footing
未完成的地基rough subgrade
未扰动地基undisturbed foundation
未扰动地基intact ground
标准前进基地分队standard advanced base units
栽植地基planting ground
民族用品生产基地base of producing goods for minority nationalities
水下地基wet foundation
水塔地基勘察exploration of water tower foundation
水文地质基础性图件basic maps of hydrogeology
水文地质学基础principles of hydrogeology
永久性雷达基地radar infrastructure
活动房屋集中基地mobile home park
流动地基running ground
流动性地基flowing ground
流沙地基running sand foundation
流沙地基running ground
浇过地沥青透层的基层asphalt-primed base
测地基线geodesic base line
渔业基地fishery base
渔船移动基地fishing vessel base-ship
渗漏地基leaky foundation
渗透性地基土pervious subsoil
温克尔地基Winkler's foundation
漏水地基leaky foundation
生产基地construction support base
生产基地construction home base
生活基地construction home base
用试坑作地基勘探foundation exploration by test pits
用试坑勘测地基foundation reconnaissance by test pits
用试坑研究地基foundation investigation by test pits
电探地基electrical geological survey
电探地基electric geological survey
电探地基electric geologic survey
电阻式地基探测electric geological survey
黏土地基sand-clay base
砂井加固地基法sand compaction pile method
砂土地基sand soil foundation
砂地基sand foundation
砂桩加固地基施工法sand compaction pile method
砂泥土地基sand-clay base
砂铺地基层sand underlay
砾石地基gravel foundation
稠密液体地基dense liquid subgrade
稠密液体地基dense liquid foundation
稳固地基solid foundation
稳固地基steady foundation
稳固地基terra firma
稳固地基firm ground
老工业基地old industrial bases
考虑霜冻导致强度下降的地基设计frost condition reduced subgrade strength design
考虑霜冻导致强度下降的地基设计frost condition reduced grade strength design
耐振地基vibration-proof foundation
航空基地管辖范围operational range
船队基地fleet base
落基山地槽Rocky geosyncline
货运基地车站freight base station
货运中转基地freight terminal
贸易基地commercial base
选择建筑基地option of building field
透水地基上的土坝earth dam on pervious foundation
通用基础地质数据库general basic geological data base
通用基础地质数据库general basic geologic data base
防渗地基impermeable foundation
防渗地基impermeable base
防渗水地基impervious foundation
防潮地基dampproofing foundation
阶梯地形模型基板stepped terrain base
附属基地satellite base
附属基地accessory base
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