
Terms for subject Commerce containing 基因 | all forms
不可取消基金committed funds
专用基金reserved fund
专用基金earmarked funds
专项基金special-purpose fund
中国国家基本建设委员会State Capital Construction Commission
临时周转基金temporary working fund
亚洲经济开发基金Asian Economic Development Fund
产品基本用途end use
以市场为基础的风险管理工具market-based risk management tool
以自然资源为基础的生产单位resource-based unit
以资源为基础的投资机会研究resource-based opportunity study
价值的基本要素形式elementary form of value
估价基准basis for valuation
保留基金reserved fund
信用基准basis of credit
债务偿还基金debt service fund
偿债基金准备reserve for sinking fund (指偿还债券准备(reserve for bond redemption))
偿债基金积存sinking fund accumulation
储备基数reserve base
储备基金storage fund
储备基金定额reserve fund quota
兑换基金exchange fund
英国共同信托投资基金union trust
共同基金公司mutual fund company (即指股份不定投资公司 (open-end investment company))
共同投资基金mutual investment fund
分配基金决策funding decision
利基市场niche market
勘探基金exploration fund
卡内基基金会the Carnegie Foundation
即期基金immediate fund
原料基地source of raw materials
原材料基地raw materials sites
双方意见基本一致The both parties are in substantial agreement
可用于消费的基金consumable funds
建筑后方基地support department
周转基金working fund
固定基金占用费use fee for fixed funds
国家管理基金state controlled funds
国营埃尔夫一阿基坦公司Societé Nationale Elf Aquitaine
国际货币基金会员国超黄金缴存额信贷部分super gold tranche
国际货币基金分摊额Quotas of International Money Fund
国际货币基金理事会Board of Governors of the Fund
国际货币基金理事会Board of Governors of IMF
国际货币基金组织亦缩为 IMFInternational Monetary Fund
国际货币基金组织IMF 的信贷份额credit tranche
国际货币基金组织年会IMF Annual Meeting
国际货币基金组织执行理事会IMF Board of Executive Directors
国际货币基金组织特别提款权IMF special drawing rights
国际货币基金组织规定的黄金份额gold tranche
在平等互利基础上on the basis of equality and mutual benefit
在平等基础上与某人谈判treat with sb. on equal terms
在惯例基础上on a regular basis
基于推定的收入presumptive income
基于规则的、公正和自由的国际贸易rules-based, fair and free international trade
阿根廷过境区基亚卡La Quiaca
基价与包括附加费用的总括价格base price and all-around price
基准性能reference performance
基地除外条款foundation exclusion clause
基地港base service port
基尼假设Gini hypothesis
基尼平均差Gini's mean difference
基尼系数Gini coefficient (用洛伦茨曲线 (Lorenz curve) 来描述国家收入分配时,曲线与对角线之间的三角形面积之比)
基层管理low er management
债券基差交易basis trading
基建全部承包all-round contract for capital construction
基建费initial cost
基建费cost of capital
基曼尼公司Kymmene OY
基本产业primary industry
基本会员年会annual meeting of incorporators
基本关税率basic tariff
基本制法basis process
基本单据basic document
基本原则basic principles
基本原材料basic materials (包括:原料 (raw materials), 半加工产品 (semi-processed products),外购物 (bought-out items))
基本合同basic contract
基本存货法base stock
基本岀口吨数basic export tonnage
基本工业key industries
基本工艺basic technology
基本平衡basic balance
基本库存量base stock inventory
基本建设经济学economics of capital construction
基本成分basic ingredient
基本投入basic inputs (包括贱金属 (base metals),半加工原料 (semi-processed materials), 零件 (parts))
基本挂靠港basic service port
基本政策范围basic policy framework
基本核算basic accounting
基本概率fundamental probability
基本汇率base rate
基本港basic port
基本理由prime reason
基本生产primary production
基本生产原料经常可取数量constant availability of basic production material
基本生产投入basic production inputs
基本目的fundamental purpose
基本研究research in basic science
基本航线basic course
基本规格basic specifications
基本计时或计件工资率basic rate
基本计时或计件工资率base rate
基本贷款额度basic credit line
基本运价base freight rate
基本运价表basic tariff
基本项目elementary item
基本风险basic peril
基本食品basic food commodities
基本食用作物basic food crops
基点定价制basic-point pricing system
基础产物base product
基础向量系system of vectors of reference
基础设施basic infrastructure facilities
基础设施规划infrastructural planning
基础设施项目infrastructural project
基础设计图foundation drawing
基金吸收fund collection
基金结构分析fund structure analysis
基金补助金foundation grant
基金调整fund adjustment
外债偿本付息基金fund for payment of principal and interest on external debts
外汇平准基金Fonds de Stabilisation des Changes
存量基准〔目标〕storage objective
存量基准storage objective
宏观经济管理的微观基础micro basis for macroeconomic regulation
定额备用基金imprest fund
定额投资基金closed-end investment fund
定额流动基金current funds quota
外汇市场对冲基金hedge fund
对社会基础设施项目按优惠条件提供的资金provision of funds on soft terms for infrastructure
将公司预备基金移作资本capitalize the company's reserve funds
工业流动基金industrial circulating funds
已用基金expended fund
已耗用的基金consumed funds
巴基斯坦国家银行State Bank of Pakistan
巴基斯坦标准Pakistan Standards
巴基斯坦贸易公司Trading Corporation of Pakistan
市场基本面market fundamentals
平衡补助基金equalization grants
应税基础taxable base
强调基本条款lay stress on fundamental terms and conditions
总基金存款general fund deposit
意外事故基金contingent fund
我们认为应在平等互利的基础上达成交易We deem that transactions should be concluded on the basis of equality and mutual benefit
折旧基价depreciation base (亦指应计折旧价值 (depreciable cost))
折旧基金供应funding depreciation
指数时基〔时间轴〕exponential time
指数时基exponential time
提供保证的基金guarantee fund
提成费计算基础basis for calculation royalty
政府内部服务基金intra-government service funds
斯德哥尔摩安基尔达银行Stockholm Enskilda Bank
新鸿基地产公司Sun Hung Kai Properties Ltd. (1972)
既定的技术基础established technological base
更新基金renewal fund (指重置基金 (replacement fund),比较: renewal cost 更新成本,更新费用, renewal expense 更新费用, renewal fee 契约更新手续费用)
更新改造基金renovation and reformation fund
有保证的基金guaranteed fund
期货基本品级contract grade
期货基本品级basic grade
调查标准基期reference base period
根基ground work
欧洲开发基金Fund of the European Development
欧洲货币合作基金Fonds Europeen de Cooperation Monetaire
水基果味碳酸饮料carbonated water-based flavoured drink
泛美发展基金会Pan American Development Foundation
洛克菲勒基金会Rockefeller Foundation
活动基金mobile fund
流动基金liquid funds
流动基金operating funds
流动基金working funds
流动基金current funds
深入研究基础basis for further researches
清算基金settlement fund
牢固的基础secure foundation
联合国特别基金Special Funds
特别捐基金special assessment fund
环保基金environmental defence fund
生产发展基金fund for developing production
生产建设基金production and construction funds
生息信贷基金stock to be lent at interest
留存基金retained funds
留成基金retention funds
相对基金counterpart funds (受援国准备的与援助国相等的基金)
社会保障基金social security fund
社会基础设施infrastructure facilities
社会基础设施infrastructural facilities
社会消费基金social consumption fund
社会经济发展基金会socioeconomic development foundations
禁用基金non-expendable fund
私人信托基金private trust fund
积累基金build up a fund
税则细目基础tariff line basis
累积偿债基金cumulative sinking funds
约束性基金committed funds
纯度基准monetary standard
经济基础the economic basis
缩小基本建设范围narrow the scope of capital construction
美国公订油轮基准运价USMC rate
联合国特别基金会United Nations Special Fund
联合基金united foundation
股份基金share funds
英联邦技术合作基金Commonwealth Fund for Technical Cooperation
证券偿债基金条款sinking fund provision
证券基金bond fund
该项基金被指定为古建筑维护专用The fund was specified to maintain the ancient buildings
诺基亚集团公司Nokia Group
调节基金reconciling fund
贸易发展在于平等互利基础上的合作The development of business consists in cooperation on the basis of equality and mutual benefit
赖氨酸脱羧基培养基luncheon meat
运价表基础basis of tariff
递进基期法progressive base system
部门基金departmental fund
重置与更新基金replacement and renewal fund
长线基建工程项目long-term project
闲散基金idle fund
阿拉伯国家联盟紧急基金会League of Arab States Emergency Fund
零基销售zero-base marketing
零基预算编制zero base budgeting
非定额流动基金non-quota current fund
非定额流动基金non-quota circulating fund
非洲阿拉伯特别援助基金Special Arab Assistance Fund for Africa
非流动基金illiquid funds (与流动基金 (liquid funds) 相对)
非生产性基金non-productive funds
非积累偿债基金non-cumulative sinking fund
非积累性偿债基金non-accumulative sinking fund
面向市场的基础设施market-oriented infrastructure
项目基础basis of project (包括:历史条件 (historical conditions),全面经济背景 (overall economic context), 市场估定 (assessment of markets),供应条件 (supply conditions),生产计划 (production plans), 市场营销 (marketing))