
Terms for subject Economy containing 型 DN | all forms
一般货船conventional ship (vessel)
一般来说租赁包含金融租赁和管理租赁两种类Generally leases include two types, finance leases and operating leases
一般间接模general discretized model
一般间断模general discretized model
上个月他们得到了一种新仪器的专利权They took out a patent for a new type of instrument last month
个性"五维度模"big five personality model
middle size
medium-term type
公司middle sized company
工业medium-scale industry
建设项目medium construction item
中国新建筑材料公司China National New Building Materials Corporation
中小企业small and medium sized enterprise
中间运输intermodal transport
私人投资、社会公共投资、公共部门主导经济economy led by (private investment, social overhead capital investment, the public sector)
主权不动产投资托拉斯equity real estate investment trust
事件典incident pattern
产量分析模方式yield analysis pattern
人格"五维度模"big five personality model
他发明了一种新机器He invented a new type of machine
价值分析模worth analysis model
价格推动通货膨胀price-pushed inflation
变动model-year variation
保本模break-even model
信息密集工业information-intensive industries
假定模tentative model
全球模the whole world model
全球经济模Global Economic Model
公司投资信托corporation type investment trust
具体模concrete model
例证ease history
例证case history
分析cross section analysis
标本typical specimen
的才能和魄力exemplary ability and decisiveness
相关分析canonical correlation analysis
调查specific sample survey
调査model survey
谈判the pattern bargaining
资料typical data
内向战略inward-looking strategies
内涵intensive approach mode
农业经济agriculture-based economy
农业经济agriculture based economy
农业生产模agriculture production model
农业生产模agricultural production model
农业类type of farming
农村人口往复流动reciprocating flow of rural population
凭标准或号销售sale by standard or type
凯恩斯派的模keynesian model
单纯法a concave simplex method
连续函数concave the continuous function
出售租赁transaction s-type lease
分歧的循环divergent cyclical patterns
创收 农业 企业income-generating enterprise in agriculture
剖析模anatomical model
动态模dynamic mould
劳动密集企业labour intensive enterprise
劳动密集农业生产labour-intensive agricultural production
劳动密集工业labour-intensive industry
劳动密集工业的开发labour-intensive model of economic development
劳动密集生产labour-intensive production
劳动密集的经济开发labour-intensive model of economic development
劳动密集项目labour-intensive project
劳动替代技术labour-substituting technology
劳动节约技术labour saving technology
劳动集约密集labour intensive
单一商品模one commodity model
项目a prototype project
去年我们已停止制造这种We discontinued manufacturing this type last year
参数成本模parametric cost model
双线T字账目double T-account
反U假设inverted-U hypothesis
各种式油船miscellaneous tankers
合同投资信托contractual type investment trust
统一度量式决算表common size statement
分析common size analysis
分析common-size analysis
统一度量式损益表common size income statement
资产负债表common size balance sheet
同心圆模concentric zone
同类资产的无限更新infinite change of identical assets
同轴多种经营concentric diversification
商务农场,按生产类分组commercial farms, by type
商品类type of merchandise
国民经济模models of a national economy
国民经济模model of a national economy
国际经济模model of an international economy
类比模型a graphic analogue model
图解模schematic model
均衡发展经济balanced economy
60与50型二者难以区分It is hard to differentiate Type 60 from Type 50
偏差type bias
"P"公路"P.p" type highway
号与批号model and series
号的多样化diversity of types and sizes
号规格type specification
,多阶段多人决策形式multiple stage, multiple decision maker
85是56型的改进产品Type 85 is an improvement upon Type 56
基于风险的综合生产模risk-based integrated production model
基本basic model
值模value creation model
外向工业export-oriented industry
外向经济export-oriented economy
多道加工生产a multiprocess type of production
多部门乘数模multi-sector multiplier model
交易市场heavy market
企业sizeable enterprise
企业界world of big business
企典large scale enterprise
农业large scale farming
合并the big merger
家庭用具white goods
工业major industries
工业large scale industry
工厂a factory of great size
油轮a very large crude oil carrier (20 万吨至 30 万吨)
生产单位large-size production units
设备承包商heavy duty contractor
货车heavy goods vehicle
资本货物heavy capital goods
量规heavy gage
银行large banks (指德国的德意志、德累斯顿和商业银行)
大中工商企业medium and large industrial and commercial enterprise
她是这种新洗衣机的设计者She is the designer of the new washing-machine
如果你方对新毛织品需要不急,也许我们在下一个月可以接受你方订单If you are in no haste for the new-type woolens, perhaps we can accept your order in the next month
如果你方要订购新的缝纫机,我方将提供附有插图的规格说明书If you want to order the new type of sewing machines, we shall submit their specifications with illustrations
存货模inventory model
学习模learning model
完全设计complete block design
设计a design type
设计法a modular design method
实物模concrete model
实用模utility model
密集销售法intensive distribution
封闭市场closed market
企业贷款small business loan
农业企业small agro-enterprise
包装small packing
和微型工厂a mini and micro plant
客车compact car
工业贷款small industrial loans
工厂诊疗室的布置layout for a small plant dispensary
轻便技术pocket technology
散装船a mini bulk carrier
样本抽样分布常态the normality of sampling distributions of small sample
in a miniaturization
minor (less)
船舶handy vessel
船舶a handy vessel
陆桥运输a minibridge service
高技术企业small-sized hi-tech enterprise
高级会议mini summit
小幅度蛇浮动"mini snake" (比利时、荷兰及卢森堡三国外汇汇率波动幅度的一种名称)
小范围的经济模microeconomic mode
工业模模式industry patterns
喷气式飞机jumbo jet
纺织集团a mammoth textile group
市场主导经济market oriented economy
美,日市场导向部门特有的谈判程序market-oriented sector-specific negotiation process
变动年数模型变动model year variation
库存管理模inventory control model
建筑模model building
建造模model building
建造模building model
开放投资信托公司open-end investment trust
micro scale technology
汽车kart (尤指赛车)
电子计算机micro computer
金融机构microfinance institution
惯例模a prescriptive model
惯例模prescriptive models
成本价格螺旋上升cost price spiral
成本推动通货膨胀cost-push inflation
成本提高通货膨胀cost push inflation
成本模cost pattern
成本模cost model
成长曲线growth curve
成长模growth model
我们从销售员的反馈中了解到顾客对该新商品的反应We have some feedback from the sales force about the customer's reaction to the new model
我们对进口这种类的机器非常感兴趣We are very interested in importing this type of machine
战略规划模strategic planning model
所需的desired form
技术密集企业technology-intensive enterprise
技术密集制成品贸易trade in technology-intensive manufacture
指数类type of index number
规定的as stated
按制造阶段组织organization by stage of manufacture
搞活大中企业activate enterprises of large and medium scale
支付类the type of payment
收益循环变动cyclical consumption-income pattern
a model change
revised version
政府主办企业government sponsored enterprise
效果模effectiveness model
效率一定constant efficiency type
效率递减diminishing efficiency type
效用utility models
效益模拟模effectiveness simulation model
经济形态neotype economic form
新的小计算机系列填补了市场的空白The new range of small computers fill sa gap in the market
新马尔萨斯模neo-Malthusian models
无项目援助non-project type assistance
时间落后模lag patterns
最新last word
最适度的数学模optimal mathematical models
服务类级别class of service
标准standard form
测度the tree measure
跳板a bridge ramp
跳桥bridge ramp
Aglink-Cosimo模Aglink-Cosimo model
内的变数variables in the model
model bank
方程model equation
the model approach
的性质nature of model
组成model formulation
证据model evidence
欧洲选择权European style option
母公司、子公司、孙公司的联营father-son-grandson affiliations
气候适应经济climate-resilient economy
水文模hydrologic simulation
水文模hydrologic modelling
汇率典the pattern of exchange rate
活动模working model
派生模derived model
混合mixed type
混合计算机a hybrid computer
滑道船尾a stern ramp
满足的模satisfying model
激震模shock models
现金决策模cash decision model
班轮是大客轮A liner is a large passenger ship
理想化模idealized model
生产模production models
生产流程模production flow-pattern
生计农场subsistence farm
由于这种号的电熨斗你们很熟悉,我相信可以省却样品As this type of electric iron is familiar to you, I believe you can dispense with samples
和单一经济lopsided and single-product economy
盈亏损益平衡模breakeven model
盈利模profitability model
直线限制条件linear constraint
相关树a relevance tree
相关树relevance tree
知识密集产业knowledge intensive industry
知识密集企业knowledge-intensive enterprise
知识密集经济knowledge-intensive economy
确定等值风险调整法certainty equivalent risk adjustment method
确定模certainty model
社区主导发展community-driven development
立体模three-dimensional scale model
符号类pattern of symbol
简化方程reduced-form equation
管理模系统model based management system
抽样the typical sampling
比例抽样typically proportional sampling
系统分析与综合模system analysis and integration model
系统分析模system analysis model
系统可用性模system availability model
紧急模emergency model
纸上模paper model
线耗损linear depletion
线性单一方程式模linear single-equation model
组合一调整back-to-tum type
细长 号的slimline types
经济汽车不会消耗很多汽油An economical car doesn't use much petrol
经济人模economic man model
经济分析模economic analysis model
经济周期模business cycles model
经济扩展模expanding economy model
经济模an economic model
经济模model of the economy
经济模分析economic model analysis
综合生产模integrated production model
职能组织方式function type organization
能力成熟模capability maturity model
自给农场subsistence farm
舌门船尾a stern ramp
舒展的结构a relaxed and loose structure
菲德勒的领导应变模Fiedler's Leadership Contingency Model
蛛网模cobweb model
装配assembly type
计划项目援助project type assistance
计量经济模econometric model
计量经济模分析econometrics mode of analysis
让大货轮等候泊位费用极高It's very expensive to keep a large ship waiting for a berth
设备改明细equipment modification list
评价模evaluation model
试用模tentative model
该公司只能出售产品,而非这些产品的模和图纸The corporation can only sell the products, not their patterns and drawings
说明买方改用其他prevail upon buyer to use other type
说明性模an illustrative model
谢谢6月18日来函时对TB₄₄₆电动锯的询价,但我方现已不再生产这一型号Thank you for your inquiry of June 18 for our electric saws TB₄₄₆ but we are not manufacturing this type any more
资本密集产品capital-intensive product
资本密集工业capital-intensive industry
资本密集工业capital intensive industry
资本密集生产capital-intensive production
资金密集企业capital-intensive enterprise
超大中外合资企业super large-sized Chinese-foreign joint venture enterprise
超大油轮an ultra large crude oil carrier (30万吨以上)
超小计算机super microcomputer
超微计算机super microcomputer
转化项目范式transformational project paradigm
客货两用车utility truck
散装货船a handy-size bulk carrier
货船handy-size carrier
这两种号不难区别It is not difficult to distinguish this type from that one
这种号的计算机在黑市上可以卖很高的价钱This type of computers can fetch a very high price on the black markets
这种号通常的折扣是15%,但若现金付款则另加5%The usual discount of this model is 15%, but we would like to offer an extra 5% for cash settlement
进取领导achievement-oriented leadership
追加投资公司open-end investment corporation
适应模an adaptive model
逻辑框架模logical framework model
机器制造业heavy engineering
机器制造工业heavy machine-building industry
经济结构heavy economic structure
角铸机heavy corner castings
鉴定模evaluation model
信件整理器hook file
长期模long range model
间断永续性模discrete perpetuity model
间断永续性模投资决定discrete perpetuity model
集中多样化concentric diversification
需求拉动通货膨胀demand pull inflation
需求推动通货膨胀理论demand-pull theory of inflation
非直线限制non-linear constraint
非直线模a non-linear model
非线性保本够本non-linear breakeven model
预测可靠性评价模predictive reliability assessment model
鱼脊a herring bone