
Terms for subject Bridge construction containing | all forms
不同的制作类different types of fabrication
主振dominant mode
系数factor of bodily form
系数coefficient of bodily form
光弹性模photoelastic model
光测弹性模photoelastic model
全尺寸模full-scale model
typical case
例子typical example
截面typical section
断面typical cross-section
桥梁typical bridge
级配typical grading
设计canonical design
冷制结构空心cold formed structural hollow section
冷弯cold-rolled forming section
冷弯cold-bending rolled steel
冷轧cold rolled section
凸缘flanged steel-section
分离separated type
刚度振rigid-body mode
动力学模dynamic model
压曲buckling mode
original form
prototype pile
试验full scale test
反对称振antisymmetrical mode of vibration
取决于荷载类的系数coefficient depending on type of load
各种类various type
固有振natural mode of vibration
地基类classification of foundation soil
地震区地基土类classification of foundation soil at seismic region
地震类type of earthquake
地震震earthquake oscillation mode
formed steel
rolled standard section steel
rolled shapes
rolled section
rolled steel
钢梁rolled steel beam
钢梁桥rolled steel beam bridge
钢混凝土桥steel section reinforced concrete bridge
钢混凝土桥shape steel reinforced concrete bridge
基本振fundamental mode
基本振fundamental vibration mode
基础类type of foundation
系数pier pattern factor
复制模reconstructed model
多柱multi-column type
工程big-scale works
建筑工地large scale site
建筑物huge construction
建筑物large building
建筑物large structure
桥梁large bridge
混凝土块huge concrete block
砌块large building block
砌块构造huge block construction
结构heavy structure
结构large structure
结构huge structure
结构massive structure
钻头large-size dill
预制混凝土板large precast concrete slab
大中建设项目large and medium-sized projects
大缩尺模large scale model
defi nite form
typical model
设计modular design
设计typical design
设计standardized design
设计normalized design
实尺模full scale model
实物模physical model
对称symmetry form
对称symmetrical form
对称振symmetric mode of vibration
倾卸车jubilee wagon
水库small resevoir
翻斗车jubilee skip
起重机giant crane
应力分布stress distribution pattern
开尔文模Kelvin model
弹塑性模elastic-plastic model
影响选择的类的因素factors affecting type selected
钻机core cutting machine
拱架类type of arch centering
按规范取决于横截面类的系数coefficient determined from specifications depending on the type of cross-section
natural mode of vibration
oscillation mode
函数model function
分析mode-shape analysis
分析modal analysis
分析analysis of vibration mo de
分析法mode analysis method
分解法mode resolution me thod
反应组合combination of modal responses
振动模oscillating model
振动模vibration model
数学模数学模式mathematical model
数学物理模mathematical physics model
整体integral type
new model
桥梁new type bridge
轨道结构new track structure
轨道结构non-conventional track structure
方格gridiron pattern
曲线预应力筋curved tendon
机车类type of locomotive
机车类locomotive type
标准standard form
标准standard steel section
标准standard section steel
围堰cellular bulkhead
围堰cellular cofferdam
布置图arrangement of form of bridge
桥梁模bridge model
桥梁类bridge type
桥梁类type of bridges
桥梁类选择choice of bridge type
桥梁选choice of bridge system
梅花quincuncial form
概率模probability model
梁桥trough girder bridge
不定性model uncertainty
与原型比较试验model-prototype comparison test
地震学model seismology
model bridge
桥梁model bridge
选择pattern selection
横截面的类type of cross section
ditch shape
河流类type of rivers
河流类river type
wave mode
洪水类flood type
流线stream shape
流线断面streamlined section
流线断面streamlined cross-section
流线桥墩streamlined pier
流线洞口streamlined inlet of culvert
流线洞口enlarged culvert inlet
浮沉振动bouncing vibration
浮沉驰振bouncing galloping
热轧hot rolled section
热轧hot rolled shape steel
焊接箱杆件welded box-member
特殊类基础special types of foundation
由板制成的shape fabricated from plate
皮尔逊III分布Pearson's type III distribution
皮尔逊III分布Pearson- III distribution
皮尔逊III分布曲线Pearson's type III distribution curve
皮尔逊III曲线Pearson's no. 3 curve
皮尔逊III曲线Pearson's type III curve
直线预应力筋straight tendon
离心成混凝土spun concrete
立体模spatial model
第一振first mode of vibration
第一振共振first mode resonance
第二振second mode of vibration
结构structural shape
结构structural type
结构类type of structure
缩尺真试验reduced scale proto type model test
荷载模load model
装配式钢筋混凝土Tassembly reinforced concrete T-beam
试验模trial model
试验模test model
足尺模full scale model
vehicle type
轨道类type of track
型钢light weight section
型钢light-gauge section steel
型钢light weight steel shape
桥台light abutment
桥台light-type abutment
桥墩light-type pier
的结构杆件light-gauge structural member
结构light structure
light-gauge section steel
钢结构light steel structure
钢轨light rail
优美be beautifully shaped
基础heavy foundation
墩台massive pier and abutment
拖车heavy trailer
结构massive structure
结构heavy construction
车辆heavy vehicle
载重汽车heavy truck
钢筋混凝土轻墩台reinforced concrete light type pier and abutment
钻头类type of borers
防护类protection type
防护类type of protection
限制的涵洞类restricted type of culvert
风载体系数coefficient of bodily form for wind load