
Terms for subject Geophysics containing 型 DN | all forms
互补金属氧化物半导体complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor
井下检波器类downhole geophone type
井场地震仪的震源类source well seismic tod
井场地震仪的震源类source type-WST
井壁取心器用组合射孔弹combination type bullet in core sidewall taker
井壁取心器用组合射孔弹combination type bullet in CST
井径仪类caliper type
井眼地震测井的震源类source type-well seismic
兆瓦接收机滤波器megawatt receiver filter
全波列或变密度测井的波形模waveform model for variable density log
全波列或变密度测井的波形模waveform model for waveform/VDL
全球剖面与型点global stratotype section and point
全球传输模global transport model
标准,正则相关分析canonical correlation analysis
加密的有限元模compact finite element model
半经验性的中子模semi-empirical neutron model
GLOBAL 双水模dual water Global
反射波选择器reflection mode selector
右移消除上行波removal of up-going wave mode by right shifting
合并地震反射结构convergent seismic reflection configuration
固定岩石骨架模fixed matrix model
地面传感器surface sensor type
垂直地震剖面图类vertical seismic profile plot type
垂直裂缝横向同性介质vertically fractured transversely isotropic medium
D压力计一温度计探头manometer-thermometer sonde type D
C压力计一温度计探头manometer-thermometer sonde type C
D套管厚度检测casing thickness detection type D
A套管厚度检测casing thickness detection type A
DA 生产测井接口插件production interface cartridge type DA
H 衰减器H-section attenuator
C 过油管井径仪探头thru-tubing caliper sonde type-C
A 过油管导向器through tubing guide type A
H 阵列感应测井array induction tool model H
B阵列感应测井array induction tool model B
增强计算机测井和解释处理系统enhanced computerized logging and interpretive processing system
处理相似性类likeness type of processing
喷射jumbo jet
孔隙度综合模porosity composite model
定向混波模directional hybrid wave model
导电岩石骨架模conductive rock matrix model
低通滤波器miniature low pass filter
实时操作系统miniature-real time operating system
操作结束end of mini-op
测深仪compact depth sounder
磁通门磁强计miniature flux gate magnetometer
精密测距系统miniature accurate ranging system
左移消除上行波removal of up-going wave mode by left shifting
一种同轴电缆连接器巴比N连接器Baby N connector
带通滤波器类band pass filter type
常闭辅助开关auxiliary switch normally closed
平均位势模average potential model
归一化单模normalized single model
静电加速计miniature electrostatic accelerometer
微柱聚焦测井microcylindrically focused log
快速存取已编码的小图像fast access coded small images
抛物线拉登变换parabolic Radon transform
指数广义自回归条件异方差性exponential generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity
指数概率密度函数exponential probability density function
探头测器sonde type
探头极板类sonde pad type
平面波modified plane wave
改进广义脉冲谱法modified generalized pulse spectrum technique
改进钢带铠装电缆modified tape armoured cable
数字微电路digital microcircuit
数字评价模digital evaluation model
数字高程模digital elevation models
数字高程模digital elevation model
无方向性混合波模undirectional hybrid wave model
机芯类mechanical cartridge type
变换model-based transformation
模拟树组织的多路复用器analog tree organized multiplexer
次生孔隙度类划分secondary porosity typing
欧几里得距离模Euclidian distance models
油井评价模well-evaluation model
模式变换传感mode transducer
测量mode shape survey
测井电缆类logging cable type
混合波的振幅随炮检距变化mixed mode amplitude variation with offset
混合波的振幅随炮检距变化mixed mode AVO
源类source type
用右移消除下行波removal of down-going wave mode by right shifting
用左移消除下行波removal of down-going wave mode by left shifting
电容仪用高压装置potential device
电缆标记装置类cable marking device type
相干地层模coherent stratigraphic model
简正模噪声normal mode noise
纵断面接箍 定位profile collar model
自动化频率分配模automated frequency assignment model
英国地质调查局全球地磁模British Geological Survey Global Geomagnetic Model
蕴含各向异性的孔隙或弹性模inclusion-based anisotropic pore/elasticity model
衰减器-热电偶伏特计attenuator-thermoelement -type voltmeter
超小电子管subminiature tube
电缆light weight cable
通用导电岩石骨架模generalized conductive rock matrix model
闭合侵入状态closed invaded regime
阿尔奇模Arch's model
非均匀渗透率测井解释模log interpretation models of non-uniform permeability
非均匀渗透率测井解释模log interpretation models for non-uniform permeability