
Terms for subject Artificial intelligence containing 型 DN | all forms
专家模expertise model
专家类expert type
专家系统原prototype expert system
专家系统mid-sized expert system
中心距离连续概率模Center-Distance Continuous Probabilistic Model
主动轮廓模active contour model
二阶模second-order model
互补金属氧化物半导体器件Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor transistor
交互-激励模interaction-activation model
交叉皮层模Intersecting Cortical Model
交集歧义切分字段overlapping ambiguous segmentation
价值类value type
仿射运动模affine motion model
仿真模补偿simulated model compensation
传感器分量模sensor component model
传感控制机器人sensory controlled robot
伺服控制机器人servo-controlled robot
信息保存编码information preserving coding
信息加工模Information-processing model
信息损失编码information lossy coding
n 元模n-gram
元音系统模Vowel System Model
Phong 光照模Phong illumination model
全局-主从式模型master-slave model
全局背景模Universal Background Model
关联联机分析处理relational OLAP
关节手臂articulated arm
变量canonical variate
咨询系统typical consultation
表象canonic perspective
分层混合专家模Hierarchical Mixture of Experts HME model
分解并行算法decomposition parallel approach
分解模decomposition model
刚体模solid model
加工水平模Levels Of Processing model
助手 1600 及 2000 机器人man mate 1600/2000
区分性高斯混合模discriminative Gaussian mixture model
半连续隐马尔可夫模Semi-Continuous Hidden Markov Model
半音节模semi-syllable model
单词类复现率repeat rate of word type
占据栅格模occupancy grid map
推论语言一种基 system 于规则的知识工程语言prototype inference
状态prototype state
识别prototype recognition
双重随机模double stochastic process
sentence pattern
句法语言模形式语言模型deterministic language model
可能近似正确模Probably Approximately Correct PAC model
周期性模periodic model
命题表达模propositional representation model
因果模causal model
图像理解系统模model for image understanding system
图像编码系统模system model for image coding
图像采集模model of image capturing
图模graphical model
圆柱坐标机器人cylindrical coordinate robot
3 文法type 3 grammar
1 文法type 1 grammar
2 文法type 2 grammar
0 文法type 0 grammar
B 无组织机器B-type unorganized machine
基于文法的语言模grammar-based language model
基于模的专家系统model based expert system
基于模的计算机视觉model-based computer vision
基于统计的语言模statistics-based language model
基于音段的马尔可夫模segment-based Markov model
<-> 基于音节的马尔可模syllable-based Markov model
增强变速率编解码器Enhance Variable Rate Codec
外积展开outer product expansion
多层图像描述模multi-layer image description model
专家系统large expert system
专家系统工具large expert system tool
混合式系统构造工具large hybrid system building tool
网络群组划分large network grouping
Shepp-Logan 头部模Shepp-Logan head model
子类关系subtype relation
字发音模word pronunciation model
实现任务achievement task
对话的类types of dialogue
小脑模cerebellum model
小脑模神经网络Cerebellar Model Articulation Controller
岛屿模island model
工具箱开发工具toolbox expert system tool
帧基计算机辅助教学framebase computer-assisted instruction
平均报酬模average reward model
平行分布式加工模parallel distributed processing model
平行加工模parallel processing model
并行模联合Parallel Model Combination
广义叠加模generalized additive model
建议系统advisory system
开关机器人bang-bang robot
开环机器人open-loop robot
张量展开tensor expansion
弱学习模weak learning model
彩色模color model
情境类situational type
手控机器人manual robot
扩散激发模spreading activation model
投影重建模model of reconstruction from projection
折扣报酬模discounted reward model
拟人关节机器人anthropomorphic robot
拟人关节机械臂anthropomorphic manipulator
排序选择rank-based model
推理类inference typology
插值模interpolated model
摄像机模camera model
改进增量开发incremental growth by refinement
映射模mapping model
显式世界模explicit world model
智能知识库系统Intelligent Knowledge Based System
期望值模expected value model
极坐标机器人polar coordinate robot
标准并行方法standard parallel approach
框架表示方式frame-like representation
植物授粉模plant pollination model
概率决策probabilistic decision
概率产生模probabilistic generative model
L*a*b* 模L*a*b* model
Voherra 模Voherra model
YIQ 模YIQ model
YUV 模YUV model
Willshaw-von der Malsburg's 模Willshaw-von der Malsburg model
RGB 模RGB model
Kohonen 模Kohonen's model
3-D 模3-D model
agent 模agent model
CMY 模CMY model
CMYK 模CMYK model
hue-saturation-brightness model HSB
hue-saturation-value model HSV
hue-saturation-intensity model HSI
FitzHugh-Fitzhugh-nagumo 模一种神经元模型FitzHugh-Fitzhugh-nagumo
2-D 模2-D model
基编码model-based coding
套件model suite
检查model checking
状态model state
相关完整性约束model-dependent integrity constraint
等价model equivalence
组合model composition
视图控制器体系结构model-view-controller architecture
选择model selection
驱动图式实例化model driven schema instantiation
驱动学习器model-driven learner
驱动的决策支持系统model-driven decision support system
"模板和弹簧"模templates and springs model
比例选择模proportional model
液压机器人hydraulic robot
混合专家模Mixture of Experts ME model
混合模推理mixed-mode reasoning
混合模mixed-mode chaining
滑动平均模Moving Average Model
版本空间模version-space model
特征-频率模attribute-frequency model
独立-粗粒度模型coarse-grained model
球面坐标机器人spherical coordinate robot
生命周期模life-cycle model
甲状腺模一种专家系统thyroid model
电动机器人electrical robot
监控机器人supervisory-controlled robot
盒中脑状态模brain-state-in-a-box model
直接模direct modeling
直接驱动机器人direct-drive robot
真空夹手vacuum gripper
眼睛几何模geometric model of eye
眼睛疱疹模ocular herpes model
知识密集学习knowledge intensive learning
知识密集工业knowledge intensive industry
知识模构建knowledge-model construction
确定决策decision making under certainty
确定图灵机deterministic Turing machine
确定有限自动机Deterministic Finite Automation
确定栈自动机Deterministic Stack Automation
确定线性有界自动机Deterministic Linear Bounded Automation
确定信号模deterministic signal model
确定性语言模deterministic language
示教再现机器人playback robot
神经网络信息理论模information-theoretic models of neural network
离子受体ionotropic receptor
离散discrete type
离散 Hopfield 神经网络Discrete Hopfield Neural Network
离散隐马尔可夫模Discrete Hidden Markov Model
积木式学习模block-box model of learning
竞争神经网络competitive neural network
笛卡儿坐标机器人Cartesian coordinate robot
笛卡儿坐标机械手Cartesian manipulator
特征结构type-feature structure
范围type range
类比表达模analogical representation model
系列加工模sequential processing model
纹理类texture categorization
纹理结构模texture structural model
纹理统计模texture statistical model
组织模organization model
细粒度模fine-grained model
统计信号模statistical signal model
统计模参数statistical model parameter
维护任务maintenance task
翘曲输人模warped-input model
联想高斯混合模associative Gaussian mixture model
聚类模clustering model
蛇模snake model
螺旋模spiral model
观察模observation model
规则模rule model
规则类rule type
morphological pattern
词汇发生器模logogen model
语义语法分析程序semantic grammar parser
语义特征-比较模semantic feature comparison model
语音产生模speech production model
语音信号模models for the speech signal
超类关系supertype relation
趋中模central-tendency model
跟踪系统模model of tracking system
路径受控机器人controlled-path robot
踏脚石模stepping-stone model
车流模traffic flow model
车辆模vehicle model
输人输出模input-output model
3-D 边缘模3-D edge model
运动区域类直方图Motion Region Type Histogram
连续 Hopfield 网络continuous Hopfield net
连续轨迹机器人continuous-path robot
连续隐马尔可夫模Continuous Hidden Markov Model
n-连词模n-gram modeling
迷失统合identity diffusion
<-> 递归网络状态空间模state-space model of recurrent network
通信类communication type
通用专家系统工具general expert system tool
通用夹手universal gripper
通用摄像机模general camera model
通用认知模Anderson's Cognitive Theory
遍历连续密度可变时长的隐马尔可夫模Ergodic Continuous Variable Duration Hidden Markov Model
遍历隐马尔可夫模Ergodic Hidden Markov Model
邻居群体模neighborhood model
随机决策decision under risk
随机联赛选择模stochastic tournament model
随机轨迹模stochastic trajectory model
<-> 集合导向语义网向集合型语义网set oriented semantic network
集合-理论模set-theoretical model
霍普菲尔德模Hopfield model
非限制语法unrestricted grammar
面向感知的彩色模perception-oriented color model
面向硬设备的模hardware-oriented model
预言模标记语言Predictive Model Markup Language
风险决策decision under risk
马尔可夫链模Markov-chain model
骨架专家系统开发工具shell expert system tool
高斯混合二元模Gaussian Mixture Bigram Model
高斯混合模Gaussian Mixture Model
龙门机器人gantry robot