
Terms for subject Mathematics containing 型 DN | all forms
和二型概率type I and II probabilities
计数模型type one counter model
计数模型type I counter model
方差分析一类模first kind model
方差分析一类模model I
分布type VII distribution
分布type III distribution
不连续状态空间模discrete state-space model
直到…才两类句it was not until... that
临界值模threshold model
分布type IX distribution
分布type II distribution
抽样type II sampling
计数模型type two counter model
计数模型type II counter model
二元二分布bivariate type II distribution
二次,二次形式quadratic form
方差分析二类模random effects model
方差分析二类模second kind model
方差分析二类模model II
分布type V distribution
交互系统interactive system
会话系统conversational system
位置模location model
使用计算机的全体模computer-based corporate model
供需模supply-demand model
偏误type bias
分布type VIII distribution
分布type VI distribution
年份,代表年度typical year
时期,代表时期typical period
特征值,典型标志typical characteristic
相关canonical correlation
矩陈,标准矩阵canonical matrix
随机变量canonical variable
非线性特性函数产生器typical nonlinear characte ristic function generator
内曼模Neyman model
分布网络distributed network
分隔间模compartment models
列联表分布Plackett's uniform distribution
列联表分布contingency-type distributions
制图模Graphical Models
前厅依赖模ante-dependence model
分布type X distribution
十一分布type XI distribution
十二分布type XII distribution
单时模,静态模型unitemporal model
博克三分量模Bock's three component model
博克斯―詹金斯模Box-Jenkins model
双因子模bifactor model
双线性bilinear form
反众数, U 分布antimode
变换地点模change point models
变量误差模errors-in-variables model
可加性模additive model
分布type IV distribution
因果链锁模causal chain model
因素类factor pattern
固定影响模fixed effects constants model
固定掩模只读存储器fixed-mask type
坎托分布Cantor-type distributions
B 分布type B distribution
I 分布type I distribution
C 分布type C distribution
A 分布type A distribution
J 分布J-shaped distribution
B 区域type B region
E 区域type E region
D 区域type D region
C 区域type C region
A 区域type A region
I 抽样type I sampling
C 数列,格位姆一查利尔 C 型数列type C series
B 数列,格位姆一查利尔 B 型数列type B series
A 数列,格位姆一查利尔数列type A series
埃伦费斯特模Ehrenfest model
埃森逼近Esseen's lemma
多方程模simultaneous equations model
多方程模multi-equational model
多时模multi-temporal model
多瓣打印机multi-lobe printer
磁芯存储器bulk core storage
安德鲁的傅立叶点图Andrews' Fourier-type plot
definite form
化决策programmed decision
抽样systematic sample
抽样patterned sampling
对数线性模log-linear models
会计电子计算机small accounting computer
帕累托分布Pareto-type distribution
广义线性模generalized linear model
广义线性模generalised linear model
异质性模frailty model
胶卷输出系统computer output micro-filming system
分布cosine distribution
分布cardioid distribution
总量模aggregative model
恰好识別模just identified model
托比特模censored regression model
托比特模Tobit model
指数扩散模exponential dispersion model
数字模mathematical models
数学学习模mathematical model for learning
数学模mathematical models
方格模cell model
无限排队模infinite waiting line model
无限模infinite model
有限模finite model
机率模probabilistic model
格兰姆―查利 B数列Gram-Charlier series type B
格兰姆―查利 C数列Gram-Charlier series type C
格兰姆―查利 A数列Gram-Charlier series type A
概率模probabilistic model
函数pattern function
选择model select
模拟模simulation model
模拟模数据信息流程图flow chart of data and information by simulation model
比列机遇模Cox model
比列机遇模proportional hazards model
混合模mixed model
渗透模saturated model
疲劳模fatigue models
确定性模deterministic model
磁泡基片bubble chips
磁泡存储器bubble memories
移动平均模moving average model
简化reduced form method
约化reduced form method
线判别函数linear discriminant function
线性最优化模linear optimization model
线性模linear model
织物花设计textile pattern project
综合模aggregative model
网络分析的计算机模computer model for network analysis
考克斯回归模Cox's regression model
考克斯模Cox model
考克斯模proportional hazards model
联立方程组模simultaneous equations model
联立方程组模multi-equational model
自回归模autoregressive model
艾森哈特模Eisenhart models
解线规划问题的计算机模型computer model for solving linear programming
计算尺列线图slide-rule nomogram
计算尺的列线图解slide-rule nomogram
计算机样computer module
设计类: PPdesign type O:PP
费雪模Fisher model
运筹学模OR model
适应模adaptive model
链形二项式模chain binomial model
长期模失业者的等hard-core model
随即大量模stochastic abundance models
随即模statistical model
随即模stochastic model
随机化模randomized model
随机化模randomised model
随机效应模random effects model
随机效应模second kind model
随机效应模model II
随机模random model
集中网路centralized network
震动及误差模shock and error model
震动模shock model