
Terms for subject Consulting containing 型 DN | all forms
允许领导permissive leadership
工艺typical process
劳动密集工程建设labour intensive construction
劳动粗放产业labour extensive industry
回归模regression models
家庭电器major domestic electrical appliances
机器之观念supermachine concept
企业资询委员会small business advisory council
工业问题工作队Working Party on Small-Scale Industries
轻量miniature and light
时间表的类types of schedules
时间表的类type of schedules
硅片微电子集成电路integrated microcircuits-silicon wafer chips
规划模使用手册process model user manual
设计工作类types of product design work
道路类全天候公路,碎石路, 土路types of road all weather, macadam, dirt road
非劳动密集工业labour extensive industry