
Terms for subject Project management containing 型 DN | all forms
一种大导航装备主控系统的通信设计communication design of a large scale navigation equipment main control system
三阶段层级结构模three order-hierarchy models
下拉菜单drop-down menu
不过、闪存通常较为便宜、它随机读取的速度最高可比典硬盘快10倍Flash memory, however, is generally cheaper and can service random reads up to 10 times faster than a typical hard disk
个人电脑是微机的一种、设计用来满足个人的计算需求A personal computer is a type of microcomputer, designed to meet the computing needs of an individual
mid-range computer
midcap stock
中小企业medium and small scale enterprise
中小企业small and medium enterprise
五力模the Five-force Model
产品导向组织product-oriented organization
产品类product type
仏四阶层评估模Kirkpatrick's Four-level Model of Evaluation
代理工程管理模式agency CM
仿真模finished model
会议面试board interview
但是、我不认为大多数的商业软件适用于那个类However, I don't think much business software fits into that category
低成本防御low-cost defender
便携设计portable type
击键的原始扫描码按照键盘号被转换成键位代码The raw scan code of the key is then translated into key code according to the keyboard model
分离模disjunctive model
劳动密集labor intensive
协作联营体cooperative joint venture
单一类产品专营连锁店single-line mass-merchandiser stores
压缩成compression molding pressing
原大模Mock Up
参与领导participative leadership
双极移位寄存器可分为单向和双向两种Biolar shift registers are classified as unidirectional and bidirectional
反应战略responsive strategy
反应战略reactor strategy
可替换磁碟贮存指的是大电脑用的磁碟组贮存方法Exchangeable disk storage refers to disc pack storage used with main frame computers
合同类contract type
后者居上新产品开发战略second-but-better new-product development strategy
吹塑成blow molding
喷涂成spray up
在完成应用的数据库配置后、我们开始为我们的模写代码After configuring our application for the database, we started writing codes for our model
在第二次世界大战之前、 英国曾经是世界上重资本货物的主要出口国Britain was one of the world's leading exporters of heavy capital goods until the Second World War
板造型modeling of template
I I-beam
I 标指针I-beam pointer
T 管理T Management
K 管理K Management
结构multidivisional structure M
塑性成plastic working
增强集成驱动电子设备Enhanced IDE
工程mega project
计算机mainframe computer
学习组织learning organization
安东尼模Anthony Model
实心模solid model
实线图形line drawing
密集分销intensive distribution
交易会mini fair
大写字母small caps
大写字母才是专为大写连排而设计的Small caps however are designed to purely work together
家庭办公Small Office/ Home Office
笔记本计算机subnotebook computer
自卸车small dumper
计算机系统接口标识SCSI ID
计算机系统接口端口SCSI port
计算机系统接口网络SCSI network
计算机系统接口设备SCSI device
计算机系统接口连接器SCSI connector
层次数据库管理系统hierarchical database management system
层次计算机网络hierarchical computer network
展示设计的典环境手法typical background manner to display design
嵌套泛类型的名称必须对新引入到类型中的类型参数的数目进行编码The name of a nested generic type must encode the number of type parameters newly introduced to the type
开放系统互连模open systems interconnection model
归因模attribution model
旋轮thumb wheel
hot isostatic pressing HIP
成就取向领导achievement-oriented leadership
我们称第一种价值类为运作卓越型call the first value discipline operational excellence
手动操作的开关:可指定安装类和技术类型Manually operated switch: mount type and technology type can be specified
承包商类contractor's types
投资人股联营体equity joint venture
抢先多任务preemptive multitasking
指导领导instrumental leadership
探索战略prospector strategy
支持领导supportive leadership
收纳设计self-containing design
设计model change
integral number
新 7S 原则模New 7S
新普罗德筛选模New Prod Screening Model
更替合同novation contract
更替合同contract of novation
期望模expectancy model
木制模wooden model
机械工作设计法mechanistic approach
松散联营体separated joint venture
7S 模Principle of 7S
ISO/OSI 模³International Organization for Standardization/ Open Systems Interconnection model
CAD 模相关的一种曲线Bezier curve
正如你所知的、新工业大厦的设计和设备是完全不同的As you know, the layout design and facilities for new industrial properties are different now
气压成blow molding
水压成cold isostatic pressing
注压成injection molding
流线风格streamlined forms
激励工作设计法motivational approach
灌浆成slip casting
环形网络:在环形网络中、所有微计算机和其他通信设备以一种连续循环的形式被连接Ring network: in a ring network, all microcomputers and other communications devices are connected in a continuous loop
生产导向组织production-oriented organization
生物工作设计法biological approach
知识企业knowledge enterprise
简析凤鸟纹的造艺术a study of the plastic arts of phenix veins
简言之、Visual Basic 自动将给定类的值转换成其扩展的任何其他类型In brief, Visual Basic automatically converts a value of a given type to any other type to which it widens
大梁box girder
大小type size
系统对象模 System Object Model-Sony 索尼SOM
线发展linear development
组件对象模COM (component object model)
经济结构转structural transformation of the economy
统计分析及编制统计模statistical analysis and modelling
编译语言compiled language
职能组织结构functional organizational structure
联合模conjunctive model
股息贴现模dividend discount model
客户机fat client
应用程序fat application
服务器fat server
HLS 色彩模hue lightness saturation 的首字母缩略词
色觉的阶段模stage model of the color perception
若要更改图表类、请单击工具栏上的"图表类型"图标To change the chart type, click the Chart Type icon in the toolbar
菲什宾模the Fishbein Model
虚拟现实模语言virtual reality modeling language
penny share
袖珍设计pocketable type
计量合同admeasurement type of contract
设计人员可以在短时间内制造一个固体模以及简单地改变和测试它Designers can then create a solid model in a short time and easily make changes and task tests
评判模scoring models
词典编纂模lexicographic model
费德勒的权变模Fiedler Contingency Model
资产负债管理模及在辽宁养老金问题中的应用models for asset liability management and its application of the pension funds problem in Liaoning Province
资本资产计价模capital asset pricing model
超小设计compact type
转送成transfer molding
迈尔斯-布里格个性类测量表Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
这个结论来自当时最新的电脑模对资源动态使用所做的分析This conclusion flowed from a then state of-the-art computer model of the dynamics of resource use
进取新产品开发战略proactive new-product development strategy
连续打印纸张continuous-form paper
逻辑数据模的一般设计目标是正确性、一致性、非冗余和简单性The general design objectives of the logical data model are correctness, consistency, nonredundancy and simplicity
逻辑类真/ 假Boolean
采购情况/类buying situation
采购者的类adopter categories
起重机heavy lift
防御战略defender strategy
雌雄成slash molding
面向对象技术是当今最流行的软件开发方法、关系模是最常用的一种数据模型Object-oriented technology is the most popular software development method, and relational model is wide -used data model
项目组织projectized organization
风险工程管理模式at-risk CM
黏土模clay model