
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing | all forms
多铸法pattern grouping
一次expendable mould
一次temporary mould
一次expendable mould
一次dispensable mould
一次expendable core
一次dead mould casting
一次铸件dead mould casting
一次模lost pattern
一步成one step forming
一水硬铝石铝土矿diasporic bauxite
一水软铝石铝土矿boehmitic bauxite
一水铝石铝土矿monohydrate bauxite ore
一水铝石铝土矿monohydrate bauxite
一水铝石铝土矿溶出monohydrate bauxite digestion
一级复single-stage replica
一维传热数学模one-dimensional heat transfer mathematical model
一维模one-dimensional model
丁字形挤压tee-section extrusions
万能孔universal pass
万能孔universal groove
三尖棱tripod shape
三度空间模three-dimensional model
三开three-part flask
三水铝石铝土矿trihydrate bauxite
三水铝石铝土矿gibbsitic bauxite
三水铝石铝土矿溶出trihydrate bauxite digestion
三线式棒材轧机three-strand rod mill
三维四分之一结晶器模3-D quarter-mold model
三维有限元热应力模three-dimensional finite element thermal stress model (结晶器的)
三维模three-dimensional model
三维模3-D model
三维磁流体动力学模three-dimensional MHD model
三角triangular shape
三角triangular section
三角triangular steel section
三角triangular section
三角triangular shape
三角three square
三角孔triangular pass
三角精轧孔triangular finishing pass (Y 形轧机的)
三轴向成triaxial compaction
三辊式钢轧机three-high section mill
三辊式钢轧机three-high shape mill
三辊式钢轧机three-high jobbing mill (采用单根轧制方式的)
mould cope
mould cover half
top part
cover die
上半mould top half
上半暗冒口cope bob
上压式造top-squeeze moulding machine
上模pattern cope
上部无浇冒口的底铸close-top mould
上陷top swage
压式造bottom squeeze moulding machine
anvil swage
芯用样板core-setting gauge
顶部浇口top gate
下半drag half of mould
下半mould bottom half
下半mould drag
下半bottom half mould
下半暗冒口drag bob
下压式造bottom squeeze moulding machine
下孔bottom pass
下山成downhill forming
下排孔bottom passes (三辊式轧机中下辊间的孔型)
下注bottom pour mould
下陷bottom swage
不定耐火材料unshaped refractory
不对称non-symmetrical section
不对称nonsymmetrical section
不对称孔unsymmetrical pass
不等壁厚异钢管special-shape tube with variable wall thickness
不等壁厚异钢管special-shape steel pipe with variable wall thickness
不规则钢矫直机irregular shape straightener
不规则刃位错irregular edge dislocation
不规则螺位错irregular screw dislocation
企口耐火砖groove type refractory
伊利球团竖炉Erie vertical shaft furnace
伊星强磁性体Ising model
位错edge dislocation (【技】伯格斯矢量与位错线垂直的位错。)
位错edge-type dislocation
位错edge type dislocation
位错交截edge dislocation intersection
位错壁wall of edge dislocations
位错壁wall of edge dislocation
位错阵列array of edge dislocations
边界edge boundary (由柏格斯矢量取向相同的刃型位错形成的)
连续混合机edge runner mixer
连续混合机edge-runner mixer
连续湿碾机edge runner wet mill
连续研磨机edge runner mill
连续研磨机edge runner mill
连续研磨盘edge runner pan
release agent
separating medium
parting agent
parting compound
match plate
对,双面match plate
match plate
模型parted pattern
模型parted pattern
模型part pattern
tap sand
parting sand
线parting line
jointing plane
division plane
jointing plane
mould joint
parting plane
parting face
division plane
面浇口parting gate
分块组合sectional pattern
分子复制备molecular replica
分子类分析molecular -type analysis
分批装模压batch weight method of moulding
分散断裂模.dispersed fracture model
分析模analytical model
分析模analytic model
分步塑fractional moulding
切分孔slitting pass
切深孔knifing pass
切深孔knife pass
切深孔knifing pass
mold closing
mould closing
夹具mold closer
定位销closing pin
柱塞closing plunger
closing cylinder
合成synthetic moulding sand
合金晶体管alloy type transistor
合闭砂closed sand mould
晶体isomorphous crystal
同号刃位错edge dislocation of one sign
类质同晶取代isomorphous substitution
同晶isomorphic groups
同晶isomorphous system
类质同晶isomorphous system
类质同晶置换isomorphous replacement
同素异形类allotropic form
同素异晶allotropic form
同质多晶物质polymorphic substance
空穴round type void
圆孔round pass
圆孔round groove
圆孔round former (成品前的)
圆形材轧机mill for rolling circular shapes
圆形孔round pass
圆-方孔round-square pass
圆筒卧式转炉PS converter
圆筒除尘器drum-type deduster
圆筒形永久金属铸 permanent metallic cylindrical mould (For casting pipes and similar shapes, a permanent metallic cylindrical mould, without any cores, is spun at high speed and liquid metal poured into it, so that centrifugal, force flings the metal to the face of the mould, thus producing a cast hollow cylinder of uniform wall thickness. 为了浇铸管子和类似形状的产品,可以将金属液浇人到一个高速旋转、没有型芯的圆筒形永久金属铸型中。由此产生的离心力将金属液甩到铸型内壁上,从而生产出壁厚均匀的圆筒形铸件。)
制作方法replica technique
制造方法thin film technique
制备电子显微镜检验用replica method
复制模造reproduced model moulding
复合小轧机compound bar mill
复合约束制振钢板composite vibration-damping steel sheet
复合约束制振钢板composite damping steel sheet
形状复杂complex section
形状复杂complex shape
复杂complex sections
复杂芯铸造intricate cored casting
复杂形状section with complicated shapes
复杂形状的complex shape
复杂断面孔complex section pass
威尔弗莱摇床Wilfley table
射压造injection moulding
射压造blow squeeze moulding
射压造injection moulding machine
射压造injection moulding process
冷轧机mini cold mill
减速机packaged reducer
初轧机small-size bloomer
初轧机baby bloomer
千斤顶midget jack
反应器small vessel
圆角光子egg sleeker
地方钢铁公司small local steel company (Currently there are numerous small local steel companies in China, and in general view, the Chinese steel industry is ripe for a rapid consolidation state. 目前,中国拥有大量的小型地方钢铁公司。人们普遍认为,中国钢铁工业进人快速整合的时机已经成熟。)
坯连铸拉出billet withdrawal
型材轧机产品bar mill products
型材轧机用坯bar mill feed
型钢lighter section
型钢small section
型钢merchant iron
型钢merchant bar
型钢light section
型钢bar stock
型钢 light shape
型钢merchant-bar iron
型钢 light section
型钢bar steel rolled stock
型钢卷取机thin-stock reel
型钢轧机light section mill
型钢轧机merchant-bar mill
型钢轧机.small section mill
型钢轧机merchant mill
型钢轧机light-section mill
型钢轧机组small section mill train
型钢轧机组merchant mill train
型钢轧机组light section rolling train
型钢轧机组small-section mill train
大方坯small bloom
大矩形坯small bloom
容器small vessel
小方坯small billet
布氏硬度计baby Brinell tester
布氏硬度计baby brinell
干燥器laboratory dryer
或中型型钢轧机jobbing mill
手动穿孔机portable hand punch
merchant bar
力发电站small hydro-electric plant
电解溶解器bench scale dissolver
焦炉small-size coke oven
焦炉small coke oven
电子束熔炼laboratory-scale electron beam melting
电容器midget condenser
电弧炉small-size electric arc furnace
电弧炉laboratory-scale arc furnace
电解槽small -scale cell
bench scale
电子bantam tube
簇状夹杂small cluster inclusion
结构钢small structural
装置small-scale plant
设备laboratory-scale plant
设备laboratory plant
诈机产品bar mill products
试验small-scale test
试验设备small-scale laboratory equipment
贝塞麦转炉baby Bessemer converter
轧机bar rolling mill
轧机merchant-bar mill
轧机small rolling mill
轧机merchant bar mill
轧机bar mill (【技】小型轧机:用于轧制方、圆、六角、八角钢等轧材的轧机。按机架布置分为横列式、棋盘式、半连续式、连续式等类型。)
轧机用坯bar mill feed
轧材型钢merchant bar
轧材bar mill products
轧材merchant bar
转炉small vessel
转炉small converter
转筒式干燥机packaged rotary drum dryer
连铸机small-scale continuous caster
透明热管喷枪small-scale transparent heat pipe lance
酸性转炉small Bessemer converter
酸性转炉baby Bessemer converter
量规light gauge
light sections
light section
figured bar iron
钢厂small-size steel plant
钢厂small-scale steel plant (【技】常指规模较小,配备有小高炉或无小高炉而采用化铁炼钢的长流程钢厂。因其资源消耗大、环境污染重,属于应关停的钢厂。注意与以废钢、直接还原铁或碳化铁等为炉料,采用电弧炉炼钢,通常配备有炉外精炼、连铸等先进设备的短流程小钢厂(英文通常称为 mini mill) 相区别°)
钢材small shape
钢材bar steel
钢材bar iron
钢材light shape
钢材剪切机bar shearing machine
钢材剪切机bar shear
钢材轧机mill for rolling light sections
钢材轧机bar iron rolling mill
钢材轧机机组bar iron rolling train
钢铁厂mini steel plant
小异small shape
小异small profiled bar
布喇德雷照相机X射线光学装置X-ray optics of Bradley-type camera
布雷德利照相机Bradley type camera
开口 open pass
开口孔open pass
开口开坯孔open breakdown pass
开口方孔open square pass
开口方形直通不翻转系统open-square strand passes
开口方形直通孔系统open square strand passes
开口箱形矩形open box pass
开口箱形孔open box pass
开口粗轧孔open roughing pass
开坯延伸cogging-down pass
开坯孔道次cogging-down pass
开坯孔first pass
开坯孔pinch pass
开坯孔breaking-down pass
开坯孔cogging-down pass
开坯孔cogging pass
开坯孔reducing pass
开坯孔pinch pass
开坯孔breaking down pass
开坯孔breakdown pass (【技】用于减小钢锭或钢坯的断面,为成品孔型提供合适的坯料。常用孔型有箱形、菱形、方形、三角形、六角形、椭圆形及圆形等。亦称开坯孔型。)
丝拉模profiled wire-drawing die
切割机profile cutting machine
制品formed part
制品fashion part
压实板shaped pressure squeeze board
shaped blank
型材shaped section
型钢profiled steel shape
型钢profiled steel section
大砖shaped block
孔型section groove
孔挤压模spider die
带材 shaped strip
带材section strip
带钢section strip
接头compromise joint
profiled shape
shaped rolled product
profiled section
profiled bar
材轧制shape rolling
材轧机shape mill
材轧机shaped section mill
棒钢deformed bar
shaped die
砂箱specially shaped moulding box
special brick shapes
shape (If a metal is intended to be shaped, for example by a deep drawing operation, it is essential that it should be ductile; in other words, its elongation figure should be high. 如果要对金属进行成形加工,例如进行深冲加工,最重要的是金属要有延性,换言之,它应具有较高的延伸率。)
fashioned brick
mechanical tube
管材shaped pipe (【技】亦称经济断面钢管。它包括横断面轮廓非圆形的、变壁厚的、沿长度方向变直径和变壁厚的、断面对称的和不对称的等,例如方形、矩形、锥形、梯形、螺旋形管等。)
管材shaped tube
管材profiled pipe
管材section tube
线材轧机profile wire rolling mill
耐火材料shaped refractory
耐火砖shaped refractory brick
薄板profiled sheet
轧材shaped rolled metal product
轧材profiled rolled product
轮廓气割机flame profiling machine
轮廓火焰切割机flame profiling machine
profile shaft
shaped steel
shape (正方形、圆形、矩形及六角形钢材除外)
profiled iron
钢丝section wire
钢丝shaped steel wire
钢丝profiled wire
钢丝profiled steel wire
钢材profiled rolled steel product
钢材shaped steel product
钢材shaped steel section
钢材profiled steel product
钢材shaped profile
钢材special sections (指板桩、轨枕、鱼尾板等特殊型钢)
钢材rolled sections
钢材定尺切割section dividing
钢材轧辊profiled roll
钢板profiled steel plate
钢管shaped steel tube
钢管profiled steel pipe
钢管special-shape steel pipe
钢管profiled steel tube
钢锭shaped steel ingot
钢锭profiled ingot
钢锭profiled steel ingot
钢锭shaped ingot
铁砧die block
铸件shaped casting
铸件mould casting
铸造shaped casting
铸造mould casting
异养菌种heterotrophic strain
异形special rolled-steel bar
异形shape steel rolled stock
异形凸缘flange pass
异形孔section groove
异形孔shaped pass
异形孔forming pass
戈德尔水泥砂造Godel process
挂钢漏钢 •hanger-type breakout
挂钢粘结hanger-type sticker
按类统计的漏钢次数No. of breakouts by type
按类统计的漏钢次数number of breakouts by type
按类统计的漏钢次数breakouts by type
明浇地面砂open floor mould
明浇砂open sand mould
明胶复gelatin replica
最佳孔optimum pass
最新up-to-date type
芯铸型cored foundry mould
有减震装置的震实式造shockless jolting machine
有孔件挤压成mouth-piece pressing compacting
有机涂层organic clad formed section
有模造pattern moulding
有限元模finite-element model
有限元热应力模finite-element thermal-stress model
标准standard duty
标准normalized form
标准standard design
标准机械压片机standard-type mechanical tableting machine
标准parent sections
标准standard section
标准parent section
ISO 标准 V 缺口冲击试验ISO V-notch impact test
标准连铸机standard type continuous caster
标准parent sections
标准parent section
标准模standard pattern
焊接welded steel sections
焊接welded sections (Welded sections are long products of open cross-section which have a shape characteristics of those products defined in 6. 2. 1. The sections are made up by welding together combination of hot-rolled long products, hot-rolled flat products and cold-rolled flat products instead of being obtained directly by hot rolling. 焊接型钢是具有开口横截面的条钢,它们的形状特点已由6. 2.1条界定。焊接型钢不是通过热轧直接获得,而是将热轧条钢、热轧扁平材和冷轧扁平材焊接组合制成。)
焊接成机组welding and forming mill
焊接结构welded structural shape
爆炸成explosive pressing
爆炸成explosive fabrication
爆炸成explosive compaction
爆炸成explosive shaping
爆炸造explosive force moulding machine
ball type valve
球团模pelletizing model
理想自由电子模ideal free electron model
理论轧制模theoretical rolling model
省料metal saver
sand mould (The centrifugal casting process yields a product having a dense, uniform outer surface; consequently a drain pipe or cylinder liner cast by this method is considered superior to similar ones cast in sand moulds. 采用离心铸造法生产的产品表面致密而均匀。因而,该法生产的排水管或气缸套质量优于砂型铸造的同类产品。)
sand mould
干燥炉mould-drying oven
硬度试验计mould-hardness tester
表观硬度apparent mould hardness
铸件sand mould casting
铸的生铁sand-cast pig
铸造sand-casting (【技】用型砂紧实造型的铸造方法,是铸造生产中应用最广泛的一种方法,,具有成本低、适应性广、生产准备简单、原材料来源广等优点。但精度较低、表面粗糙。)
铸造sand casting
铸造open sand casting
铸造轧辊sand roll
铸铁轧辊grain roll
砂箱造flask moulding
砂箱造box moulding
砂造sand moulding
稀释相燃料反应堆dilute-phase-type reactor
紊流抑制中间包防冲垫turbulence-suppressing tundish impact pad
紊流模turbulent flow model
紊流模turbulence model
脉冲type of pulse
脉冲类pulse type
脉冲类impulse type
舂入rampup core
舂入侧kiss core
bridge port die
仪表standard instrument
仪表master instrument
萃取复extraction replica
调整楔用小计算机minimum computer for wedge adjustment
送料孔swabbing pass
送料孔swabbing pass
震压式造jolt squeeze moulding machine
震压式造jolt ramming squeezer
震实式漏模造jolt pattern-draw moulding machine
震实式翻转起模造jolt roll-over pattern-draw moulding machine
震实式造jarring machine
震实式造jolt machine
震实式造dumping moulding machine
震实式造jar moulding machine
震实式造bumping moulding machine
震实造jolt moulding
震实造jar ram moulding machine
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