
Terms for subject Technology containing 型 钢 | all forms | in specified order only
一字型钢板桩straight-web steel sheet pile
三线式型钢轧机three-strand rod mill
不等边型钢unequal sides
不等边型钢unequal sections
不锈钢重型游标卡尺stainless steel heavy duty vernier calipers
不锈钢防腐针型阀stainless steel corrosion-resistant needle valve
串列式小型型钢轧机straightaway mill
低碳钢空心型材mild steel hollow section
倒T形轻型钢构件cross tee
光亮型钢bright steel bar
八角型钢octagonal bar steel
六角型钢bar steel
冷弯型钢moulded section
冷弯型钢coled-rolled forming section
冷弯型钢cold-rolled formed shape
冷弯型钢cold-formed steel
冷成型钢cold formed steel shape
冷拉的不锈钢型材drawn section in stainless steel
冷拉的不锈钢型材drawn shape in stainless steel
冷拉的不锈钢型材drawn profile in stainless steel
冷轧型钢cold-rolled steel section
冷轧型钢cold-rolled forming section
冷轧的轻型钢light-gauge cold-formed steel member
冷轧的轻型钢light-gage cold-formed steel member
加勒特式小型钢卷取机Garrett reel
半圆形截面型钢half-round iron
卡尼奇型钢Carnegie section
型钢steel sheet
型钢profiled steel sheet
压制型钢pressed steel shape
压制型钢pressed steel
压制型钢水槽pressed steel sectional tank
压制型钢水箱pressed steel sectional tank
双角型钢double angle section
变速型钢板给料机steel-pan variable speed feeder
可逆式型钢轧机reversing shape mill
周期断面型钢periodical section
商用轧制型钢commercial rolled section
四角型钢four-cornered bar
型钢bar steel
型材钢丝section wire
型模钢mould stee
型模钢mold stee
型钢billet bar
型钢iron section
型钢profile iron
型钢structural steel
型钢section reinforcement (配筋)
型钢section bar
型钢roller steel section
型钢rolled steel member
型钢rolled shape
型钢profiled steel
型钢profiled iron
型钢lightweight section
型钢figured bar iron
H 型钢wide flange steel
型钢sect ion steel
T 型钢T-iron
型钢bar steel
型钢剪切机beam cutter
型钢喷砂车间profile-blasting shop
型钢大梁compound girder
型钢底座formed steel base
型钢截面steel section
型钢截面积area of structural steel
型钢折弯机beam bender
型钢数量表quantity of shaped steel
型钢数量表quantity of section steel
型钢断面steel section
型钢断面rolled profile
型钢杆件rolled steel member
型钢structural section
型钢shaped steel plate
型钢pressed sheet metal
型钢构件rolled steel member
型钢构架structure-steel frame
型钢rolled steel column
型钢标准截面standard steel section
型钢标准断面standard steel section
型钢校直压力机straightening press for steel sections
型钢格栅rolled steel joist (beam)
型钢桁架bar girder
型钢框架section frame
型钢框架rolled section frame
H型钢steel H bearing pile
型钢rolled steel joist (beam)
型钢梁桥shape steel beam bridge
型钢梁桥rolled-beam bridge
型钢水池sectional tank
型钢混凝土房屋concrete-steel building
型钢混凝土柱steel reinforced concrete column
型钢混凝土柱steel framed reinforced concrete column
型钢混凝土混合结构composite construction in steel and concrete
型钢混凝土结构section steel concrete structure
型钢混成柱combination column
型钢混昆凝土steel reinforced concrete
型钢矫直机shape straightener
型钢结构formed steel construction
型钢轧制rolling of sections
型钢轧机mill for rolling sections
型钢轧槽sectional groove
型钢转向架pressed steel bogie
型钢连接bar link
型钢钢筋rigid armouring
型钢钢筋rigid armoring
墙砌型钢tailing iron
外装配玻璃型的钢窗油灰steel sash putty of the exterior glazing type
多种用途型钢小型轧材merchant bar
多辊型钢轧机stranded mill
型钢heavy section steel
型钢轧机heavy section mill
大型槽钢channel steel beam
大型轧钢厂heavy steel rolling plant
大型轧钢厂heavy steel rolling mill
大型轧钢机heavy merchant mill
大梁型钢girder section
实习型钢solid bar
容许的钢材类型permissible for types of steels
宽底盘型钢支座bearing pile
宽缘型钢universal shape
对称断面型钢symmetrical section steel
对称断面型钢symmetric section steel
型钢lightweight section
型钢light section
型钢制料车steel jubilee skip
型钢制翻斗车steel jubilee skip
型钢small steel shape
型钢材剪断机bar shears
型钢轧机light section mill
小型型钢轧机small section mill
小型槽钢junior channel
小型槽钢channel steel bar
小型轧钢厂bar mill
小型酸性转炉钢little Bessemer steel
小断面型钢bar size section
工字型钢I-section steel pile
型钢jumbo column section
带缘帽型钢lip hat section steel
平板型钢板桩straight-web steel sheet pile
平板型钢板桩flat web steel sheet pile
平腹板型钢板桩straight-web sheet pile
建筑型钢constructional steel profile
建筑钢型钢constructional steel section
建筑钢型材constructional steel section
型钢rolled section (材)
型钢fashioned iron
型钢profile wire
型钢profiled strip
型钢special-shaped steel
型钢special section
型钢deformed steel bar
型钢deformed reinforcing bar
型钢deformed bar
型钢compromising rail
型钢compromise rail
异型扁钢deformed flat steel
异型棒钢deformed round steel bar
异型轻槽钢deformed light channel steel
异形型钢bar steel
型钢化玻璃curved tempered glass
T形型钢T-steel bar
Z 形型钢Z-steel section
T 形型钢tee profile
彩色压型钢pressed colour coated steel sheet
彩色压型钢pressed color coated steel sheet
型钢丝钳microwire cutter
型钢丝钳microcutting pliers
型钢fabricated steel
型钢profile wire
型钢stamped plate
型钢formed plate
型钢forming die
型钢bar steel
扁型软钢flat mild steel bar
挤压型钢extruded section
斜型圆钢bevel bar
斜置钢梁孔型diagonal-beam pass
型钢bar steel
无缝型钢weldless tooled steel
无缝型钢weldless rolled steel
普通型钢conventional steel section
有孔巨型浇钢用砖tundish brick
木条或极轻型槽钢furring strip
条带式型钢strip steel section
标准型钢standard shape
标准异型钢standard rolled section
型钢楼板cellular steel floor
棒形型钢bar shape
型钢structural channel
热轧型钢hot-rolled steel section
热轧型钢hot-rolled section
热轧结构型钢hot-rolled structural section
焊接的型钢welded section steel
用轻型钢制作的钢构件light-gauge steel member
用轻型钢制作的钢构件light-gage steel member
直线型钢丝束straight cable
直腹板型钢板桩straight-web steel sheet pile
型钢bar steel
矩形空腹型钢rectangular hollow section
碳素钢板和型材shapes and bars
窗框型钢casement section
组合型钢built-up steel section (截面)
结构型钢structural shape steel
结构挤压型钢structural extruded shape
结构挤压型钢structural extruded section
结构钢型材structural steel section
结构钢型材structural steel shape
结构钢型材structural steel profile
结构钢空心型材structural steel hollow section
美国标准型钢American standard steel sections
肋型金属钢板rib-type expanded metal
船用型钢shipbuilding section
英国标准型钢British standard section iron
薄壁型钢light-gauge steel section
薄壁型钢thin-walled steel section
薄壁型钢light-gage steel section
薄壁型钢hollow steel section
薄的冷加工成型钢结构构件light-gauge cold-formed steel structural member
薄的冷加工成型钢结构构件light-gage cold-formed steel structural member
覆盖有翼缘板的Z形型钢Z-bar column with covers
轧制型钢rolled shape
轧制型钢rolled steel section
轧制型钢rolling section
轧制型钢rolled steel
轧制型钢rolled section
轧制低碳型钢rolled mild steel section
轧圆型材的轧钢机rolling mill for circular shapes
lightweight section
light section
型钢构件steel lightweight member
型钢构件lightweight steel member
型钢构架light-gauge steel framing
型钢构架light-gage steel framing
型钢steel lightweight girder
型钢筋弯曲light bending
型钢结构light-gage steel structure
型钢结构light-gauge steel structure
型钢结构light section steel structure
型钢结构lightweight steel structure
型钢结构steel light structure
型钢结构steel lightweight structure
型钢结构light-gage steel framing
型钢结构light-gauge steel framing
型钢结构light-gauge steel construction
型钢结构light-gage steel construction
型钢绳冲击钻架light cable percussion rig
轻型型钢light gauge steel
轻型型钢light-gage stee
轻型型钢light-gauge stee
轻型型钢light-gage section steel
轻型槽钢light channel steel
轻型槽钢thin-walled channel
轻型槽钢junior channel
轻型角钢light weight angle steel
轻型角钢lightweight angle steel
轻质型钢light sectional steel
轻质型钢lightweight section steel
轻质型钢lightweight sectional steel
轻质型钢light section steel
轻量型钢light-gauge stee
轻量型钢light-gage stee
道岔钢轨类型type of turnout rails
配套的小型钢铁联合企业small self-contained iron and steel complex
型钢筋弯曲heavy bending
重型型钢heavy section
钢丝刀一次快速成型法steel wire cutter one step quick forming
钢丝型表带mesh band
钢丝网水泥定型房屋ferro-cement modulus building
钢制定型摸板steel form panel
钢制定型模板steel form panel
钢制小型货车steel jubilee wagon
钢坯型钢剪切机billet and bar shears
钢型steel die
钢型号steel pattern number
钢屋顶型材steel roof profile
钢建筑类型steel type of construction
钢材型号steel type
钢板格型岸壁steel cellular bulkhead
钢板桩格型围堰steel cellular bulkhead
钢板桩格型岸壁steel cellular bulkhead
钢板桩格型岸壁cellular steel sheet pile bulkhead
钢板桩格型鼓胀bulging of cell
钢梁轧制孔型beam pass
钢梁孔型heam pass
钢梁孔型girder pass
钢模造型机die-cast machine
钢球传动型接触式气动塞规ball-driving contact-type air plug gauge
钢球传动型接触式气动塞规ball-driving contact-type air plug gage
钢琴型砌块piano block
钢窗型材iron sash bar
钢筋混凝土构造类型reinforced concrete construction type
钢筋混凝土用型钢waved tee bar (凸缘平直,腹板呈 S 形)
钢筋类型bar type
钢筋网成型机steel net forming machine
钢筋网铺设大型设备fabric laying jumbo
钢管轻型施工吊车steel tubing light building crane
钢管轻型施工起重机steel tubing light building crane
钢结构型材steel structural section
钢结构类型steel construction type
钢轨磨耗型断面wear profile of rail
钢铁型材iron and steel material shaped
钢锭型ingot case
铰接型钢hinged bar
隧道支护型钢steel-shape for tunnel support
预制钢型preformed die
高度 550 毫米的大型工字钢huge 550-millimetre high I-beams