
Terms for subject Refrigeration containing 型 DN | all forms
七通路冷凝器seven pass condenser
三筒溴化锂吸收式制冷机three-shell lithiumbromide absorption refrigerating machine
三维气流模three-dimensional air model
两区分层模two-zone stratified model
两区域模two-region model
两点模two-node model
亚热带冰箱subtropical class refrigerator
亚热带冰箱extended temperate class refrigerator
交换器过冷器exchanger type subcooler
低温吸收式热泵low temperature absorption heat pump
共振器消声器resonator type absorber
冰箱model of the refrigerator
冷凝器模condenser model
冷却塔模cooling tower model
凯尔曼冷冻器Kelman cryotool
分格消声器splitter type muffler
制造模physical modeling
前向叶风机forward-curved fan
剪刀scissors type
区域campus type
半封闭冷凝机组semi-hermetic condensing unit
单层百叶single deflection model
单级板静电空气过滤器single-stage plate type ionizing electronic air cleaner
压力无关变风量pressure-independent variable air volume terminal
压力无关变风量末端装置pressure-independent VAV terminal device
压力无关变风量箱pressure-independent VAV box
压力无关调节控制pressure independent control
压力相关变风量末端装置pressure-dependent VAV terminal device
压力限制阀门pressure-limiting type valve
双筒溴化锂吸收式制冷机two-shell lithiumbromide absorption refrigerating machine
变风量中央空调系统的类type of VAV central system
吸收消声器silencer of the muffler type
吸湿复合空调系统装置hygroscopic compound air-conditioning system installation
四缸 V 外驱动压缩机four cylinder V-type external drive compressors
圆翼散热器finned radiator
n 半导体n-type semiconductors
Y 压缩机Y-type compressor
压缩机V-type compressor
O 导线端子o-shaped wire terminal
O O-ring
电离真空计Bayard-Alpert gauge B-A
A 蒸发器A-type evaporator
墙挂散热器wall type radiator
多台并联式机组房间空气调节器air conditioner with multi-units
液氮治疗机great liquid nitrogen cryotool
安全压力表safety pattern gauge
密封垫针刺阀gasket-type piercing valve
对象数学模mathematical model of controlled plant
封闭冷凝机组hermetic type condensing unit
封闭管壳式冷凝器closed shell and tube condenser
供暖器space heater
冷冻箱compact refrigerator
制冷器walk-in refrigerator
压缩冷凝机组fractional condensing unit
压缩机fractional compressor
抽水泵drip pump
液体分离器small liquid separator
燃气氨吸收式空调机组small gas ammonia-absorption airconditioning unit
燃油锅炉oil burning package boiler
结冻间wail-in freezer
平板肋片换热器plate-finned-tube heat exchanger
废弃空气过滤器disposal type air filter
弯柱电离真空计bent-beam gauge
弹道电离真空计orbitron gauge
往复式整体冷水机组reciprocating packaged liquid chiller
径向叶风机radial-bladed fan
制冷器miniature refrigerator
制冷技术miniature refrigerating technology
热电制冷器miniature thermoelectric refrigerator
整体空调装置self-contained air conditioning unit
氨吸收式空调机组new-type ammonia air-conditioning unit
旁通变风量末端装置by-pass-type VAV terminal device
旁通末端装置bypass-type terminal device
旁通能量调节器bypass capacity regulator
无泵蒸汽型吸收式制冷机steam operated absorption refrigerating machine with bubble pump
卸灰阀asteroid cinder valve
压缩机X-type compressor
机翼叶片airfoil blade
机翼叶片风机aerofoil blade fan
杠杆套接工具lever type swaging tool
条缝送风口slit type outlet
林德 CE-2 低温器械Linde CE-2 cryotool
tube type
气体流gas flow pattern
气密风机gas-tight fan
池内沸腾和强迫对流模pool boiling and force convection model
波纹消声器silencer of corrugated faced type
波纹肋片换热器corrugated finned-tube exchanger
活动球管接头flexible-ball pipe joint
调节器flow straightener
调节器flow conditioner
流动工况模flow model
流线散流器streamlined ceiling diffuser
液环真空泵Nash pump
混合差动值调整double type differential adjustment
温带冰箱temperate class refrigerator
滤布计尘仪filter cloth type dust meter
热带冰箱tropical class refrigerator
热水吸收制冷机hot water operated absorption refrigerating machine
热水溴化锂吸收式冷水机组hot-water-operated lithium bromide absorption water chiller unit
热泵热水器heat pump boiler
物理模physical modeling
电离集尘器ionizing precipitators
直通阀体straight-pattern body
风机盘管lowboy type fan coil
离心压缩机模centrifugal compressor model
空气模air model
空气流air patterns
穿墙空气调节器through-the-wall air conditioner
肋片换热器nest-finned-tube heat exchanger
传热面tubular heat-transfer surface
管网构network configuration
粗柱散热器column radiator
系统和部件模system and component models
组合隔热composite insulation
组合隔热系统thermal insulation composite system
结霜蒸发器frosting type evaporator
叶片风扇airfoil fan
散热器radiator with thin fin
联合调节器的传动combination actuator
聚光集热器focus solar collector
节流冷冻器throttling cryotool
节流制冷器throttling refrigerator
节、流变风量末端装置throttle-type VAV terminal device
节流末端装置throttle-type terminal device
蒸发器模evaporator model
蒸汽吸收式制冷机steam operated absorption refrigerating machine
轴流风机plated-mounted axial-flow fan
螺栓连接阀体lug-type body
存水弯bag trap
试验模experiment model
诱导变风量末端装置induction-type VAV terminal device
调制电离真空计modulator gauge
调节风阀modulating damper
贮液式小冷冻器receiving small cryocool
辐射散热器radiative type heater
进口叶片对小离心式风机的影响influence of inlet vanes on small centrifugal fans
速度压缩机dynamic compressor
速度压缩机的总压力系数overall pressure coefficient for a dynamic compressor
针刺肋片换热器needled-finned-tube heat exchanger
长条缝送风口linear slot diffuser
闪蒸过冷却器flash-type subcooler
防尘dust-proof type
防水drip proof type
限流双温阀metering type two-temperature valve
除湿房间空气调节器dry-type room air condition
非冻结空气冷却器non-freeze type air cooler
非泄放调节器non-bleed type controller
非粘合隔热unbound insulation
预成隔热pre-formed insulation
风机房的类type of fan room
高静压风机盘管high-static type fan-coil